Require Import ISL.Sequents.
(* Required for dependent induction. *)
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
(* Required for dependent induction. *)
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Admissible rules in G4ip sequent calculus
Theorem weakening φ' Γ φ : Γ ⊢ φ -> Γ•φ' ⊢ φ.
Proof with (auto with proof).
intro H. revert φ'. induction H; intro φ'; auto with proof; try (exch 0; auto with proof).
- constructor 4. exch 1; exch 0...
- constructor 7; exch 0...
- constructor 8; exch 0...
- exch 1; constructor 9; exch 1; exch 0...
- constructor 10; exch 0...
- constructor 11. exch 1; exch 0...
- constructor 12; exch 0...
- apply ImpBox; box_tac.
+ peapply (IHProvable1 (open_box φ')).
+ exch 0...
- apply BoxR. box_tac; exch 0...
Global Hint Resolve weakening : proof.
Theorem generalised_weakeningL (Γ Γ' : env) φ: Γ ⊢ φ -> Γ' ⊎ Γ ⊢ φ.
intro Hp.
induction Γ' as [| x Γ' IHΓ'] using gmultiset_rec.
- peapply Hp.
- peapply (weakening x). exact IHΓ'. ms.
Theorem generalised_weakeningR (Γ Γ' : env) φ: Γ' ⊢ φ -> Γ' ⊎ Γ ⊢ φ.
intro Hp.
induction Γ as [| x Γ IHΓ] using gmultiset_rec.
- peapply Hp.
- peapply (weakening x). exact IHΓ. ms.
Global Hint Extern 5 (?a <= ?b) => simpl in *; lia : proof.
Inversion rules
Lemma ImpR_rev Γ φ ψ :
(Γ ⊢ (φ → ψ))
-> Γ•φ ⊢ ψ.
Proof with (auto with proof).
intro Hp. dependent induction Hp; auto with proof; try exch 0.
- constructor 4. exch 1; exch 0...
- constructor 7; exch 0...
- exch 1; constructor 9; exch 1; exch 0...
- constructor 10; exch 0...
- constructor 11. exch 1; exch 0...
- constructor 12; exch 0...
- constructor 13; box_tac...
+ exch 1; exch 0...
+ exch 0. auto with proof.
Global Hint Resolve ImpR_rev : proof.
Theorem generalised_axiom Γ φ : Γ•φ ⊢ φ.
Proof with (auto with proof).
remember (weight φ) as w.
assert(Hle : weight φ ≤ w) by lia.
clear Heqw. revert Γ φ Hle.
induction w; intros Γ φ Hle.
- assert (Hφ := weight_pos φ). lia.
- destruct φ; simpl in Hle...
destruct φ1 as [v| | θ1 θ2 | θ1 θ2 | θ1 θ2 | θ].
+ constructor 8. exch 0...
+ auto with proof.
+ apply ImpR, AndL. exch 1; exch 0. apply ImpLAnd.
exch 0. apply ImpR_rev. exch 0...
+ apply ImpR. exch 0. apply ImpLOr.
exch 1; exch 0...
+ apply ImpR. exch 0...
+ apply ImpR. exch 0. apply ImpBox; box_tac...
+ apply BoxR; box_tac...
Global Hint Resolve generalised_axiom : proof.
Local Ltac lazy_apply th:=
(erewrite proper_Provable; [| |reflexivity]); [eapply th|].
Lemma open_box_L Γ φ ψ : Γ • φ ⊢ ψ -> Γ • ⊙ φ ⊢ ψ.
intro Hp.
remember (Γ•φ) as Γ' eqn:HH.
assert (Heq: Γ ≡ Γ' ∖ {[ φ ]}) by ms.
assert(Hin : φ ∈ Γ')by ms.
rw Heq 1. clear Γ HH Heq. revert φ Hin.
dependent induction Hp generalizing Γ' Hp; intros φ0 Hin.
- case (decide (φ0 = Var p)).
+ intro; subst. simpl. auto with proof.
+ intro. forward. auto with proof.
- case (decide (φ0 = ⊥)).
+ intro; subst. simpl. auto with proof.
+ intro. forward. auto with proof.
- apply AndR; auto.
- case (decide (φ0 = (φ ∧ ψ))).
+ intro; subst. simpl. apply AndL. peapply Hp.
+ intro. forward. apply AndL. do 2 backward. peapply (IHHp φ0). ms.
- apply OrR1; auto.
- apply OrR2; auto.
