(* It took me a day and a half of work to write the file below
(14-15/11/2022). *)
Require Import List.
Export ListNotations.
Require Import PeanoNat Arith.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import KS_export.
Require Import general_export.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* Material to define Craig interpolants. *)
Fixpoint propvar_subform (φ : MPropF) : list MPropF :=
match φ with
| Var p => (Var p) :: nil
| Bot => nil
| Imp ψ χ => (propvar_subform ψ) ++ ( propvar_subform χ)
| Box ψ => ( propvar_subform ψ)
Fixpoint propvar_subform_list (l : list MPropF) : list MPropF :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| φ :: t => (propvar_subform φ) ++ (propvar_subform_list t)
(* Lemmas about propvar_subform_list. *)
Lemma propvar_subform_list_app: forall l0 l1,
propvar_subform_list (l0 ++ l1) = (propvar_subform_list l0) ++ (propvar_subform_list l1).
induction l0.
- simpl. auto.
- intros. simpl. rewrite (IHl0). rewrite <- app_assoc ; auto.
Lemma propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list : forall l A, In A (propvar_subform_list (unboxed_list l)) -> In A (propvar_subform_list l).
induction l.
- auto.
- simpl. intros. apply in_app_or in H. destruct H. apply in_or_app ; left. destruct a ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; auto.
Lemma propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext : forall l0 l1, nobox_gen_ext l0 l1 ->
(forall A, In A (propvar_subform_list l0) -> In A (propvar_subform_list l1)).
intros l0 l1 H. induction H ; auto.
- simpl ; intros. apply in_or_app. apply in_app_or in H0 ; destruct H0 ; auto.
- simpl ; intros. apply in_or_app ; auto.
Lemma InT_var_provar : forall P Γ, InT # P Γ -> InT # P (propvar_subform_list Γ).
induction Γ ; auto. intro. simpl. inversion H ; subst ; simpl. apply InT_eq.
apply InT_or_app ; right. auto.
(* Craig interpolation theorem. *)
Theorem Craig_Interpolation : forall Γ0 Γ1 Δ0 Δ1,
KS_prv (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) ->
(existsT2 (I : MPropF), (forall p, In (Var p) (propvar_subform I) -> In (Var p) (propvar_subform_list (Γ0 ++ Δ0)) *
In (Var p) (propvar_subform_list (Γ1 ++ Δ1))) *
(KS_prv (Γ0, I :: Δ0)) *
(KS_prv (I :: Γ1, Δ1))).
(* Setting the statement right. *)
intros. remember (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) as s. revert Heqs.
generalize dependent Γ0. generalize dependent Γ1. generalize dependent Δ0. generalize dependent Δ1.
remember (derrec_height X) as n. revert Heqn. generalize dependent X. generalize dependent s.
generalize dependent n.
(* Using strong induction. *)
pose ((well_founded_induction_type lt_wf) (fun (x:nat) => forall (s : list MPropF * list MPropF) (X : KS_prv s),
x = derrec_height X ->
forall Δ1 Δ0 Γ1 Γ0 : list MPropF,
s = (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) ->
existsT2 I : MPropF,
(forall p, In # p (propvar_subform I) -> In (Var p) (propvar_subform_list (Γ0 ++ Δ0)) *
In (Var p) (propvar_subform_list (Γ1 ++ Δ1))) * KS_prv (Γ0, I :: Δ0) *
KS_prv (I :: Γ1, Δ1))).
apply s. clear s.
(* Start of the intuitive proof. *)
unfold KS_prv. intros n IHn s D. subst. remember D as D'. destruct D ; intros.
(* D0 is a leaf *)
- inversion f.
(* D0 ends with an application of rule *)
- inversion k.
(* IdP *)
* inversion H1. subst. inversion H5 ; subst. assert (J: InT (# P) (Γ0 ++ Γ1)). rewrite <- H0.
apply InT_or_app ; right ; apply InT_eq. apply InT_app_or in J. destruct J.
+ assert (J: InT (# P) (Δ0 ++ Δ1)). rewrite <- H2.
apply InT_or_app ; right ; apply InT_eq. apply InT_app_or in J. destruct J.
-- exists (Bot). repeat split. intros. 1,2: inversion H.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dersrec_nil. apply IdP.
apply InT_split in i. destruct i. destruct s. subst.
assert (J: InT # P (Bot :: Δ0)). apply InT_cons. auto.
apply InT_split in J. destruct J. destruct s. rewrite e. apply IdPRule_I.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dersrec_nil. apply BotL. apply (BotLRule_I []).
-- exists (# P). repeat split. intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto ; try rewrite <- H. 2, 4: inversion H.
1-2: repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; apply in_or_app. left ; apply InT_In ; apply InT_var_provar ; auto.
right ; apply InT_In ; apply InT_var_provar ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dersrec_nil. apply IdP.
apply InT_split in i. destruct i. destruct s. subst.
assert (J: # P :: Δ0 = [] ++ # P :: Δ0). auto. rewrite J. clear J. apply IdPRule_I.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dersrec_nil. apply IdP.
apply InT_split in i0. destruct i0. destruct s. subst.
assert (J: # P :: Γ1 = [] ++ # P :: Γ1). auto. rewrite J. clear J. apply IdPRule_I.
+ assert (J: InT (# P) (Δ0 ++ Δ1)). rewrite <- H2.
apply InT_or_app ; right ; apply InT_eq. apply InT_app_or in J. destruct J.
-- exists (# P --> Bot). repeat split.
1,2: simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto ; try rewrite <- H. 2, 4: inversion H.
1-2: repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; apply in_or_app. right ; apply InT_In ; apply InT_var_provar ; auto.
left ; apply InT_In ; apply InT_var_provar ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ # P :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert (J: (Γ0, # P --> Bot :: Δ0) = ([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ # P --> Bot :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite J. clear J. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dersrec_nil. apply IdP.
assert (J: InT # P ([] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply InT_cons. auto. apply InT_split in J. destruct J. destruct s.
rewrite e. apply IdPRule_I.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ1, [] ++ # P :: Δ1);([] ++ Bot :: Γ1, [] ++ Δ1)]). apply ImpL.
assert (J: (# P --> Bot :: Γ1, Δ1) = ([] ++ # P --> Bot :: Γ1, [] ++ Δ1)). auto. rewrite J. clear J. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dlNil. apply IdP.
assert (J: InT # P ([] ++ Γ1)). simpl ; auto. apply InT_split in J. destruct J. destruct s.
rewrite e. apply IdPRule_I. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dlNil. apply BotL.
apply BotLRule_I.
-- exists (Bot --> Bot). repeat split. intros. 1,2: inversion H.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Bot :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ0, Bot --> Bot :: Δ0) = ([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ Bot --> Bot :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. clear H.
apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL.
apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dersrec_nil. apply IdP.
assert (J: InT # P (Bot --> Bot :: Γ1)). apply InT_cons. auto.
apply InT_split in J. destruct J. destruct s. rewrite e.
apply InT_split in i0. destruct i0. destruct s. subst. apply IdPRule_I.
(* BotL *)
* inversion H1. subst. assert (J: InT Bot (Γ0 ++ Γ1)). inversion H5 ; subst.
apply InT_or_app ; right ; apply InT_eq. apply InT_app_or in J. destruct J.
+ exists Bot. repeat split. intros. 1,2: inversion H.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. 2: apply dlNil.
apply InT_split in i. destruct i. destruct s. subst. apply BotLRule_I.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. 2: apply dlNil.
assert (J: (Bot :: Γ1, Δ1) = ([] ++ Bot :: Γ1, Δ1)). auto. rewrite J. apply BotLRule_I.
+ exists (Bot --> Bot). repeat split. intros. 1,2: inversion H.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Bot :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ0, Bot --> Bot :: Δ0) = ([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ Bot --> Bot :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. clear H.
apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL.
apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. 2: apply dlNil.
assert (J: InT Bot (Bot --> Bot :: Γ1)). apply InT_cons ; auto.
apply InT_split in J. destruct J. destruct s. rewrite e. apply BotLRule_I.
