Sequent calculus G4iSL
Definition of provability in G4iSL
Reserved Notation "Γ ⊢ φ" (at level 90).
Inductive Provable : forall {K : Kind}, @env K -> @form K -> Type :=
| Atom : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ p, Γ • (Var p) ⊢ (Var p)
| ExFalso : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ, Γ • ⊥ ⊢ φ
| AndR : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ,
Γ ⊢ φ -> Γ ⊢ ψ ->
Γ ⊢ (φ ∧ ψ)
| AndL : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ θ,
Γ • φ • ψ ⊢ θ ->
Γ • (φ ∧ ψ) ⊢ θ
| OrR1 : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ,
Γ ⊢ φ ->
Γ ⊢ (φ ∨ ψ)
| OrR2 : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ,
Γ ⊢ ψ ->
Γ ⊢ (φ ∨ ψ)
| OrL : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ θ,
Γ • φ ⊢ θ -> Γ • ψ ⊢ θ ->
Γ • (φ ∨ ψ) ⊢ θ
| ImpR : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ,
Γ • φ ⊢ ψ ->
Γ ⊢ (φ → ψ)
| ImpLVar : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ p φ ψ,
Γ • Var p • φ ⊢ ψ ->
Γ • Var p • (Var p → φ) ⊢ ψ
| ImpLAnd : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ,
Γ • (φ1 → (φ2 → φ3)) ⊢ ψ ->
Γ • ((φ1 ∧ φ2) → φ3) ⊢ ψ
| ImpLOr : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ,
Γ • (φ1 → φ3) • (φ2 → φ3) ⊢ ψ ->
Γ • ((φ1 ∨ φ2) → φ3) ⊢ ψ
| ImpLImp : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ,
Γ • (φ2 → φ3) ⊢ (φ1 → φ2) ->Γ • φ3 ⊢ ψ ->
Γ • ((φ1 → φ2) → φ3) ⊢ ψ
| ImpBox : ∀ (Γ : @env Modal) (φ1 φ2 ψ : form),
(⊗ Γ) • □ φ1 • φ2 ⊢ φ1 ->
Γ • φ2 ⊢ ψ ->
Γ • ((□ φ1) → φ2) ⊢ ψ
| BoxR : ∀ Γ φ, open_boxes Γ • □ φ ⊢ φ -> Γ ⊢ □ φ
where "Γ ⊢ φ" := (@Provable _ Γ φ).
Notation "Γ ⊢iSL φ" := (@Provable Modal Γ φ) (at level 90).
Notation "Γ ⊢IPC φ" := (@Provable Normal Γ φ) (at level 90).
Global Hint Constructors Provable : proof.
Inductive Provable : forall {K : Kind}, @env K -> @form K -> Type :=
| Atom : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ p, Γ • (Var p) ⊢ (Var p)
| ExFalso : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ, Γ • ⊥ ⊢ φ
| AndR : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ,
Γ ⊢ φ -> Γ ⊢ ψ ->
Γ ⊢ (φ ∧ ψ)
| AndL : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ θ,
Γ • φ • ψ ⊢ θ ->
Γ • (φ ∧ ψ) ⊢ θ
| OrR1 : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ,
Γ ⊢ φ ->
Γ ⊢ (φ ∨ ψ)
| OrR2 : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ,
Γ ⊢ ψ ->
Γ ⊢ (φ ∨ ψ)
| OrL : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ θ,
Γ • φ ⊢ θ -> Γ • ψ ⊢ θ ->
Γ • (φ ∨ ψ) ⊢ θ
| ImpR : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ,
Γ • φ ⊢ ψ ->
Γ ⊢ (φ → ψ)
| ImpLVar : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ p φ ψ,
Γ • Var p • φ ⊢ ψ ->
Γ • Var p • (Var p → φ) ⊢ ψ
| ImpLAnd : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ,
Γ • (φ1 → (φ2 → φ3)) ⊢ ψ ->
Γ • ((φ1 ∧ φ2) → φ3) ⊢ ψ
| ImpLOr : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ,
Γ • (φ1 → φ3) • (φ2 → φ3) ⊢ ψ ->
Γ • ((φ1 ∨ φ2) → φ3) ⊢ ψ
| ImpLImp : ∀ {K : Kind} Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ,
Γ • (φ2 → φ3) ⊢ (φ1 → φ2) ->Γ • φ3 ⊢ ψ ->
Γ • ((φ1 → φ2) → φ3) ⊢ ψ
| ImpBox : ∀ (Γ : @env Modal) (φ1 φ2 ψ : form),
(⊗ Γ) • □ φ1 • φ2 ⊢ φ1 ->
Γ • φ2 ⊢ ψ ->
Γ • ((□ φ1) → φ2) ⊢ ψ
| BoxR : ∀ Γ φ, open_boxes Γ • □ φ ⊢ φ -> Γ ⊢ □ φ
where "Γ ⊢ φ" := (@Provable _ Γ φ).
