(* Copyright Ian Shillito * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation ANU *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* Copyright Ian Shillito * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation ANU *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
Certification of uniform interpolant function (define below)
Require Import List Extraction.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import String.
Require Import KS_export.
Require Import UIK_Def_measure.
Require Import UIK_Canopy.
Require Export UIK_basics.
Import ListNotations.
#[local] Infix "∈" := (@In _) (at level 70, no associativity).
Section imap.
Variables (X Y : Type)
(F : X -> Y -> Prop) (* We will instantiate F with GUI (to have mutal recursion). *)
(Ffun : forall x l m, F x l -> F x m -> l = m) (*Require that F is a function. *)
(D : X -> Prop) (* Domain of F *)
(f : forall x, D x -> sig (F x)). (* F is defined on the domain. *)
(* Proceed similarly as Dominique did with flatmap. *)
Inductive Gimap : list X -> list Y -> Prop :=
| Gim_nil : Gimap [] []
| Gim_cons {x y l m} : F x y
-> Gimap l m
-> Gimap (x::l) (y::m).
Hint Constructors Gimap : core.
Fact Gimap_inv_left l m :
Gimap l m
-> match l with
| [] => [] = m
| x::l => exists y m', F x y /\ Gimap l m' /\ m = y :: m'
Proof. destruct 1; eauto. Qed.
Fact Gimap_inv_sg_left x m : Gimap [x] [m] -> F x m.
intros. apply Gimap_inv_left in H. destruct H. destruct H. destruct H.
destruct H0. inversion H1. subst. auto.
Fact Gimap_app_inv_left l1 l2 m :
Gimap (l1++l2) m
-> exists m1 m2, Gimap l1 m1 /\ Gimap l2 m2 /\ m = m1++m2.
induction l1 as [ | x l1 IH1 ] in m |- *; simpl.
+ exists [], m; auto.
+ intros (y & m' & H1 & (m1 & m2 & H2 & H3 & ->)%IH1 & ->)%Gimap_inv_left.
exists (y::m1), m2. repeat split ; auto.
Fixpoint imap l : (forall x, x ∈ l -> D x) -> sig (Gimap l).
refine (match l with
| [] => fun _ => exist _ [] Gim_nil
| x::l => fun dl => let (y,hy) := f x _ in
let (m,hm) := imap l _ in
exist _ (y::m) (Gim_cons hy hm)
end); auto.
apply dl ; apply in_eq. intros. apply dl ; apply in_cons ; auto.
Variables (g : X -> Y) (Hg : forall x, F x (g x)).
Fact Gimap_map l : Gimap l (map g l).
Proof. induction l; simpl; now constructor. Qed.
Fact Gimap_fun l0 : forall l1 l2, Gimap l0 l1 -> Gimap l0 l2 -> l1 = l2.
Proof. induction l0. intros. apply Gimap_inv_left in H. subst.
apply Gimap_inv_left in H0. auto. intros.
apply Gimap_inv_left in H. apply Gimap_inv_left in H0.
destruct H. destruct H. destruct H. destruct H1. destruct H0.
destruct H0. destruct H0. destruct H3. subst. pose (Ffun _ _ _ H H0).
rewrite e. pose (IHl0 _ _ H1 H3). rewrite e0. auto. Qed.
End imap.
Arguments Gimap {X} {Y} _.
Arguments imap {X} {Y} _ {D} _ {l}.
Section Gimap_cont.
Variables (X Y : Type)
(F : X -> Y -> Prop) (* We will instantiate F with GUI (to have mutal recursion). *)
(D : X -> Prop) (* Domain of F *)
(f : forall x, D x -> sig (F x)). (* F is defined on the domain. *)
Fact Gimap_fun_rest l0 : forall l1 l2, (forall x, InT x l0 -> forall y0 y1, F x y0 -> F x y1 -> y0 = y1) -> Gimap F l0 l1 -> Gimap F l0 l2 -> l1 = l2.