(* ImpR *)
* inversion H1. subst. inversion H5 ; subst. simpl in IHn.
assert (J: dersrec_height d = dersrec_height d). auto. apply dersrec_derrec_height in J.
destruct J.
assert (J1: derrec_height x = derrec_height x). auto.
assert (J3: list_exch_L (Γ2 ++ A :: Γ3, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3) (A :: Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3)).
rewrite <- H0. assert (Γ2 ++ A :: Γ3 = [] ++ [] ++ Γ2 ++ [A] ++ Γ3). auto. rewrite H.
assert (A :: Γ2 ++ Γ3 = [] ++ [A] ++ Γ2 ++ [] ++ Γ3). auto. rewrite H3. apply list_exch_LI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_L _ x _ J3). destruct s.
assert (J5: derrec_height x0 = derrec_height x0). auto.
assert (J4: list_exch_L (A :: Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3) (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3)).
assert (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1 = [] ++ [] ++ Γ0 ++ [A] ++ Γ1). auto. rewrite H.
assert (A :: Γ0 ++ Γ1 = [] ++ [A] ++ Γ0 ++ [] ++ Γ1). auto. rewrite H3. apply list_exch_LI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_L _ x0 _ J4). destruct s.
assert (J0: derrec_height x1 < S (dersrec_height d)). rewrite <- e. apply PeanoNat.le_lt_n_Sm.
apply (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l0 l).
assert (J6: derrec_height x1 = derrec_height x1). auto.
pose (IHn _ J0 _ _ J6).
apply app2_find_hole in H2. destruct H2. repeat destruct s0 ; destruct p ; subst.
+ assert (J2: (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3) = (Γ0 ++ (A :: Γ1), Δ2 ++ (B :: Δ3))). auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p. exists x3. repeat split ; auto.
intros. apply p in H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H. simpl. destruct H.
apply in_app_or in i. destruct i. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply p in H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H. simpl. destruct H.
apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H. destruct H. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H. destruct H. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(x3 :: A :: Γ1, B :: Δ3)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((x3 :: Γ1, A --> B :: Δ3) = ([x3] ++ Γ1, [] ++ A --> B :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H.
assert ((x3 :: A :: Γ1, B :: Δ3) = ([x3] ++ A :: Γ1, [] ++ B :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H2. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons ; auto. apply dlNil.
+ destruct x2 ; subst.
-- simpl in e1. subst. rewrite app_nil_r.
assert (J2: (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3) = (Γ0 ++ (A :: Γ1), Δ2 ++ (B :: Δ3))). auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p. exists x2. repeat split ; auto.
intros. apply p in H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app. simpl. destruct H. auto.
apply p in H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app. simpl. destruct H.
apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(x2 :: A :: Γ1, B :: Δ3)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((x2 :: Γ1, A --> B :: Δ3) = ([x2] ++ Γ1, [] ++ A --> B :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H.
assert ((x2 :: A :: Γ1, B :: Δ3) = ([x2] ++ A :: Γ1, [] ++ B :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H2. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons ; auto. apply dlNil.
-- inversion e1. subst.
assert (J2: (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ2 ++ B :: x2 ++ Δ1) = ((Γ0 ++ [A]) ++ Γ1, (Δ2 ++ B :: x2) ++ Δ1)).
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ; auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p. exists x3. repeat split ; auto.
intros. apply p in H. simpl in H. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; simpl in H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H.
destruct H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app. simpl. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app. simpl.
apply in_app_or in i. destruct i. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
intros. apply p in H. simpl in H. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; simpl in H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H.
destruct H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app.
apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0. 1-2: apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(Γ0 ++ A :: [], (x3 :: Δ2) ++ B :: x2)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ0, x3 :: Δ2 ++ A --> B :: x2) = (Γ0 ++ [], (x3 :: Δ2) ++ A --> B :: x2)). rewrite app_nil_r. auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons ; auto. apply dlNil.
+ assert (J2: (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, (Δ0 ++ x2) ++ B :: Δ3) = (Γ0 ++ (A :: Γ1), Δ0 ++ (x2)++ B :: Δ3)). repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p. exists x3. repeat split ; auto.
intros. 1,2: apply p in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; simpl in H ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ;
destruct H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl.
apply in_app_or in i. destruct i. 1,2: apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(x3 :: A :: Γ1, x2 ++ B :: Δ3)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((x3 :: Γ1, x2 ++ A --> B :: Δ3) = ([x3] ++ Γ1, x2 ++ A --> B :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H.
assert ((x3 :: A :: Γ1, x2 ++ B :: Δ3) = ([x3] ++ A :: Γ1, x2 ++ B :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H2. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons ; auto. apply dlNil.
(* ImpL *)
* inversion H1. subst. inversion H5 ; subst. simpl in IHn.
assert (J: dersrec_height d = dersrec_height d). auto. apply dersrec_derrec2_height in J.
destruct J. destruct s.
assert (J1: derrec_height x = derrec_height x). auto.
assert (J3: list_exch_R (Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ2 ++ A :: Δ3) (Γ2 ++ Γ3, A :: Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
rewrite <- H2. assert (Δ2 ++ A :: Δ3 = [] ++ [] ++ Δ2 ++ [A] ++ Δ3). auto. rewrite H.
assert (A :: Δ2 ++ Δ3 = [] ++ [A] ++ Δ2 ++ [] ++ Δ3). auto. rewrite H3. apply list_exch_RI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_R _ x _ J3). destruct s.
assert (J5: derrec_height x1 = derrec_height x1). auto.
assert (J4: list_exch_R (Γ2 ++ Γ3, A :: Δ0 ++ Δ1) (Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)).
assert (Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1 = [] ++ [] ++ Δ0 ++ [A] ++ Δ1). auto. rewrite H.
assert (A :: Δ0 ++ Δ1 = [] ++ [A] ++ Δ0 ++ [] ++ Δ1). auto. rewrite H3. apply list_exch_RI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_R _ x1 _ J4). destruct s.
assert (existsT2 (x3 : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => False) (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1)), derrec_height x3 <= dersrec_height d).
rewrite <- H2. exists x0 ; auto. rewrite e. apply Nat.le_max_r. destruct X.
apply app2_find_hole in H0. destruct H0. repeat destruct s ; destruct p ; subst.
+ assert (J11: derrec_height x2 < S (dersrec_height d)). rewrite e. apply PeanoNat.le_lt_n_Sm.
apply Nat.max_le_iff. left. apply (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l0 l).
assert (J12: derrec_height x2 = derrec_height x2). auto.
pose (IHn _ J11 _ _ J12).
assert (J2: (Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) = (Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)). auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p.
assert (J13: derrec_height x3 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J14: derrec_height x3 = derrec_height x3). auto.
pose (IHn _ J13 _ _ J14).
assert (J2: (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1) = (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1)). auto.
apply s0 in J2. destruct J2. destruct p0. destruct p0.
exists ((x5 --> (x6 --> Bot)) --> Bot). repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ; apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. 1,2: apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) :: Γ2, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ2, (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: Δ0) = ([] ++ Γ2, [] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ2, [] ++ x5 :: Bot :: Δ0);([] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Γ2, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d1 = derrec_height d1). auto.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (Γ2, [x5] ++ Δ0) (Γ2, [x5] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d1 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ2, [] ++ x6 :: Bot :: Δ0);([] ++ Bot :: Γ2, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d3 = derrec_height d3). auto.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (Γ2, [x6] ++ Δ0) (Γ2, [x6] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d3 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) :: Δ1);([] ++ Bot :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1)]).
assert (((x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: A --> B :: Γ3, Δ1) = ([] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1)). auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ x5 :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)]). apply ImpR. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons.
apply derI with (ps:=[([x5] ++ Γ3, [] ++ A :: x6 --> Bot :: Δ1);([x5] ++ B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)]).
assert (([] ++ x5 :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1) = ([x5] ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)). auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons. 3: apply dlNil.
assert (J15: derrec_height d0 = derrec_height d0). auto. simpl.
assert (J16: wkn_R (x6 --> Bot) (x5 :: Γ3, [A]++ Δ1) (x5 :: Γ3, [A] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d0 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([x5] ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Bot :: Δ1)]). apply ImpR. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons.
assert (J15: derrec_height d2 = derrec_height d2). auto. simpl.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (x6 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1) (x6 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d2 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1.
assert (J17: derrec_height x7 = derrec_height x7). auto. simpl.
assert (J18: wkn_L x5 ([] ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, Bot :: Δ1) ([] ++ x5 :: x6 :: B :: Γ3, Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_LI. simpl in J18.
pose (KS_wkn_L _ _ x7 J17 _ _ J18). destruct s1. auto. apply dlNil. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
+ destruct x4.