- case (decide (φ0 = (φ ∨ ψ))).
+ intro; subst. simpl. apply OrL.
* peapply Hp1.
* peapply Hp2.
+ intro. forward. apply OrL.
* backward. peapply (IHHp1 φ0). ms.
* backward. peapply (IHHp2 φ0). ms.
- apply ImpR. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- case (decide (φ0 = Var p)).
+ intro; subst; simpl. forward. apply ImpLVar. peapply Hp.
+ intro. case (decide (φ0 = (Var p → φ))).
* intro; subst; simpl. peapply ImpLVar. exact Hp. ms.
* intro. do 2 forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar. exch 0. do 2 backward.
apply IHHp. ms.
- case (decide (φ0 = (φ1 ∧ φ2 → φ3))).
+ intro; subst; simpl. apply ImpLAnd. peapply Hp.
+ intro. forward. apply ImpLAnd. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- case (decide (φ0 = (φ1 ∨ φ2 → φ3))).
+ intro; subst; simpl. apply ImpLOr. peapply Hp.
+ intro. forward. apply ImpLOr. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- case (decide (φ0 = ((φ1 → φ2) → φ3))).
+ intro; subst; simpl. apply ImpLImp. peapply Hp1. peapply Hp2.
+ intro. forward. apply ImpLImp.
* backward. apply IHHp1. ms.
* backward. apply IHHp2. ms.
- case (decide (φ0 = (□ φ1 → φ2))).
+ intro; subst; simpl. apply ImpBox.
* lazy_apply Hp1; autorewrite with proof; ms.
* peapply Hp2.
+ intro. forward.
case (decide (open_box φ0 = □ φ1)).
* intro Heq. repeat rewrite Heq. apply ImpBox; box_tac.
-- exch 1; exch 0. apply generalised_axiom.
-- backward. rewrite <- Heq. apply IHHp2. auto with *.
* intro Hneq. case (decide (open_box φ0 = φ2)).
-- intro Heq. subst φ2. apply ImpBox; box_tac.
++ (erewrite proper_Provable; [| |reflexivity]); [eapply (IHHp1 (⊙ φ0))|].
autorewrite with proof; [|ms]. repeat rewrite env_replace.
** ms.
** auto with proof.
** apply env_in_add. right. auto with proof; ms.
++ box_tac. backward. apply (IHHp2 φ0). auto with *.
-- intro Hneq'. apply ImpBox; repeat box_tac.
++ exch 0. box_tac. assert((⊙ φ0) ∈ (⊗ Γ)) by (now apply In_open_boxes).
backward. backward. eapply (IHHp1 (⊙ φ0)). ms.
++ backward. apply IHHp2. apply env_in_add. now right.
- case (decide (open_box φ0 = □ φ)).
+ intro Heq; rewrite Heq. apply generalised_axiom.
+ intro. backward. apply BoxR. box_tac.
case (decide (open_box φ0 = open_box (open_box φ0))).
* intro Heq. lazy_apply Hp. autorewrite with proof. rewrite <- Heq. ms. ms.
* intro. assert( open_box φ0 ∈ open_boxes Γ) by (now apply In_open_boxes).
lazy_apply (IHHp (open_box φ0)).
-- ms.
-- autorewrite with proof. repeat rewrite env_replace; ms. ms.
Local Hint Resolve env_in_add : proof.
Lemma open_boxes_R (Γ : env) (φ ψ : form): (Γ • φ) ⊢ ψ → ((⊗Γ) • φ) ⊢ ψ.
revert ψ.
induction Γ using gmultiset_rec; intro ψ.
- rewrite open_boxes_empty. trivial.
- intro HP. lazy_apply (open_box_L (⊗ Γ • φ) x ψ).
+ apply ImpR_rev, IHΓ, ImpR. peapply HP.
+ rewrite open_boxes_disj_union, open_boxes_singleton; ms.
Lemma AndL_rev Γ φ ψ θ: (Γ•φ ∧ ψ) ⊢ θ → (Γ•φ•ψ) ⊢ θ.
intro Hp.
remember (Γ•φ ∧ ψ) as Γ' eqn:HH.
assert (Heq: Γ ≡ Γ' ∖ {[ φ ∧ ψ ]}) by ms.
assert(Hin : (φ ∧ ψ) ∈ Γ')by ms.
rw Heq 2. clear Γ HH Heq. revert φ ψ Hin.
