Require Import List.
Export ListNotations.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import PeanoNat Arith.
Require Import KS_calc.
Require Import KS_dec.
Require Import KS_termination_measure.
Require Export KS_termination_prelims.
Require Export KS_termination_init.
Require Export KS_termination_ImpR.
Require Export KS_termination_ImpL.
Require Export KS_termination_KR.
(* Now that we have the list of all premises of a sequent via all rules, we can combine
them all to obtain the list of all potential premises via the KS calculus. *)
Lemma finite_premises_of_S : forall (s : Seq), existsT2 listprems,
(forall prems, ((KS_rules prems s) -> (InT prems listprems)) *
((InT prems listprems) -> (KS_rules prems s))).
intro s.
destruct (dec_KS_rules s).
- exists []. intros. split. intro. exfalso. apply f. exists prems. assumption.
intro. inversion H.
- pose (finite_IdP_premises_of_S s). destruct s1.
pose (finite_BotL_premises_of_S s). destruct s1.
pose (finite_ImpR_premises_of_S s). destruct s1.
pose (finite_ImpL_premises_of_S s). destruct s1.
pose (finite_KR_premises_of_S s). destruct s1.
exists (x ++ x0 ++ x1 ++ x2 ++ x3).
* intro RA. inversion RA.
{ inversion H. subst. pose (p []). destruct p4. apply InT_or_app. auto. }
{ inversion H. subst. pose (p0 []). destruct p4. apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app. auto. }
{ inversion H. subst. pose (p1 [(Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)]). destruct p4.
apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app. left. auto. }
{ inversion H. subst. pose (p2 [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]).
destruct p4. apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app. right.
apply InT_or_app. left. auto. }
{ inversion X. subst. pose (p3 [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])]).
destruct p4. apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app.
right. apply InT_or_app. auto. }
* intro. apply InT_app_or in H. destruct H.
{ apply p in i. apply IdP ; try intro ; try apply f ; try auto ; try assumption. }
{ apply InT_app_or in i. destruct i.
- apply p0 in i. apply BotL ; try intro ; try apply f ; try auto ; try assumption.
- apply InT_app_or in i. destruct i.
+ apply p1 in i. apply ImpR ; try intro ; try apply f ; try auto ; try assumption.
+ apply InT_app_or in i. destruct i.
* apply p2 in i. apply ImpL ; try intro ; try apply f ; try auto ; try assumption.
* apply p3 in i. apply KR ; try intro ; try apply f ; try auto ; try assumption. }
(* The next definitions "flattens" a list of lists of premises to a list of premises.*)
Definition list_of_premises (s : Seq) : list Seq :=
flatten_list (proj1_sigT2 (finite_premises_of_S s)).
Lemma InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems : forall s prem, InT prem (list_of_premises s) ->
existsT2 prems, (InT prem prems) * (KS_rules prems s).
intros s prem X. unfold list_of_premises in X.
apply InT_flatten_list_InT_elem in X. destruct X. destruct p.
exists x. split. auto.
destruct (finite_premises_of_S s). pose (p x). destruct p0. apply k. assumption.
Lemma exists_prems_InT_list_of_premises : forall s prem,
(existsT2 prems, (InT prem prems) * (KS_rules prems s)) ->
InT prem (list_of_premises s).
intros. destruct X. destruct p. unfold list_of_premises. destruct (finite_premises_of_S s).
pose (p x). destruct p0. apply InT_trans_flatten_list with (bs:=x). assumption. simpl. apply i0.
Lemma find_the_max_mhd : forall concl l
(Prem_mhd : forall prems : list Seq, KS_rules prems concl ->
forall prem : Seq, InT prem prems ->
existsT2 Dprem : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) prem,
is_mhd Dprem)
(H1 : forall prem : Seq, InT prem l -> InT prem (list_of_premises concl))
(H2 : forall (prem : Seq) (J : InT prem l), InT prem (proj1_sigT2
(InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J))))
(H3 : forall (prem : Seq) (J : InT prem l), KS_rules (proj1_sigT2
(InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J))) concl)
(NotNil: l <> nil),
existsT2 prem, existsT2 (J0: InT prem l), forall prem' (J1: InT prem' l),
(derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd
(proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J1)))
(H3 prem' J1)
(H2 prem' J1))))
(derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd
(proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J0)))
(H3 prem J0)
(H2 prem J0)))).
induction l ; intros.
- exfalso. apply NotNil. reflexivity.
- clear NotNil. destruct l as [ | r l].
* exists a. assert (InT a [a]). apply InT_eq. exists H. intros. inversion J1. subst.
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' H))) (H3 prem' H) prem' (H2 prem' H)).
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J1))) (H3 prem' J1) prem' (H2 prem' J1)).
simpl. auto. inversion H4.
* assert (H1' : forall prem : Seq, InT prem (r :: l) -> InT prem (list_of_premises concl)).
{ intros. apply H1. apply InT_cons. assumption. }
assert (Prem_mhd' : forall prems : list Seq, KS_rules prems concl -> forall prem : Seq,
InT prem prems -> existsT2 Dprem : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True)
prem, is_mhd Dprem).
{ intros. apply Prem_mhd with (prems:= prems) ; try assumption. }
assert (H2' : forall (prem : Seq) (J : InT prem (r :: l)), InT prem (proj1_sigT2
(InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem J)))).
{ intros. assert (InT prem (a :: r :: l)). apply InT_cons. assumption. pose (H2 _ H).
destruct (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem J)).
simpl. destruct p. assumption. }
assert (H3' : forall (prem : Seq) (J : InT prem (r :: l)), KS_rules
(proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem J))) concl).
{ intros. destruct (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem J)). simpl. destruct p.
assumption. }
assert (r :: l <> []). intro. inversion H.
pose (IHl Prem_mhd' H1' H2' H3' H). destruct s. destruct s.
(* I have a max in r :: l: so I simply need to compare it with a. *)
assert (J2: InT a (a :: r :: l)). apply InT_eq.
assert (J3: InT x (a :: r :: l)). apply InT_cons. assumption.
(* The next assert decides on le between mhd of a and mhd of x. *)
pose (le_dec
(derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 a J2)))
(H3 a J2) a (H2 a J2))))
(Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' x x0)))
(H3' x x0) x (H2' x x0))))).
destruct s.