-- simpl. repeat rewrite app_nil_r. simpl in e1. subst.
assert (J11: derrec_height x2 < S (dersrec_height d)). rewrite e. apply PeanoNat.le_lt_n_Sm.
apply Nat.max_le_iff. left. apply (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l0 l).
assert (J12: derrec_height x2 = derrec_height x2). auto.
pose (IHn _ J11 _ _ J12).
assert (J2: (Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) = (Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)). auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p.
assert (J13: derrec_height x3 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J14: derrec_height x3 = derrec_height x3). auto.
pose (IHn _ J13 _ _ J14).
assert (J2: (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1) = (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1)). auto.
apply s0 in J2. destruct J2. destruct p0. destruct p0.
exists ((x4 --> (x5 --> Bot)) --> Bot). repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ; apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. 1,2: apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ (x4 --> x5 --> Bot) :: Γ2, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ2, (x4 --> x5 --> Bot) --> Bot :: Δ0) = ([] ++ Γ2, [] ++ (x4 --> x5 --> Bot) --> Bot :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ2, [] ++ x4 :: Bot :: Δ0);([] ++ x5 --> Bot :: Γ2, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d1 = derrec_height d1). auto.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (Γ2, [x4] ++ Δ0) (Γ2, [x4] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d1 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ2, [] ++ x5 :: Bot :: Δ0);([] ++ Bot :: Γ2, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d3 = derrec_height d3). auto.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (Γ2, [x5] ++ Δ0) (Γ2, [x5] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d3 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ (x4 --> x5 --> Bot) :: Δ1);([] ++ Bot :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1)]).
assert (((x4 --> x5 --> Bot) --> Bot :: A --> B :: Γ3, Δ1) = ([] ++ (x4 --> x5 --> Bot) --> Bot :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1)). auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ x4 :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x5 --> Bot :: Δ1)]). apply ImpR. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons.
apply derI with (ps:=[([x4] ++ Γ3, [] ++ A :: x5 --> Bot :: Δ1);([x4] ++ B :: Γ3, [] ++ x5 --> Bot :: Δ1)]).
assert (([] ++ x4 :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x5 --> Bot :: Δ1) = ([x4] ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x5 --> Bot :: Δ1)). auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons. 3: apply dlNil.
assert (J15: derrec_height d0 = derrec_height d0). auto. simpl.
assert (J16: wkn_R (x5 --> Bot) (x4 :: Γ3, [A]++ Δ1) (x4 :: Γ3, [A] ++ x5 --> Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d0 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([x4] ++ x5 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Bot :: Δ1)]). apply ImpR. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons.
assert (J15: derrec_height d2 = derrec_height d2). auto. simpl.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (x5 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1) (x5 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d2 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1.
assert (J17: derrec_height x6 = derrec_height x6). auto. simpl.
assert (J18: wkn_L x4 ([] ++ x5 :: B :: Γ3, Bot :: Δ1) ([] ++ x4 :: x5 :: B :: Γ3, Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_LI. simpl in J18.
pose (KS_wkn_L _ _ x6 J17 _ _ J18). destruct s1. auto. apply dlNil. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
-- repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. simpl. simpl in e1. inversion e1. subst.
assert (J13: derrec_height x3 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J14: derrec_height x3 = derrec_height x3). auto.
pose (IHn _ J13 _ _ J14).
assert (J2: (Γ2 ++ B :: x4 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) = ((Γ2 ++ B :: x4) ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)). repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p.
assert (J7: derrec_height x2 = derrec_height x2). auto.
assert (J8: list_exch_R (Γ2 ++ x4 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) (Γ2 ++ x4 ++ Γ1, Δ1 ++ A :: Δ0)).
assert (Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1 = [] ++ Δ0 ++ [A] ++ Δ1 ++ []). rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H.
assert (Δ1 ++ A :: Δ0 = [] ++ Δ1 ++ [A] ++ Δ0 ++ []). rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H0. apply list_exch_RI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_R _ x2 _ J8). destruct s0.
assert (J9: derrec_height x6 = derrec_height x6). auto.
assert (J10: list_exch_L (Γ2 ++ x4 ++ Γ1, Δ1 ++ A :: Δ0) (Γ1 ++ x4 ++ Γ2, Δ1 ++ A :: Δ0)).
assert (Γ2 ++ x4 ++ Γ1 = [] ++ Γ2 ++ x4 ++ Γ1 ++ []). rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H.
assert (Γ1 ++ x4 ++ Γ2 = [] ++ Γ1 ++ x4 ++ Γ2 ++ []). rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H0. apply list_exch_LI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_L _ x6 _ J10). destruct s0.
assert (J11: derrec_height x7 < S (dersrec_height d)). rewrite e. apply PeanoNat.le_lt_n_Sm.
apply Nat.max_le_iff. left. pose (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l0 l). pose (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l2 l4). apply (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l3 l5).
assert (J12: derrec_height x7 = derrec_height x7). auto.
pose (IHn _ J11 _ _ J12).
assert (J2: (Γ1 ++ x4 ++ Γ2, Δ1 ++ A :: Δ0) = (Γ1 ++ x4 ++ Γ2, Δ1 ++ A :: Δ0)). auto.
apply s0 in J2. destruct J2. destruct p0. destruct p0.
exists (x8 --> x5). repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ; apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i.
apply in_app_or in i ; destruct i. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(Γ2 ++ x8 :: A --> B :: x4, [] ++ x5 :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ2 ++ A --> B :: x4, x8 --> x5 :: Δ0) = (Γ2 ++ A --> B :: x4, [] ++ x8 --> x5 :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[((Γ2 ++ [x8]) ++ x4, [] ++ A :: x5 :: Δ0);((Γ2 ++ [x8]) ++ B :: x4, [] ++ x5 :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL.
assert ((Γ2 ++ x8 :: A --> B :: x4, [] ++ x5 :: Δ0) = ((Γ2 ++ [x8]) ++ A --> B :: x4, [] ++ x5 :: Δ0)). repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d2 = derrec_height d2). auto.
pose (@KS_list_wkn_R (derrec_height d2) (x8 :: x4 ++ Γ2) [A] Δ0). simpl in s1.
pose (s1 d2 J15 [x5]). simpl in s2. destruct s2.
assert (J16: derrec_height x9 = derrec_height x9). auto.
assert (J17: list_exch_L (x8 :: x4 ++ Γ2, A :: x5 :: Δ0) (Γ2 ++ x8 :: x4, A :: x5 :: Δ0)).
assert (x8 :: x4 ++ Γ2 = [] ++ (x8 :: x4) ++ [] ++ Γ2 ++ []). rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H.
assert (Γ2 ++ x8 :: x4 = [] ++ Γ2 ++ [] ++ (x8 :: x4) ++ []). rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H0. apply list_exch_LI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_L _ x9 _ J17). destruct s2. auto.
simpl. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. simpl.
assert (J17: derrec_height d1 = derrec_height d1). auto. simpl. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
assert (J18: wkn_L x8 (Γ2 ++ B :: x4, x5 :: Δ0) (Γ2 ++ x8 :: B :: x4, x5 :: Δ0)). apply wkn_LI.
pose (KS_wkn_L _ _ d1 J17 _ _ J18). destruct s1. auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ1, [] ++ x8 :: Δ1);([] ++ x5 :: Γ1, [] ++ Δ1)]).
assert ((x8 --> x5 :: Γ1, Δ1) = ([] ++ x8 --> x5 :: Γ1, [] ++ Δ1)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl ; auto. apply dlCons. simpl ; auto. apply dlNil.
+ assert (J11: derrec_height x2 < S (dersrec_height d)). rewrite e. apply PeanoNat.le_lt_n_Sm.
apply Nat.max_le_iff. left. apply (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l0 l).
assert (J12: derrec_height x2 = derrec_height x2). auto.
pose (IHn _ J11 _ _ J12).
assert (J2: ((Γ0 ++ x4) ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) = (Γ0 ++ x4 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)). repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p.
assert (J13: derrec_height x3 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J14: derrec_height x3 = derrec_height x3). auto.
pose (IHn _ J13 _ _ J14).
assert (J2: ((Γ0 ++ x4) ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1) = (Γ0 ++ x4 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1)). repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
apply s0 in J2. destruct J2. destruct p0. destruct p0.
exists ((x5 --> (x6 --> Bot)) --> Bot). repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ; apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i0.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ0, (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: Δ0) = ([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ x5 :: Bot :: Δ0);([] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d1 = derrec_height d1). auto.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (Γ0, [x5] ++ Δ0) (Γ0, [x5] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d1 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ x6 :: Bot :: Δ0);([] ++ Bot :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d3 = derrec_height d3). auto.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (Γ0, [x6] ++ Δ0) (Γ0, [x6] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d3 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ x4 ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) :: Δ1);([] ++ Bot :: x4 ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1)]).
assert (((x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: x4 ++ A --> B :: Γ3, Δ1) = ([] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: x4 ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1)). auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ x5 :: x4 ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)]). apply ImpR. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons.
apply derI with (ps:=[((x5 :: x4) ++ Γ3, [] ++ A :: x6 --> Bot :: Δ1);((x5 :: x4) ++ B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)]).
assert (([] ++ x5 :: x4 ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1) = ((x5 :: x4) ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)). auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons. 3: apply dlNil.