Notation "Γ ⊢iSL φ" := (@Provable Modal Γ φ) (at level 90).
Notation "Γ ⊢IPC φ" := (@Provable Normal Γ φ) (at level 90).
Global Hint Constructors Provable : proof.
We show that equivalent multisets prove the same things.
Global Instance proper_Provable {K : Kind} : Proper ((≡@{env}) ==> (=) ==> (=)) Provable.
Proof. intros Γ Γ' Heq φ φ' Heq'. ms. Qed.
Global Ltac equiv_tac :=
repeat rewrite <- list_to_set_disj_rm;
repeat rewrite <- list_to_set_disj_env_add;
repeat (rewrite <- difference_singleton; trivial);
try rewrite <- list_to_set_disj_rm;
try (rewrite union_difference_L by trivial);
try (rewrite union_difference_R by trivial);
try ms.
Proof. intros Γ Γ' Heq φ φ' Heq'. ms. Qed.
Global Ltac equiv_tac :=
repeat rewrite <- list_to_set_disj_rm;
repeat rewrite <- list_to_set_disj_env_add;
repeat (rewrite <- difference_singleton; trivial);
try rewrite <- list_to_set_disj_rm;
try (rewrite union_difference_L by trivial);
try (rewrite union_difference_R by trivial);
try ms.
We introduce a tactic "peapply" which allows for application of a G4ip rule
even in case the environment needs to be reordered
Ltac exch n := match n with
| O => match goal with |- ?a • ?b • ?c ⊢ _ =>
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (env_add_comm a b c) _ _ eq_refl) end
| S O => rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (env_add_comm _ _ _)) _ _ eq_refl)
| S (S O) => rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (env_add_comm _ _ _))) _ _ eq_refl)
| S (S (S O)) => rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (env_add_comm _ _ _)))) _ _ eq_refl)
The tactic "exhibit" exhibits an element that is in the environment.
Ltac exhibit Hin n := match n with
| 0 => rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (difference_singleton _ _ Hin) _ _ eq_refl)
| 1 => rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (difference_singleton _ _ Hin)) _ _ eq_refl)
| 2 => rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (difference_singleton _ _ Hin))) _ _ eq_refl)
| 3 => rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (difference_singleton _ _ Hin)))) _ _ eq_refl)
| 0 => rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (difference_singleton _ _ Hin) _ _ eq_refl)
| 1 => rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (difference_singleton _ _ Hin)) _ _ eq_refl)
| 2 => rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (difference_singleton _ _ Hin))) _ _ eq_refl)
| 3 => rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (difference_singleton _ _ Hin)))) _ _ eq_refl)
The tactic "forward" tries to change a goal of the form :
((Γ•φ ∖ {ψ}•…) ⊢ …
((Γ ∖ {ψ}•…•φ) ⊢ … ,
by first proving that ψ ∈ Γ.