+ exists x. exists J3. intros. inversion J1. subst.
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J1)))
(H3 prem' J1) prem' (H2 prem' J1)). simpl.
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J2)))
(H3 prem' J2) prem' (H2 prem' J2)). simpl in l1. unfold is_mhd in i0.
pose (i0 x1).
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 x J3))) (H3 x J3) x (H2 x J3)).
destruct (Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' x x0)))
(H3' x x0) x (H2' x x0)). simpl in l1.
unfold is_mhd in i1. pose (i1 x4). lia.
destruct (Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' x x0)))
(H3' x x0) x (H2' x x0)). simpl in l0.
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 x J3))) (H3 x J3) x (H2 x J3)).
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J1)))). simpl.
assert (derrec_height
(Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem' H4)))
(H3' prem' H4) prem' (H2' prem' H4))) <= derrec_height x1).
apply (l0 prem' H4). subst.
unfold is_mhd in i0. pose (i0 x1).
destruct (Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem' H4)))
(H3' prem' H4) prem' (H2' prem' H4)). simpl in H6. unfold is_mhd in i2. pose (i2 x3). lia.
+ exists a. exists J2. intros.
inversion J1.
{ subst. destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J1)))
(H3 prem' J1) prem' (H2 prem' J1)). simpl.
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J2)))
(H3 prem' J2) prem' (H2 prem' J2)).
simpl. unfold is_mhd in i0. pose (i0 x1). lia. }
{ subst.
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 a J2))) (H3 a J2) a (H2 a J2)).
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J1)))
(H3 prem' J1) prem' (H2 prem' J1)). simpl.
destruct (Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' x x0)))
(H3' x x0) x (H2' x x0)). simpl in l0.
assert (derrec_height
(Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem' H4)))
(H3' prem' H4) prem' (H2' prem' H4))) <= derrec_height x3). apply l0.
destruct (Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem' H4)))
(H3' prem' H4) prem' (H2' prem' H4)). simpl in H0. unfold is_mhd in i2.
pose (i2 x2). simpl in *. lia. }
Lemma term_IH_help : forall concl,
(existsT2 prems, (KS_rules prems concl) * (prems <> [])) ->
(forall prems, KS_rules prems concl -> (forall prem, InT prem prems -> (existsT2 Dprem, @is_mhd prem Dprem)))
(existsT2 Maxprems Maxprem DMaxprem, (KS_rules Maxprems concl) * (@is_mhd Maxprem DMaxprem) * (InT Maxprem Maxprems) *
(forall prems prem (Dprem : KS_drv prem), KS_rules prems concl -> InT prem prems ->
derrec_height Dprem <= derrec_height DMaxprem)).
intros concl FAH Prem_mhd.
pose (list_of_premises concl).
assert (H1: forall prem, InT prem l -> InT prem (list_of_premises concl)).
intros. auto.
assert (H2: forall prem (J: InT prem l), InT prem (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J)))).
intros. destruct (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J)). destruct p. auto.
assert (H3: forall prem (J: InT prem l),
KS_rules (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J))) concl).
intros. destruct (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J)). destruct p. auto.
assert (H4: forall prem (J: InT prem l), is_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd
(proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J)))
(H3 prem J)
(H2 prem J)))).
intros. intro. destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J)))
(H3 prem J) prem (H2 prem J)). auto.
assert (l <> []). intro. destruct FAH. destruct p. destruct k.
- inversion i. subst. auto.
- inversion b. subst. auto.
- inversion i. subst. pose (@exists_prems_InT_list_of_premises (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1) (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)).
assert (InT (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1) (list_of_premises (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1))). apply i0.
exists [(Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)]. split. apply InT_eq. apply ImpR ; assumption.
assert (InT (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1) l). auto. rewrite H in H5. inversion H5.
- inversion i. subst. pose (@exists_prems_InT_list_of_premises (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)).
assert (InT (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) (list_of_premises (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1))). apply i0.
exists [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]. split. apply InT_eq. apply ImpL ; assumption.
assert (InT (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) l). auto. rewrite H in H5. inversion H5.
- inversion k. subst. pose (@exists_prems_InT_list_of_premises (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1) (unboxed_list BΓ, [A])).
assert (InT (unboxed_list BΓ, [A]) (list_of_premises (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1))). apply i.
exists [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])]. split. apply InT_eq. apply KR ; assumption.
assert (InT (unboxed_list BΓ, [A]) l). auto. rewrite H in H6. inversion H6.
- pose (find_the_max_mhd _ _ Prem_mhd H1 H2 H3 H).
destruct s. destruct s. exists (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 x x0))).
exists x. exists (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 x x0)))
(H3 x x0) x (H2 x x0))). repeat split ; try apply H3 ; try apply H4 ; try apply H2.
intros prems prem Dprem RA IsPrem.
assert (J3: InT prem l).
pose (@exists_prems_InT_list_of_premises concl prem). apply i. exists prems. auto.
assert (E1: derrec_height Dprem <= derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2
(InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J3))) (H3 prem J3) prem (H2 prem J3)))).
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J3)))
(H3 prem J3) prem (H2 prem J3)). auto.
assert (E2: derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl
_ (H1 prem J3))) (H3 prem J3) prem (H2 prem J3))) <=
derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 x x0)))
(H3 x x0) x (H2 x x0)))). apply l0. lia.
Lemma in_drs_concl_in_allT W rules prems ps (cn : W) (drs : dersrec rules prems ps)
(dtn : derrec rules prems cn) : in_dersrec dtn drs -> InT cn ps.
intro ind. induction ind. apply InT_eq.
apply InT_cons. assumption.
Lemma dec_non_nil_prems: forall (concl : Seq), ((existsT2 prems, (KS_rules prems concl) * (prems <> []))) +
((existsT2 prems, (KS_rules prems concl) * (prems <> [])) -> False).
intros. destruct (dec_KR_rule concl).
+ destruct s. left. exists [x]. split. apply KR in k ; auto. intro. inversion H.
+ destruct (dec_ImpR_rule concl).
* destruct s. left. exists [x]. split. apply ImpR in i. assumption. intro. inversion H.