assert (J15: derrec_height d0 = derrec_height d0). auto. simpl.
assert (J16: wkn_R (x6 --> Bot) (x5 :: x4 ++ Γ3, [A]++ Δ1) (x5 :: x4 ++ Γ3, [A] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d0 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[((x5 :: x4) ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Bot :: Δ1)]). apply ImpR. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons.
assert (J19: derrec_height d2 = derrec_height d2). auto.
assert (J20: list_exch_L (x6 :: x4 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ1) (x4 ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, Δ1)).
assert (x6 :: x4 ++ B :: Γ3 = [] ++ [x6] ++ [] ++ x4 ++ (B :: Γ3)). auto. rewrite H.
assert (x4 ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3 = [] ++ x4 ++ [] ++ [x6] ++ (B :: Γ3)). auto. rewrite H0. apply list_exch_LI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_L _ d2 _ J20). destruct s1. auto.
assert (J15: derrec_height x7 = derrec_height x7). auto. simpl.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (x4 ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1) (x4 ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ x7 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1.
assert (J17: derrec_height x8 = derrec_height x8). auto. simpl.
assert (J18: wkn_L x5 ([] ++ x4 ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, Bot :: Δ1) ([] ++ x5 :: x4 ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_LI. simpl in J18.
pose (KS_wkn_L _ _ x8 J17 _ _ J18). destruct s1. auto. apply dlNil. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
(* KR *)
* inversion X. subst. inversion H5. subst. pose (univ_gen_ext_splitR _ _ X0). destruct s.
destruct s. destruct p. subst. destruct p.
assert (J: dersrec_height d = dersrec_height d). auto. apply dersrec_derrec_height in J. destruct J.
apply app2_find_hole in H1. destruct H1. simpl in IHn. repeat destruct s ; destruct p ; subst.
+ assert (J1: derrec_height x1 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J2: derrec_height x1 = derrec_height x1). auto.
assert (J3: (unboxed_list (x ++ x0), [A]) = ((unboxed_list x) ++ (unboxed_list x0), [] ++ [A])).
rewrite unbox_app_distrib. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
pose (IHn _ J1 _ _ J2 _ _ _ _ J3). destruct s. destruct p. destruct p.
exists (Box x3). simpl. simpl in p. repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ;
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; destruct H.
apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in i. apply in_or_app ; left. apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u) ; auto.
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i0. apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0.
apply in_or_app ; left. apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in H. apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u0) ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list x, [x3])]). apply KR.
assert ((Γ0, Box x3 :: Δ2) = (Γ0, [] ++ Box x3 :: Δ2)). auto. rewrite H. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list (Box x3 :: x0), [A])]). apply KR.
assert ((Box x3 :: Γ1, Box A :: Δ3) = (Box x3 :: Γ1, [] ++ Box A :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. inversion H0. exists x3 ; subst ; auto. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply univ_gen_ext_cons ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. simpl. auto.
+ destruct x2.
-- repeat rewrite app_nil_r. simpl in e1. subst. assert (J1: derrec_height x1 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J2: derrec_height x1 = derrec_height x1). auto.
assert (J3: (unboxed_list (x ++ x0), [A]) = ((unboxed_list x) ++ (unboxed_list x0), [] ++ [A])).
rewrite unbox_app_distrib. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
pose (IHn _ J1 _ _ J2 _ _ _ _ J3). destruct s. destruct p. destruct p.
exists (Box x2). simpl. repeat rewrite app_nil_r in p. repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ;
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ;
destruct H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i0.
apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in i. apply in_or_app ; left. apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u) ; auto.
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i0. apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0.
apply in_or_app ; left. apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in H. apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u0) ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list x, [x2])]). apply KR.
assert ((Γ0, Box x2 :: Δ2) = (Γ0, [] ++ Box x2 :: Δ2)). auto. rewrite H. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list (Box x2 :: x0), [A])]). apply KR.
assert ((Box x2 :: Γ1, Box A :: Δ3) = (Box x2 :: Γ1, [] ++ Box A :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. inversion H0. exists x2 ; subst ; auto. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply univ_gen_ext_cons ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. simpl. auto.
-- simpl in e1. inversion e1 ; subst.
assert (J19: derrec_height x1 = derrec_height x1). auto.
assert (J20: list_exch_L (unboxed_list (x ++ x0), [A]) (unboxed_list x0 ++ unboxed_list x, [A])).
assert (unboxed_list (x ++ x0) = [] ++ (unboxed_list x) ++ [] ++ (unboxed_list x0) ++ []).
rewrite unbox_app_distrib. simpl. rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H.
assert (unboxed_list x0 ++ unboxed_list x = [] ++ (unboxed_list x0) ++ [] ++ (unboxed_list x) ++ []).
simpl. rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H0. apply list_exch_LI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_L _ x1 _ J20). destruct s.
assert (J1: derrec_height x3 < S (dersrec_height d)). rewrite <- e. apply PeanoNat.le_lt_n_Sm. auto.
assert (J2: derrec_height x3 = derrec_height x3). auto.
assert (J3: (unboxed_list x0 ++ unboxed_list x, [A]) = (unboxed_list x0 ++ unboxed_list x, [] ++ [A])).
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
pose (IHn _ J1 _ _ J2 _ _ _ _ J3). destruct s. destruct p. destruct p.
exists ((Box x4) --> Bot). simpl. repeat rewrite app_nil_r in p. repeat rewrite app_nil_r. repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ;
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ;
destruct H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i0. apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0.
apply in_or_app ; left. apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in H. apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u) ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in i. apply in_or_app ; left.
apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u0) ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Box x4 :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ2 ++ Box A :: x2)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ0, Box x4 --> Bot :: Δ2 ++ Box A :: x2) = ([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ Box x4 --> Bot :: Δ2 ++ Box A :: x2)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. simpl.
pose (dlCons d0 (dlNil _ _)). apply derI with (concl:=(Box x4 :: Γ0, (Bot :: Δ2) ++ Box A :: x2)) in d2 ; auto.
apply KR. assert (x4 :: unboxed_list x = unboxed_list (Box x4 :: x)).
simpl. auto. rewrite H. apply KRRule_I ; auto. intro. intros. inversion H0. exists x4 ; subst ; auto.
apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply univ_gen_ext_cons ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ1, [] ++ Box x4 :: Δ1);([] ++ Bot :: Γ1, [] ++ Δ1)]). apply ImpL.
assert ((Box x4 --> Bot :: Γ1, Δ1) = ([] ++ Box x4 --> Bot :: Γ1, [] ++ Δ1)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list x0, [x4])]). apply KR. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply dlCons.
assert (J4: derrec_height d1 = derrec_height d1). auto. 2: apply dlNil. auto.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. 2: apply dlNil. apply BotLRule_I.
+ assert (J1: derrec_height x1 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J2: derrec_height x1 = derrec_height x1). auto.
assert (J3: (unboxed_list (x ++ x0), [A]) = ((unboxed_list x) ++ (unboxed_list x0), [] ++ [A])).
rewrite unbox_app_distrib. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
pose (IHn _ J1 _ _ J2 _ _ _ _ J3). destruct s. destruct p. destruct p.
exists (Box x3). simpl. repeat rewrite app_nil_r in p. repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ;
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ;
destruct H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i0.
apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in i. apply in_or_app ; left.
apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u) ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0.
apply in_or_app ; left. apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in H. apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u0) ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list x, [x3])]). apply KR.
assert ((Γ0, Box x3 :: Δ0) = (Γ0, [] ++ Box x3 :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list (Box x3 :: x0), [A])]). apply KR. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. inversion H. exists x3 ; subst ; auto. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply univ_gen_ext_cons ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. simpl. auto.
(14-15/11/2022). *)
Require Import List.
Export ListNotations.
Require Import PeanoNat Arith.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import KS_export.
Require Import general_export.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* Material to define Craig interpolants. *)
Fixpoint propvar_subform (φ : MPropF) : list MPropF :=
match φ with
| Var p => (Var p) :: nil
| Bot => nil
| Imp ψ χ => (propvar_subform ψ) ++ ( propvar_subform χ)
| Box ψ => ( propvar_subform ψ)
Fixpoint propvar_subform_list (l : list MPropF) : list MPropF :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| φ :: t => (propvar_subform φ) ++ (propvar_subform_list t)
(* Lemmas about propvar_subform_list. *)
Lemma propvar_subform_list_app: forall l0 l1,
propvar_subform_list (l0 ++ l1) = (propvar_subform_list l0) ++ (propvar_subform_list l1).
induction l0.
- simpl. auto.
