
(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling *                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

Require Import List Relations Utf8.

Import ListNotations.

#[local] Infix "∈" := (@In _) (at level 70, no associativity).

Definition list_is_nil {X} (l : list X) : { l = [] } + { l [] }.
Proof. now destruct l; [ left | right ]. Qed.

Section irred_high_level.

  Variables (X : Type)
            (f : X list X)
            (f_wf : well_founded (λ u v, u f v))
            (irred : X list X)
            (irred_nil : x, f x = [] irred x = [x])
            (irred_not : x, f x [] irred x = flat_map irred (f x))

  Fact irred_max x y : y irred x f y = [].
    induction (f_wf x) as [ x _ IHx ] in y.
    destruct (list_is_nil (f x)) as [ H | H ].
    + rewrite irred_nil; auto.
      now intros [ <- | [] ].
    + rewrite irred_not, in_flat_map; auto.
      intros (z & ? & ?); eauto.

  Fact irred_reach x y : y irred x clos_refl_trans _ (λ u v, u f v) y x.
    induction (f_wf x) as [ x _ IHx ] in y.
    destruct (list_is_nil (f x)) as [ H | H ].
    + rewrite irred_nil; auto.
      intros [ <- | [] ]; constructor 2.
    + rewrite irred_not, in_flat_map; auto.
      intros (z & Hz1 & Hz2).
      constructor 3 with z; auto.
      now constructor 1.

  Hint Resolve in_eq : core.

  Theorem irred_high_level_spec x y : y irred x f y = [] clos_refl_trans _ (λ u v, u f v) y x.
    + split.
      * now apply irred_max with x.
      * now apply irred_reach.
    + intros (H1 & H2); revert H2 H1.
      rewrite clos_rt_rtn1_iff.
      induction 1 as [ | x z H1 H2 IH2 ]; intros H.
      * rewrite irred_nil; auto.
      * rewrite irred_not, in_flat_map.
        - exists x; auto.
        - now intros e; rewrite e in H1.

  Section provability.

    Variables (P : X Prop)
              (HP : x, f x [] P x Forall P (f x)).

    Theorem irred_provability x : P x Forall P (irred x).
      induction (f_wf x) as [ x _ IHx ].
      destruct (list_is_nil (f x)) as [ H | H ].
      + rewrite irred_nil; auto.
        * repeat (constructor; auto).
        * now inversion 1.
      + rewrite irred_not; auto.
        rewrite Forall_flat_map, HP; auto.
        rewrite !Forall_forall.
        split; firstorder.

  End provability.

End irred_high_level.