* destruct (dec_ImpL_rule concl).
{ destruct s. destruct s. left. exists [x; x0]. split. apply ImpL in i. assumption.
intro. inversion H. }
{ right. intro. destruct X. destruct p. inversion k.
- subst. inversion H. auto.
- subst. inversion H. auto.
- subst. inversion H. subst. apply f0. exists (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1). assumption.
- subst. inversion H. subst. apply f1. exists (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1).
exists (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1). assumption.
- subst. inversion X. subst. apply f. exists (unboxed_list BΓ, [A]). assumption. }
(* The next theorem claims that every sequent s has a derivation DMax of maximal height. *)
Theorem KS_termin_base : forall n s, (n = measure s) ->
existsT2 (DMax : KS_drv s), (@is_mhd s DMax).
induction n as [n IH] using (well_founded_induction_type lt_wf).
assert (dersrecnil: dersrec KS_rules (fun _ => True) nil).
apply dersrec_nil.
intros. pose (dec_KS_rules s). destruct s0.
- assert (forall ps : list Seq, KS_rules ps s -> False).
intros. apply f. exists ps. assumption. pose (@no_KS_rule_applic s H0).
pose (dpI KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) s I).
exists d. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. pose (e D1). rewrite e0. auto.
- assert (forall prems, KS_rules prems s -> (forall prem, InT prem prems ->
(existsT2 Dprem, @is_mhd prem Dprem))).
{ simpl. intros prems X prem X0. inversion X.
- inversion H0. subst. exfalso. inversion X0.
- inversion H0. subst. exfalso. inversion X0.
- inversion H0. subst. inversion X0. 2: inversion H1. subst.
assert (J0: measure (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1) < measure (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1)).
unfold measure. simpl.
repeat rewrite size_LF_dist_app. simpl. lia.
pose (IH (measure (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)) J0 (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)).
apply s. reflexivity.
- inversion H0. subst. inversion X0 ; subst.
+ assert (J0: measure (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) < measure (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
unfold measure. simpl. repeat rewrite size_LF_dist_app. simpl. lia.
pose (IH (measure (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)) J0 (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)).
apply s. reflexivity.
+ inversion H1. subst.
assert (J0: measure (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) < measure (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
unfold measure. simpl. repeat rewrite size_LF_dist_app. simpl. lia.
pose (IH (measure (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)) J0 (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
apply s. reflexivity. inversion H2.
- inversion X1. subst. inversion X0. 2: inversion H0. subst.
assert (J0: measure (unboxed_list BΓ, [A]) < measure (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1)).
unfold measure. simpl. repeat rewrite size_LF_dist_app. simpl.
pose (size_nobox_gen_ext _ _ X2). pose (size_unboxed BΓ). lia.
pose (IH (measure (unboxed_list BΓ, [A])) J0 (unboxed_list BΓ, [A])).
apply s. reflexivity. }
destruct (dec_non_nil_prems s).
+ pose (@term_IH_help s s1 X). repeat destruct s2. destruct p. destruct p. destruct p.
inversion k.
(* Use PIH and SIH here, depending on the rule applied *)
* inversion H0. subst. inversion i.
* inversion H0. subst. inversion i.
* subst. inversion H0. subst. assert (E: x0 = (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)).
inversion i. auto. inversion H1. subst.
pose (dlCons x1 dersrecnil).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)] (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1) k d).
exists d0. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=dersrecnil). rewrite Nat.max_0_r.
destruct D1.
{ simpl. lia. }
{ simpl.
assert (forall p (d : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) p),
in_dersrec d d1 -> derrec_height d <= (derrec_height x1)). intros.
pose (@in_drs_concl_in_allT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X0). subst. pose (l ps p d2 k0 i1). assumption.
pose (dersrec_height_le H). lia. }
{ reflexivity. }
* subst. inversion H0. subst. inversion i.
{ subst. pose (dpI KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) I).
pose (dlCons d dersrecnil). pose (dlCons x1 d0).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]
(Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) k d1).
exists d2. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=dersrecnil). rewrite Nat.max_0_r.
destruct D1.
{ simpl. lia. }
{ simpl.
assert (forall p (d : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) p),
in_dersrec d d3 -> derrec_height d <= (derrec_height x1)). intros.
pose (@in_drs_concl_in_allT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X0). subst. pose (l ps p d4 k0 i1). assumption.
pose (dersrec_height_le H). lia. }
{ reflexivity. } }
{ inversion H1. subst. pose (dpI KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) I).
pose (dlCons x1 dersrecnil). pose (dlCons d d0).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]
(Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) k d1).
exists d2. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=dersrecnil). rewrite Nat.max_0_r.
destruct D1.
{ simpl. lia. }
{ simpl.
assert (forall p (d : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) p),
in_dersrec d d3 -> derrec_height d <= (derrec_height x1)). intros.
pose (@in_drs_concl_in_allT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X0). subst. pose (l ps p d4 k0 i1). assumption.
pose (dersrec_height_le H). lia. }
{ reflexivity. }
inversion H4. }
* subst. inversion X0. subst. assert (E: x0 = (unboxed_list BΓ, [A])).
inversion i. subst. auto. inversion H1. subst.
pose (dlCons x1 dersrecnil).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])] (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1) k d).
exists d0. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=dersrecnil). rewrite Nat.max_0_r.
destruct D1.
{ simpl. lia. }
{ simpl.
assert (forall p (d : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) p),
in_dersrec d d1 -> derrec_height d <= (derrec_height x1)). intros.
pose (@in_drs_concl_in_allT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X2). subst. pose (l ps p d2 k0 i1). assumption.
pose (dersrec_height_le H0). lia. }
{ reflexivity. }
+ destruct s0. inversion k.
* inversion H0. subst. pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [] (Γ0 ++ # P :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ # P :: Δ1) k dersrecnil).
exists d. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=dersrecnil).
destruct D1.
{ simpl. lia. }
{ simpl. destruct k0.
- inversion i. subst. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=d0). lia. reflexivity.
- inversion b. subst. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=d0). lia. reflexivity.
- inversion i. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(Γ2 ++ A :: Γ3, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3)]. split.
apply ImpR in i. assumption. intro. inversion H.