- intros. simpl. rewrite (IHl0). rewrite <- app_assoc ; auto.
Lemma propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list : forall l A, In A (propvar_subform_list (unboxed_list l)) -> In A (propvar_subform_list l).
induction l.
- auto.
- simpl. intros. apply in_app_or in H. destruct H. apply in_or_app ; left. destruct a ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; auto.
Lemma propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext : forall l0 l1, nobox_gen_ext l0 l1 ->
(forall A, In A (propvar_subform_list l0) -> In A (propvar_subform_list l1)).
intros l0 l1 H. induction H ; auto.
- simpl ; intros. apply in_or_app. apply in_app_or in H0 ; destruct H0 ; auto.
- simpl ; intros. apply in_or_app ; auto.
Lemma InT_var_provar : forall P Γ, InT # P Γ -> InT # P (propvar_subform_list Γ).
induction Γ ; auto. intro. simpl. inversion H ; subst ; simpl. apply InT_eq.
apply InT_or_app ; right. auto.
(* Craig interpolation theorem. *)
Theorem Craig_Interpolation : forall Γ0 Γ1 Δ0 Δ1,
KS_prv (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) ->
(existsT2 (I : MPropF), (forall p, In (Var p) (propvar_subform I) -> In (Var p) (propvar_subform_list (Γ0 ++ Δ0)) *
In (Var p) (propvar_subform_list (Γ1 ++ Δ1))) *
(KS_prv (Γ0, I :: Δ0)) *
(KS_prv (I :: Γ1, Δ1))).
(* Setting the statement right. *)
intros. remember (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) as s. revert Heqs.
generalize dependent Γ0. generalize dependent Γ1. generalize dependent Δ0. generalize dependent Δ1.
remember (derrec_height X) as n. revert Heqn. generalize dependent X. generalize dependent s.
generalize dependent n.
(* Using strong induction. *)
pose ((well_founded_induction_type lt_wf) (fun (x:nat) => forall (s : list MPropF * list MPropF) (X : KS_prv s),
x = derrec_height X ->
forall Δ1 Δ0 Γ1 Γ0 : list MPropF,
s = (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) ->
existsT2 I : MPropF,
(forall p, In # p (propvar_subform I) -> In (Var p) (propvar_subform_list (Γ0 ++ Δ0)) *
In (Var p) (propvar_subform_list (Γ1 ++ Δ1))) * KS_prv (Γ0, I :: Δ0) *
KS_prv (I :: Γ1, Δ1))).
apply s. clear s.
(* Start of the intuitive proof. *)
unfold KS_prv. intros n IHn s D. subst. remember D as D'. destruct D ; intros.
(* D0 is a leaf *)
- inversion f.
(* D0 ends with an application of rule *)
- inversion k.
(* IdP *)
* inversion H1. subst. inversion H5 ; subst. assert (J: InT (# P) (Γ0 ++ Γ1)). rewrite <- H0.
apply InT_or_app ; right ; apply InT_eq. apply InT_app_or in J. destruct J.
+ assert (J: InT (# P) (Δ0 ++ Δ1)). rewrite <- H2.
apply InT_or_app ; right ; apply InT_eq. apply InT_app_or in J. destruct J.
-- exists (Bot). repeat split. intros. 1,2: inversion H.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dersrec_nil. apply IdP.
apply InT_split in i. destruct i. destruct s. subst.
assert (J: InT # P (Bot :: Δ0)). apply InT_cons. auto.
apply InT_split in J. destruct J. destruct s. rewrite e. apply IdPRule_I.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dersrec_nil. apply BotL. apply (BotLRule_I []).
-- exists (# P). repeat split. intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto ; try rewrite <- H. 2, 4: inversion H.
1-2: repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; apply in_or_app. left ; apply InT_In ; apply InT_var_provar ; auto.
right ; apply InT_In ; apply InT_var_provar ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dersrec_nil. apply IdP.
apply InT_split in i. destruct i. destruct s. subst.
assert (J: # P :: Δ0 = [] ++ # P :: Δ0). auto. rewrite J. clear J. apply IdPRule_I.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dersrec_nil. apply IdP.
apply InT_split in i0. destruct i0. destruct s. subst.
assert (J: # P :: Γ1 = [] ++ # P :: Γ1). auto. rewrite J. clear J. apply IdPRule_I.
+ assert (J: InT (# P) (Δ0 ++ Δ1)). rewrite <- H2.
apply InT_or_app ; right ; apply InT_eq. apply InT_app_or in J. destruct J.
-- exists (# P --> Bot). repeat split.
1,2: simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto ; try rewrite <- H. 2, 4: inversion H.
1-2: repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; apply in_or_app. right ; apply InT_In ; apply InT_var_provar ; auto.
left ; apply InT_In ; apply InT_var_provar ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ # P :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert (J: (Γ0, # P --> Bot :: Δ0) = ([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ # P --> Bot :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite J. clear J. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dersrec_nil. apply IdP.
assert (J: InT # P ([] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply InT_cons. auto. apply InT_split in J. destruct J. destruct s.
rewrite e. apply IdPRule_I.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ1, [] ++ # P :: Δ1);([] ++ Bot :: Γ1, [] ++ Δ1)]). apply ImpL.
assert (J: (# P --> Bot :: Γ1, Δ1) = ([] ++ # P --> Bot :: Γ1, [] ++ Δ1)). auto. rewrite J. clear J. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dlNil. apply IdP.
assert (J: InT # P ([] ++ Γ1)). simpl ; auto. apply InT_split in J. destruct J. destruct s.
rewrite e. apply IdPRule_I. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dlNil. apply BotL.
apply BotLRule_I.
-- exists (Bot --> Bot). repeat split. intros. 1,2: inversion H.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Bot :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ0, Bot --> Bot :: Δ0) = ([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ Bot --> Bot :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. clear H.
apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL.
apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). 2: apply dersrec_nil. apply IdP.
assert (J: InT # P (Bot --> Bot :: Γ1)). apply InT_cons. auto.
apply InT_split in J. destruct J. destruct s. rewrite e.
apply InT_split in i0. destruct i0. destruct s. subst. apply IdPRule_I.
(* BotL *)
* inversion H1. subst. assert (J: InT Bot (Γ0 ++ Γ1)). inversion H5 ; subst.
apply InT_or_app ; right ; apply InT_eq. apply InT_app_or in J. destruct J.
+ exists Bot. repeat split. intros. 1,2: inversion H.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. 2: apply dlNil.
apply InT_split in i. destruct i. destruct s. subst. apply BotLRule_I.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. 2: apply dlNil.
assert (J: (Bot :: Γ1, Δ1) = ([] ++ Bot :: Γ1, Δ1)). auto. rewrite J. apply BotLRule_I.
+ exists (Bot --> Bot). repeat split. intros. 1,2: inversion H.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Bot :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ0, Bot --> Bot :: Δ0) = ([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ Bot --> Bot :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. clear H.
apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL.
apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. 2: apply dlNil.
assert (J: InT Bot (Bot --> Bot :: Γ1)). apply InT_cons ; auto.
apply InT_split in J. destruct J. destruct s. rewrite e. apply BotLRule_I.
(* ImpR *)
* inversion H1. subst. inversion H5 ; subst. simpl in IHn.
assert (J: dersrec_height d = dersrec_height d). auto. apply dersrec_derrec_height in J.
destruct J.
assert (J1: derrec_height x = derrec_height x). auto.
assert (J3: list_exch_L (Γ2 ++ A :: Γ3, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3) (A :: Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3)).
rewrite <- H0. assert (Γ2 ++ A :: Γ3 = [] ++ [] ++ Γ2 ++ [A] ++ Γ3). auto. rewrite H.
assert (A :: Γ2 ++ Γ3 = [] ++ [A] ++ Γ2 ++ [] ++ Γ3). auto. rewrite H3. apply list_exch_LI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_L _ x _ J3). destruct s.
assert (J5: derrec_height x0 = derrec_height x0). auto.
assert (J4: list_exch_L (A :: Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3) (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3)).
assert (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1 = [] ++ [] ++ Γ0 ++ [A] ++ Γ1). auto. rewrite H.
assert (A :: Γ0 ++ Γ1 = [] ++ [A] ++ Γ0 ++ [] ++ Γ1). auto. rewrite H3. apply list_exch_LI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_L _ x0 _ J4). destruct s.
assert (J0: derrec_height x1 < S (dersrec_height d)). rewrite <- e. apply PeanoNat.le_lt_n_Sm.
apply (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l0 l).
assert (J6: derrec_height x1 = derrec_height x1). auto.
pose (IHn _ J0 _ _ J6).
apply app2_find_hole in H2. destruct H2. repeat destruct s0 ; destruct p ; subst.