Proof. induction l0. intros l1 l2 Dom H H0. apply Gimap_inv_left in H. subst.
apply Gimap_inv_left in H0. auto. intros l1 l2 Dom H H0.
apply Gimap_inv_left in H. apply Gimap_inv_left in H0.
destruct H. destruct H. destruct H. destruct H1. destruct H0.
destruct H0. destruct H0. destruct H3. subst.
assert (J0: InT a (a :: l0)). apply InT_eq.
pose (Dom _ J0 _ _ H H0). rewrite e.
assert (J1: forall x : X, InT x l0 -> forall y0 y1 : Y, F x y0 -> F x y1 -> y0 = y1).
intros. apply Dom with (x:=x3) ; auto. apply InT_cons ; auto.
pose (IHl0 _ _ J1 H1 H3). rewrite e0. auto. Qed.
End Gimap_cont.
Section UI.
(* I define the graph of the function UI. *)
Variables (p : string). (* The variable we exclude from the interpolant. *)
Unset Elimination Schemes.
Inductive GUI : Seq -> MPropF -> Prop :=
| GUI_empty_seq {s} : (s = ([],[])) -> (* If the sequent is empty, output Bot. *)
GUI s Bot
| GUI_critic_init {s} : critical_Seq s -> (* If critical and initial, output Top. *)
is_init s ->
GUI s Top
| GUI_not_critic {s l} : ((critical_Seq s) -> False) -> (* If not critical, output conjunction of recursive calls of GUI on Canopy. *)
(Gimap GUI (Canopy s) l) ->
GUI s (list_conj l)
| GUI_critic_not_init {s l A} : critical_Seq s -> (* If critical but not initial, store the propositional variables, recursively call on
the KR premises of the sequent, and consider the diamond jump. *)
(s <> ([],[])) ->
(is_init s -> False) ->
(Gimap GUI (KR_prems s) l) ->
(GUI (unboxed_list (top_boxes (fst s)), []) A) ->
GUI s (Or (list_disj (restr_list_prop p (snd s)))
(Or (list_disj (map Neg (restr_list_prop p (fst s))))
(Or (list_disj (map Box l))
(Diam A)))).
Set Elimination Schemes.
Lemma GUI_fun : forall x l m, GUI x l -> GUI x m -> l = m.
apply (LtSeq_ind (fun x => forall l m, GUI x l -> GUI x m -> l = m)).
intros s IH l m H H0. subst. inversion H ; inversion H0 ; subst ; auto ; simpl in *. 1-8: exfalso ; auto.
6-9: exfalso ; auto. 1,3: apply not_init_empty_set ; auto. apply H4 ; apply critical_empty_set.
apply H1 ; apply critical_empty_set.
- assert (J0: (forall x : Seq, InT x (Canopy s) -> forall y0 y1 : MPropF, GUI x y0 -> GUI x y1 -> y0 = y1)).
intros. apply IH with (s1:=x) ; auto. destruct (Canopy_LtSeq s x H3) ; subst ; auto.
exfalso. apply H1. apply Canopy_critical with (s:=x) ; subst ; auto.
pose (Gimap_fun_rest _ _ GUI (Canopy s) l0 l1 J0). rewrite e ; auto.
- assert (J0: list_disj (map Box l0) = list_disj (map Box l1)).
assert (J00: (forall x : Seq, InT x (KR_prems s) -> forall y0 y1 : MPropF, GUI x y0 -> GUI x y1 -> y0 = y1)).
intros. apply IH with (s1:=x) ; auto. apply KR_prems_LtSeq ; auto.
pose (Gimap_fun_rest _ _ GUI (KR_prems s) l0 l1 J00). rewrite e ; auto.
assert (J1: A = A0).
{ destruct (eq_dec_listsF (fst s) []) ; subst.
- rewrite e in * ; simpl in *. inversion H12 ; inversion H5 ; subst ; auto.
1-14: exfalso ; auto. 1,3: apply not_init_empty_set ; auto.
1-3: pose critical_empty_set ; auto.
- apply IH with (s1:=(unboxed_list (top_boxes (fst s)), [])) ; auto.
unfold LtSeq. unfold measure ; simpl.
pose (size_LF_nil_unbox_top_box _ n). lia. }
subst. rewrite J0. auto.