- inversion i. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ2 ++ A :: Δ3); (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ2 ++ Δ3)]. split.
apply ImpL in i. assumption. intro. inversion H.
- inversion k0. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])]. split.
apply KR in k0. assumption. intro. inversion H1. }
{ reflexivity. }
* inversion H0. subst. pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [] (Γ0 ++ Bot :: Γ1, Δ) k dersrecnil).
exists d. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=dersrecnil).
destruct D1.
{ simpl. lia. }
{ simpl. destruct k0.
- inversion i. subst. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=d0). lia. reflexivity.
- inversion b. subst. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=d0). lia. reflexivity.
- inversion i. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(Γ2 ++ A :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)]. split.
apply ImpR in i. assumption. intro. inversion H.
- inversion i. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]. split.
apply ImpL in i. assumption. intro. inversion H.
- inversion k0. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])]. split.
apply KR in k0. assumption. intro. inversion H1. }
{ reflexivity. }
* inversion H0. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)]. split. assumption. intro.
inversion H.
* inversion H0. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]. split. assumption. intro.
inversion H.
* inversion X0. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])]. split. assumption. intro.
inversion H.
Theorem KS_termin : forall s, existsT2 (DMax : KS_drv s), (@is_mhd s DMax).
intro s. pose (@KS_termin_base (measure s)). apply s0 ; reflexivity.
Theorem KS_termin1 : forall (s : Seq), exists (DMax : KS_drv s), (is_mhd DMax).
intro s.
assert (J1: measure s = measure s). reflexivity.
pose (@KS_termin_base (measure s) s J1).
destruct s0. exists x. assumption.
Theorem KS_termin2 : forall s, exists (DMax : KS_drv s), (is_mhd DMax).
intro s.
assert (J1: measure s = measure s). reflexivity.
pose (@KS_termin_base (measure s) s J1 ).
destruct s0. exists x. assumption.
Theorem KS_termin3 : forall (s : Seq), existsT2 (DMax : KS_drv s), (is_mhd DMax).
intro s. pose (@KS_termin_base (measure s)). apply s0 ; reflexivity.
(* Now we can prove that the maximal height of derivations (mhd) for sequents
decreases upwards in the applicability of the proofs. In other words, if a sequent s is the
conclusion of an instance of a rule R of KS with premises in ps, then for any element s0 of
ps we have that (mhd s0) < (mhd s).
To do so we first define mhd.*)
Definition mhd (s: Seq) : nat := derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin s)).
Lemma KS_termin_der_is_mhd : forall s, (@is_mhd s (proj1_sigT2 (@KS_termin s))).
intro s. destruct KS_termin. auto.
Theorem RA_mhd_decreases : forall prems concl, (KS_rules prems concl) ->
(forall prem, (In prem prems) -> (mhd prem) < (mhd concl)).
intros. inversion X.
- inversion H0. subst. inversion H.
- inversion H0. subst. inversion H.
- inversion H0. subst. inversion H.
* subst. apply le_False_lt. intro.
pose (d:= proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1))).
pose (d0:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1))).
assert (dersrecnil: dersrec KS_rules (fun _ => True) nil).
apply dersrec_nil. pose (dlCons d0 dersrecnil).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)] (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1) X d1).
assert (E1: derrec_height d0 = mhd (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (E2: derrec_height d = mhd (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (@is_mhd (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1) d). apply KS_termin_der_is_mhd.
unfold is_mhd in H2. pose (H2 d2). simpl in l. rewrite dersrec_height_nil in l. rewrite Nat.max_0_r in l.
lia. reflexivity.
* inversion H1.
- inversion H0. subst. inversion H.
* subst. apply le_False_lt. intro.
pose (d:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1))).
pose (d0:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1))).
assert (dersrecnil: dersrec KS_rules (fun _ => True) nil).
apply dersrec_nil.
pose (dpI KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) I).
pose (dlCons d1 dersrecnil). pose (dlCons d0 d2).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]
(Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) X d3).
assert (E1: derrec_height d0 = mhd (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (E2: derrec_height d = mhd (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (@is_mhd (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) d). apply KS_termin_der_is_mhd.
unfold is_mhd in H2. pose (H2 d4). simpl in l. rewrite dersrec_height_nil in l. rewrite Nat.max_0_r in l.
lia. reflexivity.
* inversion H1. subst. apply le_False_lt. intro.
pose (d:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1))).
pose (d0:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1))).
assert (dersrecnil: dersrec KS_rules (fun _ => True) nil).
apply dersrec_nil.
pose (dpI KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) I).
pose (dlCons d0 dersrecnil). pose (dlCons d1 d2).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]
(Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) X d3).
assert (E1: derrec_height d0 = mhd (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (E2: derrec_height d = mhd (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (@is_mhd (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) d). apply KS_termin_der_is_mhd.
unfold is_mhd in H3. pose (H3 d4). simpl in l. rewrite dersrec_height_nil in l. rewrite Nat.max_0_r in l.
simpl in l. lia. reflexivity. inversion H2.
- inversion X0. subst. inversion H.
* subst. apply le_False_lt. intro.
pose (d:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1))).
pose (d0:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (unboxed_list BΓ, [A]))).
assert (dersrecnil: dersrec KS_rules (fun _ => True) nil).
apply dersrec_nil. pose (dlCons d0 dersrecnil).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])] (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1) X d1).
assert (E1: derrec_height d0 = mhd (unboxed_list BΓ, [A])).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (E2: derrec_height d = mhd (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (@is_mhd (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1) d). apply KS_termin_der_is_mhd.
unfold is_mhd in H1. pose (H1 d2). simpl in l. rewrite dersrec_height_nil in l. rewrite Nat.max_0_r in l.
lia. reflexivity.
* inversion H0.
Export ListNotations.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import PeanoNat Arith.
Require Import KS_calc.
Require Import KS_dec.
Require Import KS_termination_measure.
Require Export KS_termination_prelims.
Require Export KS_termination_init.
Require Export KS_termination_ImpR.
Require Export KS_termination_ImpL.
Require Export KS_termination_KR.