+ assert (J2: (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3) = (Γ0 ++ (A :: Γ1), Δ2 ++ (B :: Δ3))). auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p. exists x3. repeat split ; auto.
intros. apply p in H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H. simpl. destruct H.
apply in_app_or in i. destruct i. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply p in H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H. simpl. destruct H.
apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H. destruct H. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H. destruct H. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(x3 :: A :: Γ1, B :: Δ3)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((x3 :: Γ1, A --> B :: Δ3) = ([x3] ++ Γ1, [] ++ A --> B :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H.
assert ((x3 :: A :: Γ1, B :: Δ3) = ([x3] ++ A :: Γ1, [] ++ B :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H2. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons ; auto. apply dlNil.
+ destruct x2 ; subst.
-- simpl in e1. subst. rewrite app_nil_r.
assert (J2: (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3) = (Γ0 ++ (A :: Γ1), Δ2 ++ (B :: Δ3))). auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p. exists x2. repeat split ; auto.
intros. apply p in H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app. simpl. destruct H. auto.
apply p in H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app. simpl. destruct H.
apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(x2 :: A :: Γ1, B :: Δ3)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((x2 :: Γ1, A --> B :: Δ3) = ([x2] ++ Γ1, [] ++ A --> B :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H.
assert ((x2 :: A :: Γ1, B :: Δ3) = ([x2] ++ A :: Γ1, [] ++ B :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H2. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons ; auto. apply dlNil.
-- inversion e1. subst.
assert (J2: (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ2 ++ B :: x2 ++ Δ1) = ((Γ0 ++ [A]) ++ Γ1, (Δ2 ++ B :: x2) ++ Δ1)).
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ; auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p. exists x3. repeat split ; auto.
intros. apply p in H. simpl in H. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; simpl in H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H.
destruct H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app. simpl. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app. simpl.
apply in_app_or in i. destruct i. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
intros. apply p in H. simpl in H. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; simpl in H.
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H. simpl in H.
destruct H. repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app.
apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0. 1-2: apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(Γ0 ++ A :: [], (x3 :: Δ2) ++ B :: x2)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ0, x3 :: Δ2 ++ A --> B :: x2) = (Γ0 ++ [], (x3 :: Δ2) ++ A --> B :: x2)). rewrite app_nil_r. auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons ; auto. apply dlNil.
+ assert (J2: (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, (Δ0 ++ x2) ++ B :: Δ3) = (Γ0 ++ (A :: Γ1), Δ0 ++ (x2)++ B :: Δ3)). repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p. exists x3. repeat split ; auto.
intros. 1,2: apply p in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; simpl in H ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ;
destruct H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl.
apply in_app_or in i. destruct i. 1,2: apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; left ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(x3 :: A :: Γ1, x2 ++ B :: Δ3)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((x3 :: Γ1, x2 ++ A --> B :: Δ3) = ([x3] ++ Γ1, x2 ++ A --> B :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H.
assert ((x3 :: A :: Γ1, x2 ++ B :: Δ3) = ([x3] ++ A :: Γ1, x2 ++ B :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H2. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons ; auto. apply dlNil.
(* ImpL *)
* inversion H1. subst. inversion H5 ; subst. simpl in IHn.
assert (J: dersrec_height d = dersrec_height d). auto. apply dersrec_derrec2_height in J.
destruct J. destruct s.
assert (J1: derrec_height x = derrec_height x). auto.
assert (J3: list_exch_R (Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ2 ++ A :: Δ3) (Γ2 ++ Γ3, A :: Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
rewrite <- H2. assert (Δ2 ++ A :: Δ3 = [] ++ [] ++ Δ2 ++ [A] ++ Δ3). auto. rewrite H.
assert (A :: Δ2 ++ Δ3 = [] ++ [A] ++ Δ2 ++ [] ++ Δ3). auto. rewrite H3. apply list_exch_RI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_R _ x _ J3). destruct s.
assert (J5: derrec_height x1 = derrec_height x1). auto.
assert (J4: list_exch_R (Γ2 ++ Γ3, A :: Δ0 ++ Δ1) (Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)).
assert (Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1 = [] ++ [] ++ Δ0 ++ [A] ++ Δ1). auto. rewrite H.
assert (A :: Δ0 ++ Δ1 = [] ++ [A] ++ Δ0 ++ [] ++ Δ1). auto. rewrite H3. apply list_exch_RI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_R _ x1 _ J4). destruct s.
assert (existsT2 (x3 : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => False) (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1)), derrec_height x3 <= dersrec_height d).
rewrite <- H2. exists x0 ; auto. rewrite e. apply Nat.le_max_r. destruct X.
apply app2_find_hole in H0. destruct H0. repeat destruct s ; destruct p ; subst.
+ assert (J11: derrec_height x2 < S (dersrec_height d)). rewrite e. apply PeanoNat.le_lt_n_Sm.
apply Nat.max_le_iff. left. apply (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l0 l).
assert (J12: derrec_height x2 = derrec_height x2). auto.
pose (IHn _ J11 _ _ J12).
assert (J2: (Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) = (Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)). auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p.
assert (J13: derrec_height x3 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J14: derrec_height x3 = derrec_height x3). auto.
pose (IHn _ J13 _ _ J14).
assert (J2: (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1) = (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1)). auto.
apply s0 in J2. destruct J2. destruct p0. destruct p0.
exists ((x5 --> (x6 --> Bot)) --> Bot). repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ; apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. 1,2: apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) :: Γ2, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ2, (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: Δ0) = ([] ++ Γ2, [] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ2, [] ++ x5 :: Bot :: Δ0);([] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Γ2, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d1 = derrec_height d1). auto.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (Γ2, [x5] ++ Δ0) (Γ2, [x5] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d1 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ2, [] ++ x6 :: Bot :: Δ0);([] ++ Bot :: Γ2, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d3 = derrec_height d3). auto.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (Γ2, [x6] ++ Δ0) (Γ2, [x6] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d3 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) :: Δ1);([] ++ Bot :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1)]).
assert (((x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: A --> B :: Γ3, Δ1) = ([] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1)). auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ x5 :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)]). apply ImpR. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons.
apply derI with (ps:=[([x5] ++ Γ3, [] ++ A :: x6 --> Bot :: Δ1);([x5] ++ B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)]).
assert (([] ++ x5 :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1) = ([x5] ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)). auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons. 3: apply dlNil.
assert (J15: derrec_height d0 = derrec_height d0). auto. simpl.
assert (J16: wkn_R (x6 --> Bot) (x5 :: Γ3, [A]++ Δ1) (x5 :: Γ3, [A] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d0 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([x5] ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Bot :: Δ1)]). apply ImpR. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons.
assert (J15: derrec_height d2 = derrec_height d2). auto. simpl.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (x6 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1) (x6 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d2 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1.
assert (J17: derrec_height x7 = derrec_height x7). auto. simpl.
assert (J18: wkn_L x5 ([] ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, Bot :: Δ1) ([] ++ x5 :: x6 :: B :: Γ3, Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_LI. simpl in J18.
pose (KS_wkn_L _ _ x7 J17 _ _ J18). destruct s1. auto. apply dlNil. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
+ destruct x4.
-- simpl. repeat rewrite app_nil_r. simpl in e1. subst.
assert (J11: derrec_height x2 < S (dersrec_height d)). rewrite e. apply PeanoNat.le_lt_n_Sm.
apply Nat.max_le_iff. left. apply (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l0 l).
assert (J12: derrec_height x2 = derrec_height x2). auto.
pose (IHn _ J11 _ _ J12).
assert (J2: (Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) = (Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)). auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p.
assert (J13: derrec_height x3 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J14: derrec_height x3 = derrec_height x3). auto.
pose (IHn _ J13 _ _ J14).
assert (J2: (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1) = (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1)). auto.
apply s0 in J2. destruct J2. destruct p0. destruct p0.
exists ((x4 --> (x5 --> Bot)) --> Bot). repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ; apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. 1,2: apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ (x4 --> x5 --> Bot) :: Γ2, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ2, (x4 --> x5 --> Bot) --> Bot :: Δ0) = ([] ++ Γ2, [] ++ (x4 --> x5 --> Bot) --> Bot :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ2, [] ++ x4 :: Bot :: Δ0);([] ++ x5 --> Bot :: Γ2, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d1 = derrec_height d1). auto.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (Γ2, [x4] ++ Δ0) (Γ2, [x4] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d1 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ2, [] ++ x5 :: Bot :: Δ0);([] ++ Bot :: Γ2, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d3 = derrec_height d3). auto.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (Γ2, [x5] ++ Δ0) (Γ2, [x5] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d3 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ (x4 --> x5 --> Bot) :: Δ1);([] ++ Bot :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1)]).