Ltac forward := match goal with
| |- (?Γ•?φ) ∖ {[?ψ]} ⊢ _ =>
let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
assert(Hin : ψ ∈ Γ) by ms;
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (env_replace φ Hin) _ _ eq_refl)
| |- (?Γ•?φ) ∖ {[?ψ]}•_ ⊢ _ =>
let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
assert(Hin : ψ ∈ Γ) by ms;
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (env_replace φ Hin)) _ _ eq_refl);
exch 0
| |- (?Γ•?φ) ∖ {[?ψ]}•_•_ ⊢ _ =>
let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
assert(Hin : ψ ∈ Γ) by ms;
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (env_replace φ Hin))) _ _ eq_refl);
exch 1; exch 0
| |- (?Γ•?φ) ∖ {[?ψ]}•_•_•_ ⊢ _ =>
let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
assert(Hin : ψ ∈ Γ) by ms;
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (env_replace φ Hin)))) _ _ eq_refl);
exch 2; exch 1; exch 0
| |- (?Γ•?φ) ∖ {[?ψ]}•_•_•_•_ ⊢ _ =>
let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
assert(Hin : ψ ∈ Γ) by ms;
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (env_replace φ Hin))))) _ _ eq_refl);
exch 3; exch 2; exch 1; exch 0
The tactic "backward" changes a goal of the form :
((Γ ∖ {ψ}•…•φ) ⊢ …
((Γ•φ ∖ {ψ}•…) ⊢ …,
by first proving that ψ ∈ Γ.
Ltac backward := match goal with
| |- ?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]}•?φ ⊢ _ =>
let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
assert(Hin : ψ ∈ Γ) by (ms || eauto with proof);
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (symmetry(env_replace _ Hin)) _ _ eq_refl)
| |- ?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]}•_•?φ ⊢ _ =>
let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
assert(Hin : ψ ∈ Γ) by (ms || eauto with proof); try exch 0;
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (symmetry(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (env_replace _ Hin))) _ _ eq_refl)
| |- ?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]}•_•_•?φ ⊢ _ =>
let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
assert(Hin : ψ ∈ Γ) by (ms || eauto with proof); exch 0; exch 1;
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (symmetry(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (env_replace φ Hin)))) _ _ eq_refl)
| |- ?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]}•_•_•_•?φ ⊢ _ =>
let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
assert(Hin : ψ ∈ Γ) by (ms || eauto with proof); exch 0; exch 1; exch 2;
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (symmetry(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (env_replace φ Hin))))) _ _ eq_refl)
| |- ?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]}•_•_•_•_•?φ ⊢ _ =>
let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
assert(Hin : ψ ∈ Γ) by (ms || eauto with proof); exch 0; exch 1; exch 2; exch 3;
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (symmetry(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (env_replace φ Hin)))))) _ _ eq_refl)
The tactic "rw" rewrites the environment equivalence Heq under the nth formula in the premise.
Ltac rw Heq n := match n with
| 0 => erewrite (proper_Provable _ _ Heq _ _ eq_refl)
| 1 => erewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r Heq) _ _ eq_refl)
| 2 => erewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r Heq)) _ _ eq_refl)
| 3 => erewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r Heq))) _ _ eq_refl)
| 4 => erewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (equiv_disj_union_compat_r Heq)))) _ _ eq_refl)
| 5 => erewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (equiv_disj_union_compat_r Heq))))) _ _ eq_refl)
Ltac box_tac :=
let rec box_tac_aux Δ n := lazymatch Δ with
|⊗(?Δ' • ?φ) => rewrite (open_boxes_add Δ' φ)
|⊗(?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]}) => match goal with |H: ψ ∈ Γ |- _ => rw (open_boxes_remove Γ ψ H) n end
| ?Δ' • ?φ => box_tac_aux Δ' (S n) end
try match goal with | |- ?Δ ⊢ _ => box_tac_aux Δ 0 end; simpl.
| 0 => erewrite (proper_Provable _ _ Heq _ _ eq_refl)
| 1 => erewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r Heq) _ _ eq_refl)
| 2 => erewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r Heq)) _ _ eq_refl)
| 3 => erewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r Heq))) _ _ eq_refl)
| 4 => erewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (equiv_disj_union_compat_r Heq)))) _ _ eq_refl)
| 5 => erewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (equiv_disj_union_compat_r Heq))))) _ _ eq_refl)
Ltac box_tac :=
let rec box_tac_aux Δ n := lazymatch Δ with
|⊗(?Δ' • ?φ) => rewrite (open_boxes_add Δ' φ)
|⊗(?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]}) => match goal with |H: ψ ∈ Γ |- _ => rw (open_boxes_remove Γ ψ H) n end
| ?Δ' • ?φ => box_tac_aux Δ' (S n) end
try match goal with | |- ?Δ ⊢ _ => box_tac_aux Δ 0 end; simpl.