(* Now that we have the list of all premises of a sequent via all rules, we can combine
them all to obtain the list of all potential premises via the KS calculus. *)
Lemma finite_premises_of_S : forall (s : Seq), existsT2 listprems,
(forall prems, ((KS_rules prems s) -> (InT prems listprems)) *
((InT prems listprems) -> (KS_rules prems s))).
intro s.
destruct (dec_KS_rules s).
- exists []. intros. split. intro. exfalso. apply f. exists prems. assumption.
intro. inversion H.
- pose (finite_IdP_premises_of_S s). destruct s1.
pose (finite_BotL_premises_of_S s). destruct s1.
pose (finite_ImpR_premises_of_S s). destruct s1.
pose (finite_ImpL_premises_of_S s). destruct s1.
pose (finite_KR_premises_of_S s). destruct s1.
exists (x ++ x0 ++ x1 ++ x2 ++ x3).
* intro RA. inversion RA.
{ inversion H. subst. pose (p []). destruct p4. apply InT_or_app. auto. }
{ inversion H. subst. pose (p0 []). destruct p4. apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app. auto. }
{ inversion H. subst. pose (p1 [(Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)]). destruct p4.
apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app. left. auto. }
{ inversion H. subst. pose (p2 [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]).
destruct p4. apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app. right.
apply InT_or_app. left. auto. }
{ inversion X. subst. pose (p3 [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])]).
destruct p4. apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app. right. apply InT_or_app.
right. apply InT_or_app. auto. }
* intro. apply InT_app_or in H. destruct H.
{ apply p in i. apply IdP ; try intro ; try apply f ; try auto ; try assumption. }
{ apply InT_app_or in i. destruct i.
- apply p0 in i. apply BotL ; try intro ; try apply f ; try auto ; try assumption.
- apply InT_app_or in i. destruct i.
+ apply p1 in i. apply ImpR ; try intro ; try apply f ; try auto ; try assumption.
+ apply InT_app_or in i. destruct i.
* apply p2 in i. apply ImpL ; try intro ; try apply f ; try auto ; try assumption.
* apply p3 in i. apply KR ; try intro ; try apply f ; try auto ; try assumption. }
(* The next definitions "flattens" a list of lists of premises to a list of premises.*)
Definition list_of_premises (s : Seq) : list Seq :=
flatten_list (proj1_sigT2 (finite_premises_of_S s)).
Lemma InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems : forall s prem, InT prem (list_of_premises s) ->
existsT2 prems, (InT prem prems) * (KS_rules prems s).
intros s prem X. unfold list_of_premises in X.
apply InT_flatten_list_InT_elem in X. destruct X. destruct p.
exists x. split. auto.
destruct (finite_premises_of_S s). pose (p x). destruct p0. apply k. assumption.
Lemma exists_prems_InT_list_of_premises : forall s prem,
(existsT2 prems, (InT prem prems) * (KS_rules prems s)) ->
InT prem (list_of_premises s).
intros. destruct X. destruct p. unfold list_of_premises. destruct (finite_premises_of_S s).
pose (p x). destruct p0. apply InT_trans_flatten_list with (bs:=x). assumption. simpl. apply i0.
Lemma find_the_max_mhd : forall concl l
(Prem_mhd : forall prems : list Seq, KS_rules prems concl ->
forall prem : Seq, InT prem prems ->
existsT2 Dprem : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) prem,
is_mhd Dprem)
(H1 : forall prem : Seq, InT prem l -> InT prem (list_of_premises concl))
(H2 : forall (prem : Seq) (J : InT prem l), InT prem (proj1_sigT2
(InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J))))
(H3 : forall (prem : Seq) (J : InT prem l), KS_rules (proj1_sigT2
(InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J))) concl)
(NotNil: l <> nil),
existsT2 prem, existsT2 (J0: InT prem l), forall prem' (J1: InT prem' l),
(derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd
(proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J1)))
(H3 prem' J1)
(H2 prem' J1))))
(derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd
(proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J0)))
(H3 prem J0)
(H2 prem J0)))).
induction l ; intros.
- exfalso. apply NotNil. reflexivity.
- clear NotNil. destruct l as [ | r l].
* exists a. assert (InT a [a]). apply InT_eq. exists H. intros. inversion J1. subst.
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' H))) (H3 prem' H) prem' (H2 prem' H)).
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J1))) (H3 prem' J1) prem' (H2 prem' J1)).
simpl. auto. inversion H4.
* assert (H1' : forall prem : Seq, InT prem (r :: l) -> InT prem (list_of_premises concl)).
{ intros. apply H1. apply InT_cons. assumption. }
assert (Prem_mhd' : forall prems : list Seq, KS_rules prems concl -> forall prem : Seq,
InT prem prems -> existsT2 Dprem : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True)
prem, is_mhd Dprem).
{ intros. apply Prem_mhd with (prems:= prems) ; try assumption. }
assert (H2' : forall (prem : Seq) (J : InT prem (r :: l)), InT prem (proj1_sigT2
(InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem J)))).
{ intros. assert (InT prem (a :: r :: l)). apply InT_cons. assumption. pose (H2 _ H).
destruct (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem J)).
simpl. destruct p. assumption. }
assert (H3' : forall (prem : Seq) (J : InT prem (r :: l)), KS_rules
(proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem J))) concl).
{ intros. destruct (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem J)). simpl. destruct p.
assumption. }
assert (r :: l <> []). intro. inversion H.
pose (IHl Prem_mhd' H1' H2' H3' H). destruct s. destruct s.
(* I have a max in r :: l: so I simply need to compare it with a. *)
assert (J2: InT a (a :: r :: l)). apply InT_eq.
assert (J3: InT x (a :: r :: l)). apply InT_cons. assumption.
(* The next assert decides on le between mhd of a and mhd of x. *)
pose (le_dec
(derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 a J2)))
(H3 a J2) a (H2 a J2))))
(Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' x x0)))
(H3' x x0) x (H2' x x0))))).
destruct s.
+ exists x. exists J3. intros. inversion J1. subst.
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J1)))
(H3 prem' J1) prem' (H2 prem' J1)). simpl.
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J2)))
(H3 prem' J2) prem' (H2 prem' J2)). simpl in l1. unfold is_mhd in i0.
pose (i0 x1).