assert (((x4 --> x5 --> Bot) --> Bot :: A --> B :: Γ3, Δ1) = ([] ++ (x4 --> x5 --> Bot) --> Bot :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1)). auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ x4 :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x5 --> Bot :: Δ1)]). apply ImpR. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons.
apply derI with (ps:=[([x4] ++ Γ3, [] ++ A :: x5 --> Bot :: Δ1);([x4] ++ B :: Γ3, [] ++ x5 --> Bot :: Δ1)]).
assert (([] ++ x4 :: A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x5 --> Bot :: Δ1) = ([x4] ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x5 --> Bot :: Δ1)). auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons. 3: apply dlNil.
assert (J15: derrec_height d0 = derrec_height d0). auto. simpl.
assert (J16: wkn_R (x5 --> Bot) (x4 :: Γ3, [A]++ Δ1) (x4 :: Γ3, [A] ++ x5 --> Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d0 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([x4] ++ x5 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Bot :: Δ1)]). apply ImpR. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons.
assert (J15: derrec_height d2 = derrec_height d2). auto. simpl.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (x5 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1) (x5 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d2 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1.
assert (J17: derrec_height x6 = derrec_height x6). auto. simpl.
assert (J18: wkn_L x4 ([] ++ x5 :: B :: Γ3, Bot :: Δ1) ([] ++ x4 :: x5 :: B :: Γ3, Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_LI. simpl in J18.
pose (KS_wkn_L _ _ x6 J17 _ _ J18). destruct s1. auto. apply dlNil. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
-- repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. simpl. simpl in e1. inversion e1. subst.
assert (J13: derrec_height x3 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J14: derrec_height x3 = derrec_height x3). auto.
pose (IHn _ J13 _ _ J14).
assert (J2: (Γ2 ++ B :: x4 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) = ((Γ2 ++ B :: x4) ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)). repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p.
assert (J7: derrec_height x2 = derrec_height x2). auto.
assert (J8: list_exch_R (Γ2 ++ x4 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) (Γ2 ++ x4 ++ Γ1, Δ1 ++ A :: Δ0)).
assert (Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1 = [] ++ Δ0 ++ [A] ++ Δ1 ++ []). rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H.
assert (Δ1 ++ A :: Δ0 = [] ++ Δ1 ++ [A] ++ Δ0 ++ []). rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H0. apply list_exch_RI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_R _ x2 _ J8). destruct s0.
assert (J9: derrec_height x6 = derrec_height x6). auto.
assert (J10: list_exch_L (Γ2 ++ x4 ++ Γ1, Δ1 ++ A :: Δ0) (Γ1 ++ x4 ++ Γ2, Δ1 ++ A :: Δ0)).
assert (Γ2 ++ x4 ++ Γ1 = [] ++ Γ2 ++ x4 ++ Γ1 ++ []). rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H.
assert (Γ1 ++ x4 ++ Γ2 = [] ++ Γ1 ++ x4 ++ Γ2 ++ []). rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H0. apply list_exch_LI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_L _ x6 _ J10). destruct s0.
assert (J11: derrec_height x7 < S (dersrec_height d)). rewrite e. apply PeanoNat.le_lt_n_Sm.
apply Nat.max_le_iff. left. pose (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l0 l). pose (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l2 l4). apply (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l3 l5).
assert (J12: derrec_height x7 = derrec_height x7). auto.
pose (IHn _ J11 _ _ J12).
assert (J2: (Γ1 ++ x4 ++ Γ2, Δ1 ++ A :: Δ0) = (Γ1 ++ x4 ++ Γ2, Δ1 ++ A :: Δ0)). auto.
apply s0 in J2. destruct J2. destruct p0. destruct p0.
exists (x8 --> x5). repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ; apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i.
apply in_app_or in i ; destruct i. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(Γ2 ++ x8 :: A --> B :: x4, [] ++ x5 :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ2 ++ A --> B :: x4, x8 --> x5 :: Δ0) = (Γ2 ++ A --> B :: x4, [] ++ x8 --> x5 :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[((Γ2 ++ [x8]) ++ x4, [] ++ A :: x5 :: Δ0);((Γ2 ++ [x8]) ++ B :: x4, [] ++ x5 :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL.
assert ((Γ2 ++ x8 :: A --> B :: x4, [] ++ x5 :: Δ0) = ((Γ2 ++ [x8]) ++ A --> B :: x4, [] ++ x5 :: Δ0)). repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d2 = derrec_height d2). auto.
pose (@KS_list_wkn_R (derrec_height d2) (x8 :: x4 ++ Γ2) [A] Δ0). simpl in s1.
pose (s1 d2 J15 [x5]). simpl in s2. destruct s2.
assert (J16: derrec_height x9 = derrec_height x9). auto.
assert (J17: list_exch_L (x8 :: x4 ++ Γ2, A :: x5 :: Δ0) (Γ2 ++ x8 :: x4, A :: x5 :: Δ0)).
assert (x8 :: x4 ++ Γ2 = [] ++ (x8 :: x4) ++ [] ++ Γ2 ++ []). rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H.
assert (Γ2 ++ x8 :: x4 = [] ++ Γ2 ++ [] ++ (x8 :: x4) ++ []). rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H0. apply list_exch_LI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_L _ x9 _ J17). destruct s2. auto.
simpl. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. simpl.
assert (J17: derrec_height d1 = derrec_height d1). auto. simpl. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
assert (J18: wkn_L x8 (Γ2 ++ B :: x4, x5 :: Δ0) (Γ2 ++ x8 :: B :: x4, x5 :: Δ0)). apply wkn_LI.
pose (KS_wkn_L _ _ d1 J17 _ _ J18). destruct s1. auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ1, [] ++ x8 :: Δ1);([] ++ x5 :: Γ1, [] ++ Δ1)]).
assert ((x8 --> x5 :: Γ1, Δ1) = ([] ++ x8 --> x5 :: Γ1, [] ++ Δ1)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl ; auto. apply dlCons. simpl ; auto. apply dlNil.
+ assert (J11: derrec_height x2 < S (dersrec_height d)). rewrite e. apply PeanoNat.le_lt_n_Sm.
apply Nat.max_le_iff. left. apply (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ l0 l).
assert (J12: derrec_height x2 = derrec_height x2). auto.
pose (IHn _ J11 _ _ J12).
assert (J2: ((Γ0 ++ x4) ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) = (Γ0 ++ x4 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)). repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
apply s in J2. destruct J2. destruct p. destruct p.
assert (J13: derrec_height x3 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J14: derrec_height x3 = derrec_height x3). auto.
pose (IHn _ J13 _ _ J14).
assert (J2: ((Γ0 ++ x4) ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1) = (Γ0 ++ x4 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1)). repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
apply s0 in J2. destruct J2. destruct p0. destruct p0.
exists ((x5 --> (x6 --> Bot)) --> Bot). repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ; apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; destruct H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i0.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply p0 in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H ; destruct H ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0 ; destruct i0. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto. apply in_app_or in H ; destruct H.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ0, (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: Δ0) = ([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ x5 :: Bot :: Δ0);([] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d1 = derrec_height d1). auto.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (Γ0, [x5] ++ Δ0) (Γ0, [x5] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d1 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ x6 :: Bot :: Δ0);([] ++ Bot :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ0)]). apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. simpl.
assert (J15: derrec_height d3 = derrec_height d3). auto.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (Γ0, [x6] ++ Δ0) (Γ0, [x6] ++ Bot :: Δ0)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d3 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ x4 ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) :: Δ1);([] ++ Bot :: x4 ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1)]).
assert (((x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: x4 ++ A --> B :: Γ3, Δ1) = ([] ++ (x5 --> x6 --> Bot) --> Bot :: x4 ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1)). auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ x5 :: x4 ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)]). apply ImpR. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons.
apply derI with (ps:=[((x5 :: x4) ++ Γ3, [] ++ A :: x6 --> Bot :: Δ1);((x5 :: x4) ++ B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)]).
assert (([] ++ x5 :: x4 ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1) = ((x5 :: x4) ++ A --> B :: Γ3, [] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)). auto.
rewrite H. apply ImpL. apply ImpLRule_I. apply dlCons. 3: apply dlNil.
assert (J15: derrec_height d0 = derrec_height d0). auto. simpl.
assert (J16: wkn_R (x6 --> Bot) (x5 :: x4 ++ Γ3, [A]++ Δ1) (x5 :: x4 ++ Γ3, [A] ++ x6 --> Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ d0 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1 ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[((x5 :: x4) ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Bot :: Δ1)]). apply ImpR. apply ImpRRule_I. apply dlCons.
assert (J19: derrec_height d2 = derrec_height d2). auto.
assert (J20: list_exch_L (x6 :: x4 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ1) (x4 ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, Δ1)).
assert (x6 :: x4 ++ B :: Γ3 = [] ++ [x6] ++ [] ++ x4 ++ (B :: Γ3)). auto. rewrite H.
assert (x4 ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3 = [] ++ x4 ++ [] ++ [x6] ++ (B :: Γ3)). auto. rewrite H0. apply list_exch_LI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_L _ d2 _ J20). destruct s1. auto.
assert (J15: derrec_height x7 = derrec_height x7). auto. simpl.
assert (J16: wkn_R Bot (x4 ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Δ1) (x4 ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, [] ++ Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_RI. simpl in J16.
pose (KS_wkn_R _ _ x7 J15 _ _ J16). destruct s1.
assert (J17: derrec_height x8 = derrec_height x8). auto. simpl.
assert (J18: wkn_L x5 ([] ++ x4 ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, Bot :: Δ1) ([] ++ x5 :: x4 ++ x6 :: B :: Γ3, Bot :: Δ1)). apply wkn_LI. simpl in J18.
pose (KS_wkn_L _ _ x8 J17 _ _ J18). destruct s1. auto. apply dlNil. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil.
apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. apply BotLRule_I. apply dlNil.