Definition GUI_tot : forall s : Seq, {A : MPropF | GUI s A}.
apply (LtSeq_ind (fun x => existsT A : MPropF, GUI x A)).
intros s IH. destruct (empty_seq_dec s).
- subst. exists Bot. apply GUI_empty_seq ; auto.
- destruct (critical_Seq_dec s).
-- destruct (dec_KS_init_rules s).
* assert (is_init s) ; auto. exists Top. apply GUI_critic_init ; auto.
* assert (is_init s -> False) ; auto.
assert ((forall x : Seq, In x (KR_prems s) -> {x0 : MPropF | GUI x x0})).
intros. apply IH with (s1:=x) ; auto. apply KR_prems_LtSeq ; auto. apply InT_In_Seq ; auto.
epose (@imap _ _ GUI (fun (x : Seq) => In x (KR_prems s)) H0 (KR_prems s)). simpl in s0. destruct s0 ; auto.
destruct (eq_dec_listsF (fst s) []).
+ exists (Or (list_disj (restr_list_prop p (snd s))) (Or (list_disj (map Neg (restr_list_prop p (fst s))))
(Or (list_disj (map Box x)) (Diam Bot)))). apply GUI_critic_not_init ; auto. rewrite e ; simpl.
apply GUI_empty_seq ; auto.
+ assert (J10: existsT A : MPropF, GUI (unboxed_list (top_boxes (fst s)), []%list) A). apply IH.
unfold LtSeq. unfold measure. simpl. pose (size_LF_nil_unbox_top_box (fst s) n0). lia. destruct J10.
exists (Or (list_disj (restr_list_prop p (snd s))) (Or (list_disj (map Neg (restr_list_prop p (fst s))))
(Or (list_disj (map Box x)) (Diam x0)))). apply GUI_critic_not_init ; auto.
-- assert ((forall x : Seq, In x (Canopy s) -> {x0 : MPropF | GUI x x0})).
intros. apply IH with (s1:=x) ; auto. destruct (Canopy_LtSeq s x) ; auto.
apply InT_In_Seq ; auto. subst. exfalso. apply f. apply InT_In_Seq in H ; apply Canopy_critical in H ; auto.
epose (@imap _ _ GUI (fun (x : Seq) => In x (Canopy s)) H (Canopy s)). simpl in s0. destruct s0 ; auto.
exists (list_conj x). apply GUI_not_critic ; auto.
Fact GUI_inv_empty_seq {s A} : GUI s A -> s = ([],[]) -> Bot = A.
Proof. intros. pose (GUI_empty_seq H0). apply (GUI_fun _ _ _ g H). Qed.
Fact GUI_inv_critic_init {s A} : GUI s A -> critical_Seq s -> is_init s -> Top = A.
Proof. intros. pose (GUI_critic_init H0 X). apply (GUI_fun _ _ _ g H). Qed.
Fact GUI_inv_not_critic {s A l} : GUI s A -> (critical_Seq s -> False) ->
(Gimap GUI (Canopy s) l) ->
((list_conj l) = A).
intros. pose (GUI_not_critic H0 H1). apply (GUI_fun _ _ _ g H).
Fact GUI_inv_critic_not_init {s A B l0 } : GUI s A -> critical_Seq s ->
(s <> ([],[])) ->
(is_init s -> False) ->
(Gimap GUI (KR_prems s) l0) ->
(GUI (unboxed_list (top_boxes (fst s)), []) B) ->
((Or (list_disj (restr_list_prop p (snd s)))
(Or (list_disj (map Neg (restr_list_prop p (fst s))))
(Or (list_disj (map Box l0))
(Diam B)))) = A).
intros. pose (GUI_critic_not_init H0 H1 H2 H3 H4). apply (GUI_fun _ _ _ g H).
Let UI_pwc : forall x, sig (GUI x).
apply GUI_tot.
Definition UI x := proj1_sig (UI_pwc x).
Fact UI_spec x : GUI x (UI x).
Proof. apply (proj2_sig _). Qed.
Lemma UI_GUI : forall x A, UI x = A <-> GUI x A.
intros. split ; intro ; subst.
apply UI_spec. unfold UI. destruct UI_pwc. simpl.
apply GUI_fun with (x:=x) ; auto.
End UI.