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 x J3))) (H3 x J3) x (H2 x J3)).
destruct (Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' x x0)))
(H3' x x0) x (H2' x x0)). simpl in l1.
unfold is_mhd in i1. pose (i1 x4). lia.
destruct (Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' x x0)))
(H3' x x0) x (H2' x x0)). simpl in l0.
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 x J3))) (H3 x J3) x (H2 x J3)).
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J1)))). simpl.
assert (derrec_height
(Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem' H4)))
(H3' prem' H4) prem' (H2' prem' H4))) <= derrec_height x1).
apply (l0 prem' H4). subst.
unfold is_mhd in i0. pose (i0 x1).
destruct (Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem' H4)))
(H3' prem' H4) prem' (H2' prem' H4)). simpl in H6. unfold is_mhd in i2. pose (i2 x3). lia.
+ exists a. exists J2. intros.
inversion J1.
{ subst. destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J1)))
(H3 prem' J1) prem' (H2 prem' J1)). simpl.
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J2)))
(H3 prem' J2) prem' (H2 prem' J2)).
simpl. unfold is_mhd in i0. pose (i0 x1). lia. }
{ subst.
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 a J2))) (H3 a J2) a (H2 a J2)).
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem' J1)))
(H3 prem' J1) prem' (H2 prem' J1)). simpl.
destruct (Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' x x0)))
(H3' x x0) x (H2' x x0)). simpl in l0.
assert (derrec_height
(Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem' H4)))
(H3' prem' H4) prem' (H2' prem' H4))) <= derrec_height x3). apply l0.
destruct (Prem_mhd' (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1' prem' H4)))
(H3' prem' H4) prem' (H2' prem' H4)). simpl in H0. unfold is_mhd in i2.
pose (i2 x2). simpl in *. lia. }
Lemma term_IH_help : forall concl,
(existsT2 prems, (KS_rules prems concl) * (prems <> [])) ->
(forall prems, KS_rules prems concl -> (forall prem, InT prem prems -> (existsT2 Dprem, @is_mhd prem Dprem)))
(existsT2 Maxprems Maxprem DMaxprem, (KS_rules Maxprems concl) * (@is_mhd Maxprem DMaxprem) * (InT Maxprem Maxprems) *
(forall prems prem (Dprem : KS_drv prem), KS_rules prems concl -> InT prem prems ->
derrec_height Dprem <= derrec_height DMaxprem)).
intros concl FAH Prem_mhd.
pose (list_of_premises concl).
assert (H1: forall prem, InT prem l -> InT prem (list_of_premises concl)).
intros. auto.
assert (H2: forall prem (J: InT prem l), InT prem (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J)))).
intros. destruct (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J)). destruct p. auto.
assert (H3: forall prem (J: InT prem l),
KS_rules (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J))) concl).
intros. destruct (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J)). destruct p. auto.
assert (H4: forall prem (J: InT prem l), is_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd
(proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J)))
(H3 prem J)
(H2 prem J)))).
intros. intro. destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J)))
(H3 prem J) prem (H2 prem J)). auto.
assert (l <> []). intro. destruct FAH. destruct p. destruct k.
- inversion i. subst. auto.
- inversion b. subst. auto.
- inversion i. subst. pose (@exists_prems_InT_list_of_premises (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1) (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)).
assert (InT (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1) (list_of_premises (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1))). apply i0.
exists [(Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)]. split. apply InT_eq. apply ImpR ; assumption.
assert (InT (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1) l). auto. rewrite H in H5. inversion H5.
- inversion i. subst. pose (@exists_prems_InT_list_of_premises (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)).
assert (InT (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) (list_of_premises (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1))). apply i0.
exists [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]. split. apply InT_eq. apply ImpL ; assumption.
assert (InT (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) l). auto. rewrite H in H5. inversion H5.
- inversion k. subst. pose (@exists_prems_InT_list_of_premises (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1) (unboxed_list BΓ, [A])).
assert (InT (unboxed_list BΓ, [A]) (list_of_premises (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1))). apply i.
exists [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])]. split. apply InT_eq. apply KR ; assumption.
assert (InT (unboxed_list BΓ, [A]) l). auto. rewrite H in H6. inversion H6.
- pose (find_the_max_mhd _ _ Prem_mhd H1 H2 H3 H).
destruct s. destruct s. exists (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 x x0))).
exists x. exists (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 x x0)))
(H3 x x0) x (H2 x x0))). repeat split ; try apply H3 ; try apply H4 ; try apply H2.
intros prems prem Dprem RA IsPrem.
assert (J3: InT prem l).
pose (@exists_prems_InT_list_of_premises concl prem). apply i. exists prems. auto.
assert (E1: derrec_height Dprem <= derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2
(InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J3))) (H3 prem J3) prem (H2 prem J3)))).
destruct (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 prem J3)))
(H3 prem J3) prem (H2 prem J3)). auto.
assert (E2: derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl
_ (H1 prem J3))) (H3 prem J3) prem (H2 prem J3))) <=
derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (Prem_mhd (proj1_sigT2 (InT_list_of_premises_exists_prems concl _ (H1 x x0)))
(H3 x x0) x (H2 x x0)))). apply l0. lia.
Lemma in_drs_concl_in_allT W rules prems ps (cn : W) (drs : dersrec rules prems ps)
(dtn : derrec rules prems cn) : in_dersrec dtn drs -> InT cn ps.
intro ind. induction ind. apply InT_eq.
apply InT_cons. assumption.
Lemma dec_non_nil_prems: forall (concl : Seq), ((existsT2 prems, (KS_rules prems concl) * (prems <> []))) +
((existsT2 prems, (KS_rules prems concl) * (prems <> [])) -> False).
intros. destruct (dec_KR_rule concl).
+ destruct s. left. exists [x]. split. apply KR in k ; auto. intro. inversion H.
+ destruct (dec_ImpR_rule concl).
* destruct s. left. exists [x]. split. apply ImpR in i. assumption. intro. inversion H.
* destruct (dec_ImpL_rule concl).
{ destruct s. destruct s. left. exists [x; x0]. split. apply ImpL in i. assumption.
intro. inversion H. }
{ right. intro. destruct X. destruct p. inversion k.