(* KR *)
* inversion X. subst. inversion H5. subst. pose (univ_gen_ext_splitR _ _ X0). destruct s.
destruct s. destruct p. subst. destruct p.
assert (J: dersrec_height d = dersrec_height d). auto. apply dersrec_derrec_height in J. destruct J.
apply app2_find_hole in H1. destruct H1. simpl in IHn. repeat destruct s ; destruct p ; subst.
+ assert (J1: derrec_height x1 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J2: derrec_height x1 = derrec_height x1). auto.
assert (J3: (unboxed_list (x ++ x0), [A]) = ((unboxed_list x) ++ (unboxed_list x0), [] ++ [A])).
rewrite unbox_app_distrib. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
pose (IHn _ J1 _ _ J2 _ _ _ _ J3). destruct s. destruct p. destruct p.
exists (Box x3). simpl. simpl in p. repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ;
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; destruct H.
apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in i. apply in_or_app ; left. apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u) ; auto.
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i0. apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0.
apply in_or_app ; left. apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in H. apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u0) ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list x, [x3])]). apply KR.
assert ((Γ0, Box x3 :: Δ2) = (Γ0, [] ++ Box x3 :: Δ2)). auto. rewrite H. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list (Box x3 :: x0), [A])]). apply KR.
assert ((Box x3 :: Γ1, Box A :: Δ3) = (Box x3 :: Γ1, [] ++ Box A :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. inversion H0. exists x3 ; subst ; auto. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply univ_gen_ext_cons ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. simpl. auto.
+ destruct x2.
-- repeat rewrite app_nil_r. simpl in e1. subst. assert (J1: derrec_height x1 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J2: derrec_height x1 = derrec_height x1). auto.
assert (J3: (unboxed_list (x ++ x0), [A]) = ((unboxed_list x) ++ (unboxed_list x0), [] ++ [A])).
rewrite unbox_app_distrib. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
pose (IHn _ J1 _ _ J2 _ _ _ _ J3). destruct s. destruct p. destruct p.
exists (Box x2). simpl. repeat rewrite app_nil_r in p. repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ;
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ;
destruct H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i0.
apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in i. apply in_or_app ; left. apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u) ; auto.
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i0. apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0.
apply in_or_app ; left. apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in H. apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u0) ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list x, [x2])]). apply KR.
assert ((Γ0, Box x2 :: Δ2) = (Γ0, [] ++ Box x2 :: Δ2)). auto. rewrite H. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list (Box x2 :: x0), [A])]). apply KR.
assert ((Box x2 :: Γ1, Box A :: Δ3) = (Box x2 :: Γ1, [] ++ Box A :: Δ3)). auto. rewrite H. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. inversion H0. exists x2 ; subst ; auto. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply univ_gen_ext_cons ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. simpl. auto.
-- simpl in e1. inversion e1 ; subst.
assert (J19: derrec_height x1 = derrec_height x1). auto.
assert (J20: list_exch_L (unboxed_list (x ++ x0), [A]) (unboxed_list x0 ++ unboxed_list x, [A])).
assert (unboxed_list (x ++ x0) = [] ++ (unboxed_list x) ++ [] ++ (unboxed_list x0) ++ []).
rewrite unbox_app_distrib. simpl. rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H.
assert (unboxed_list x0 ++ unboxed_list x = [] ++ (unboxed_list x0) ++ [] ++ (unboxed_list x) ++ []).
simpl. rewrite app_nil_r. auto. rewrite H0. apply list_exch_LI.
pose (KS_hpadm_list_exch_L _ x1 _ J20). destruct s.
assert (J1: derrec_height x3 < S (dersrec_height d)). rewrite <- e. apply PeanoNat.le_lt_n_Sm. auto.
assert (J2: derrec_height x3 = derrec_height x3). auto.
assert (J3: (unboxed_list x0 ++ unboxed_list x, [A]) = (unboxed_list x0 ++ unboxed_list x, [] ++ [A])).
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
pose (IHn _ J1 _ _ J2 _ _ _ _ J3). destruct s. destruct p. destruct p.
exists ((Box x4) --> Bot). simpl. repeat rewrite app_nil_r in p. repeat rewrite app_nil_r. repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ;
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ;
destruct H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i0. apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0.
apply in_or_app ; left. apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in H. apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u) ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in i. apply in_or_app ; left.
apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u0) ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Box x4 :: Γ0, [] ++ Bot :: Δ2 ++ Box A :: x2)]). apply ImpR.
assert ((Γ0, Box x4 --> Bot :: Δ2 ++ Box A :: x2) = ([] ++ Γ0, [] ++ Box x4 --> Bot :: Δ2 ++ Box A :: x2)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpRRule_I.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. simpl.
pose (dlCons d0 (dlNil _ _)). apply derI with (concl:=(Box x4 :: Γ0, (Bot :: Δ2) ++ Box A :: x2)) in d2 ; auto.
apply KR. assert (x4 :: unboxed_list x = unboxed_list (Box x4 :: x)).
simpl. auto. rewrite H. apply KRRule_I ; auto. intro. intros. inversion H0. exists x4 ; subst ; auto.
apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply univ_gen_ext_cons ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[([] ++ Γ1, [] ++ Box x4 :: Δ1);([] ++ Bot :: Γ1, [] ++ Δ1)]). apply ImpL.
assert ((Box x4 --> Bot :: Γ1, Δ1) = ([] ++ Box x4 --> Bot :: Γ1, [] ++ Δ1)). auto. rewrite H. apply ImpLRule_I.
apply dlCons. apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list x0, [x4])]). apply KR. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply dlCons.
assert (J4: derrec_height d1 = derrec_height d1). auto. 2: apply dlNil. auto.
apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. apply derI with (ps:=[]). apply BotL. 2: apply dlNil. apply BotLRule_I.
+ assert (J1: derrec_height x1 < S (dersrec_height d)). lia.
assert (J2: derrec_height x1 = derrec_height x1). auto.
assert (J3: (unboxed_list (x ++ x0), [A]) = ((unboxed_list x) ++ (unboxed_list x0), [] ++ [A])).
rewrite unbox_app_distrib. repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.
pose (IHn _ J1 _ _ J2 _ _ _ _ J3). destruct s. destruct p. destruct p.
exists (Box x3). simpl. repeat rewrite app_nil_r in p. repeat split.
intros. 1,2: simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;
repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app ; simpl ;repeat rewrite <- app_assoc ;
apply p in H ; repeat rewrite propvar_subform_list_app in H ; simpl in H ; repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H ;
destruct H ; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in i0.
apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in i. apply in_or_app ; left.
apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u) ; auto.
apply in_app_or in i0. destruct i0.
apply in_or_app ; left. apply propvar_subform_list_unboxed_list in H. apply (propvar_subform_list_nobox_gen_ext u0) ; auto.
apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; right ; apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list x, [x3])]). apply KR.
assert ((Γ0, Box x3 :: Δ0) = (Γ0, [] ++ Box x3 :: Δ0)). auto. rewrite H. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. auto.
apply derI with (ps:=[(unboxed_list (Box x3 :: x0), [A])]). apply KR. apply KRRule_I ; auto.
intro. intros. inversion H. exists x3 ; subst ; auto. apply H3. apply in_or_app ; auto.
apply univ_gen_ext_cons ; auto. apply dlCons. 2: apply dlNil. simpl. auto.