- subst. inversion H. auto.
- subst. inversion H. auto.
- subst. inversion H. subst. apply f0. exists (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1). assumption.
- subst. inversion H. subst. apply f1. exists (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1).
exists (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1). assumption.
- subst. inversion X. subst. apply f. exists (unboxed_list BΓ, [A]). assumption. }
(* The next theorem claims that every sequent s has a derivation DMax of maximal height. *)
Theorem KS_termin_base : forall n s, (n = measure s) ->
existsT2 (DMax : KS_drv s), (@is_mhd s DMax).
induction n as [n IH] using (well_founded_induction_type lt_wf).
assert (dersrecnil: dersrec KS_rules (fun _ => True) nil).
apply dersrec_nil.
intros. pose (dec_KS_rules s). destruct s0.
- assert (forall ps : list Seq, KS_rules ps s -> False).
intros. apply f. exists ps. assumption. pose (@no_KS_rule_applic s H0).
pose (dpI KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) s I).
exists d. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. pose (e D1). rewrite e0. auto.
- assert (forall prems, KS_rules prems s -> (forall prem, InT prem prems ->
(existsT2 Dprem, @is_mhd prem Dprem))).
{ simpl. intros prems X prem X0. inversion X.
- inversion H0. subst. exfalso. inversion X0.
- inversion H0. subst. exfalso. inversion X0.
- inversion H0. subst. inversion X0. 2: inversion H1. subst.
assert (J0: measure (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1) < measure (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1)).
unfold measure. simpl.
repeat rewrite size_LF_dist_app. simpl. lia.
pose (IH (measure (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)) J0 (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)).
apply s. reflexivity.
- inversion H0. subst. inversion X0 ; subst.
+ assert (J0: measure (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) < measure (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
unfold measure. simpl. repeat rewrite size_LF_dist_app. simpl. lia.
pose (IH (measure (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)) J0 (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)).
apply s. reflexivity.
+ inversion H1. subst.
assert (J0: measure (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) < measure (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
unfold measure. simpl. repeat rewrite size_LF_dist_app. simpl. lia.
pose (IH (measure (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)) J0 (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
apply s. reflexivity. inversion H2.
- inversion X1. subst. inversion X0. 2: inversion H0. subst.
assert (J0: measure (unboxed_list BΓ, [A]) < measure (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1)).
unfold measure. simpl. repeat rewrite size_LF_dist_app. simpl.
pose (size_nobox_gen_ext _ _ X2). pose (size_unboxed BΓ). lia.
pose (IH (measure (unboxed_list BΓ, [A])) J0 (unboxed_list BΓ, [A])).
apply s. reflexivity. }
destruct (dec_non_nil_prems s).
+ pose (@term_IH_help s s1 X). repeat destruct s2. destruct p. destruct p. destruct p.
inversion k.
(* Use PIH and SIH here, depending on the rule applied *)
* inversion H0. subst. inversion i.
* inversion H0. subst. inversion i.
* subst. inversion H0. subst. assert (E: x0 = (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)).
inversion i. auto. inversion H1. subst.
pose (dlCons x1 dersrecnil).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)] (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1) k d).
exists d0. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=dersrecnil). rewrite Nat.max_0_r.
destruct D1.
{ simpl. lia. }
{ simpl.
assert (forall p (d : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) p),
in_dersrec d d1 -> derrec_height d <= (derrec_height x1)). intros.
pose (@in_drs_concl_in_allT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X0). subst. pose (l ps p d2 k0 i1). assumption.
pose (dersrec_height_le H). lia. }
{ reflexivity. }
* subst. inversion H0. subst. inversion i.
{ subst. pose (dpI KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) I).
pose (dlCons d dersrecnil). pose (dlCons x1 d0).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]
(Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) k d1).
exists d2. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=dersrecnil). rewrite Nat.max_0_r.
destruct D1.
{ simpl. lia. }
{ simpl.
assert (forall p (d : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) p),
in_dersrec d d3 -> derrec_height d <= (derrec_height x1)). intros.
pose (@in_drs_concl_in_allT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X0). subst. pose (l ps p d4 k0 i1). assumption.
pose (dersrec_height_le H). lia. }
{ reflexivity. } }
{ inversion H1. subst. pose (dpI KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) I).
pose (dlCons x1 dersrecnil). pose (dlCons d d0).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]
(Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) k d1).
exists d2. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=dersrecnil). rewrite Nat.max_0_r.
destruct D1.
{ simpl. lia. }
{ simpl.
assert (forall p (d : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) p),
in_dersrec d d3 -> derrec_height d <= (derrec_height x1)). intros.
pose (@in_drs_concl_in_allT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X0). subst. pose (l ps p d4 k0 i1). assumption.
pose (dersrec_height_le H). lia. }
{ reflexivity. }
inversion H4. }
* subst. inversion X0. subst. assert (E: x0 = (unboxed_list BΓ, [A])).
inversion i. subst. auto. inversion H1. subst.
pose (dlCons x1 dersrecnil).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])] (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1) k d).
exists d0. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=dersrecnil). rewrite Nat.max_0_r.
destruct D1.
{ simpl. lia. }
{ simpl.
assert (forall p (d : derrec KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) p),
in_dersrec d d1 -> derrec_height d <= (derrec_height x1)). intros.
pose (@in_drs_concl_in_allT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X2). subst. pose (l ps p d2 k0 i1). assumption.
pose (dersrec_height_le H0). lia. }
{ reflexivity. }
+ destruct s0. inversion k.
* inversion H0. subst. pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [] (Γ0 ++ # P :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ # P :: Δ1) k dersrecnil).
exists d. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=dersrecnil).
destruct D1.
{ simpl. lia. }
{ simpl. destruct k0.
- inversion i. subst. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=d0). lia. reflexivity.
- inversion b. subst. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=d0). lia. reflexivity.
- inversion i. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(Γ2 ++ A :: Γ3, Δ2 ++ B :: Δ3)]. split.
apply ImpR in i. assumption. intro. inversion H.
- inversion i. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ2 ++ A :: Δ3); (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ2 ++ Δ3)]. split.
apply ImpL in i. assumption. intro. inversion H.
- inversion k0. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])]. split.
apply KR in k0. assumption. intro. inversion H1. }
{ reflexivity. }
* inversion H0. subst. pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [] (Γ0 ++ Bot :: Γ1, Δ) k dersrecnil).
exists d. unfold is_mhd. intros. simpl. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=dersrecnil).
destruct D1.
{ simpl. lia. }
{ simpl. destruct k0.
- inversion i. subst. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=d0). lia. reflexivity.
- inversion b. subst. rewrite dersrec_height_nil with (ds:=d0). lia. reflexivity.
- inversion i. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(Γ2 ++ A :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)]. split.
apply ImpR in i. assumption. intro. inversion H.
- inversion i. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(Γ2 ++ Γ3, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ2 ++ B :: Γ3, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]. split.
apply ImpL in i. assumption. intro. inversion H.
- inversion k0. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])]. split.
apply KR in k0. assumption. intro. inversion H1. }
{ reflexivity. }
* inversion H0. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)]. split. assumption. intro.
inversion H.
* inversion H0. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]. split. assumption. intro.
inversion H.
* inversion X0. subst. exfalso. apply f. exists [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])]. split. assumption. intro.
inversion H.
Theorem KS_termin : forall s, existsT2 (DMax : KS_drv s), (@is_mhd s DMax).
intro s. pose (@KS_termin_base (measure s)). apply s0 ; reflexivity.
Theorem KS_termin1 : forall (s : Seq), exists (DMax : KS_drv s), (is_mhd DMax).
intro s.
assert (J1: measure s = measure s). reflexivity.
pose (@KS_termin_base (measure s) s J1).
destruct s0. exists x. assumption.
Theorem KS_termin2 : forall s, exists (DMax : KS_drv s), (is_mhd DMax).
intro s.
assert (J1: measure s = measure s). reflexivity.
pose (@KS_termin_base (measure s) s J1 ).
destruct s0. exists x. assumption.
Theorem KS_termin3 : forall (s : Seq), existsT2 (DMax : KS_drv s), (is_mhd DMax).
intro s. pose (@KS_termin_base (measure s)). apply s0 ; reflexivity.
(* Now we can prove that the maximal height of derivations (mhd) for sequents
decreases upwards in the applicability of the proofs. In other words, if a sequent s is the
conclusion of an instance of a rule R of KS with premises in ps, then for any element s0 of
ps we have that (mhd s0) < (mhd s).
To do so we first define mhd.*)
Definition mhd (s: Seq) : nat := derrec_height (proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin s)).
Lemma KS_termin_der_is_mhd : forall s, (@is_mhd s (proj1_sigT2 (@KS_termin s))).
intro s. destruct KS_termin. auto.
Theorem RA_mhd_decreases : forall prems concl, (KS_rules prems concl) ->
(forall prem, (In prem prems) -> (mhd prem) < (mhd concl)).
intros. inversion X.
- inversion H0. subst. inversion H.
- inversion H0. subst. inversion H.
- inversion H0. subst. inversion H.
* subst. apply le_False_lt. intro.
pose (d:= proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1))).
pose (d0:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1))).
assert (dersrecnil: dersrec KS_rules (fun _ => True) nil).
apply dersrec_nil. pose (dlCons d0 dersrecnil).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)] (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1) X d1).
assert (E1: derrec_height d0 = mhd (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ B :: Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (E2: derrec_height d = mhd (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (@is_mhd (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A --> B :: Δ1) d). apply KS_termin_der_is_mhd.
unfold is_mhd in H2. pose (H2 d2). simpl in l. rewrite dersrec_height_nil in l. rewrite Nat.max_0_r in l.
lia. reflexivity.
* inversion H1.
- inversion H0. subst. inversion H.
* subst. apply le_False_lt. intro.
pose (d:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1))).
pose (d0:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1))).
assert (dersrecnil: dersrec KS_rules (fun _ => True) nil).
apply dersrec_nil.
pose (dpI KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) I).
pose (dlCons d1 dersrecnil). pose (dlCons d0 d2).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]
(Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) X d3).
assert (E1: derrec_height d0 = mhd (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (E2: derrec_height d = mhd (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (@is_mhd (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) d). apply KS_termin_der_is_mhd.
unfold is_mhd in H2. pose (H2 d4). simpl in l. rewrite dersrec_height_nil in l. rewrite Nat.max_0_r in l.
lia. reflexivity.
* inversion H1. subst. apply le_False_lt. intro.
pose (d:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1))).
pose (d0:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1))).
assert (dersrecnil: dersrec KS_rules (fun _ => True) nil).
apply dersrec_nil.
pose (dpI KS_rules (fun _ : Seq => True) (Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1) I).
pose (dlCons d0 dersrecnil). pose (dlCons d1 d2).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(Γ0 ++ Γ1, Δ0 ++ A :: Δ1); (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)]
(Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) X d3).
assert (E1: derrec_height d0 = mhd (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (E2: derrec_height d = mhd (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (@is_mhd (Γ0 ++ A --> B :: Γ1, Δ0 ++ Δ1) d). apply KS_termin_der_is_mhd.
unfold is_mhd in H3. pose (H3 d4). simpl in l. rewrite dersrec_height_nil in l. rewrite Nat.max_0_r in l.
simpl in l. lia. reflexivity. inversion H2.
- inversion X0. subst. inversion H.
* subst. apply le_False_lt. intro.
pose (d:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1))).
pose (d0:=proj1_sigT2 (KS_termin (unboxed_list BΓ, [A]))).
assert (dersrecnil: dersrec KS_rules (fun _ => True) nil).
apply dersrec_nil. pose (dlCons d0 dersrecnil).
pose (@derI _ _ (fun _ : Seq => True) [(unboxed_list BΓ, [A])] (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1) X d1).
assert (E1: derrec_height d0 = mhd (unboxed_list BΓ, [A])).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (E2: derrec_height d = mhd (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1)).
unfold mhd. auto.
assert (@is_mhd (Γ0, Δ0 ++ Box A :: Δ1) d). apply KS_termin_der_is_mhd.
unfold is_mhd in H1. pose (H1 d2). simpl in l. rewrite dersrec_height_nil in l. rewrite Nat.max_0_r in l.
lia. reflexivity.
* inversion H0.