(* we massaged the goal so that the environment of the derivation on which we do
the induction is not composite anymore *)
induction Hp; intros φ0 ψ0 Hin; try forward.
(* auto takes care of the right rules easily *)
- auto with proof.
- auto with proof.
- apply AndR; auto with proof.
(* the main case *)
- case(decide ((φ ∧ ψ) = (φ0 ∧ ψ0))); intro Heq0.
+ inversion Heq0; subst. peapply Hp.
+ forward. constructor 4. exch 0. backward. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
(* only left rules remain. Now it's all a matter of putting the right principal
formula at the front, apply the rule; and put back the front formula at the back
before applying the induction hypothesis *)
- apply OrR1. auto with proof.
- apply OrR2. auto with proof.
- constructor 7; backward; [apply IHHp1 | apply IHHp2]; ms.
- constructor 8. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- forward. exch 0. constructor 9. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- constructor 10. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- constructor 11. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- constructor 12; backward.
+ apply IHHp1. ms.
+ apply IHHp2. ms.
- constructor 13; repeat box_tac.
+ exch 0. box_tac.
apply In_open_boxes in Hin0. backward. backward. apply open_box_L. exch 0. apply open_box_L. exch 0.
apply IHHp1. ms.
+ backward. apply IHHp2. ms.
- constructor 14. repeat box_tac.
exch 0. apply open_box_L.
exch 1; exch 0. apply open_box_L.
lazy_apply (IHHp φ0 ψ0).
+ apply env_in_add. right. apply In_open_boxes in Hin. auto with proof.
+ autorewrite with proof. simpl. rewrite <- env_replace. ms.
apply In_open_boxes in Hin. auto with proof.
Lemma OrL_rev Γ φ ψ θ: (Γ•φ ∨ ψ) ⊢ θ → (Γ•φ ⊢ θ) * (Γ•ψ ⊢ θ).
intro Hp.
remember (Γ•φ ∨ ψ) as Γ' eqn:HH.
assert (Heq: Γ ≡ Γ' ∖ {[ φ ∨ ψ ]}) by ms.
assert(Hin : (φ ∨ ψ) ∈ Γ')by ms.
assert(Heq' : ((Γ' ∖ {[φ ∨ ψ]}•φ) ⊢ θ) * ((Γ' ∖ {[φ ∨ ψ]}•ψ) ⊢ θ));
[| split; rw Heq 1; tauto].
clear Γ HH Heq.
induction Hp.
- split; forward; auto with proof.
- split; forward; auto with proof.
- split; constructor 3; intuition.
- split; forward; constructor 4; exch 0; do 2 backward; apply IHHp; ms.
- split; constructor 5; intuition.
- split; apply OrR2; intuition.
- case (decide ((φ0 ∨ ψ0) = (φ ∨ ψ))); intro Heq0.
+ inversion Heq0; subst. split; [peapply Hp1| peapply Hp2].
+ split; forward; constructor 7; backward; (apply IHHp1||apply IHHp2); ms.
- split; constructor 8; backward; apply IHHp; ms.
- split; do 2 forward; exch 0; constructor 9; exch 0; do 2 backward; apply IHHp; ms.
- split; forward; constructor 10; backward; apply IHHp; ms.
- split; forward; constructor 11; exch 0; do 2 backward; apply IHHp; ms.
- split; forward; constructor 12; backward; (apply IHHp1 || apply IHHp2); ms.
- split; forward; assert(Hin' : (φ ∨ ψ) ∈ (⊗ Γ • □ φ1 • φ2))
by (apply env_in_add; right; apply env_in_add; right; auto with proof);
assert((φ ∨ ψ) ∈ ⊗Γ) by auto with proof;
(constructor 13; repeat box_tac; exch 0;
[do 2 backward; apply open_box_L; apply IHHp1|exch 0; backward; apply IHHp2];ms).
- assert (Hin' : (φ ∨ ψ) ∈ (⊗ Γ • □ φ0)) by (apply env_in_add; right; auto with proof).
split; constructor 14; repeat box_tac; backward; apply open_box_L; now apply IHHp.
Lemma TopL_rev Γ φ θ: Γ•(⊥ → φ) ⊢ θ -> Γ ⊢ θ.
remember (Γ•(⊥ → φ)) as Γ' eqn:HH.
assert (Heq: Γ ≡ Γ' ∖ {[ ⊥ → φ ]}) by ms.
assert(Hin : (⊥ → φ) ∈ Γ')by ms. clear HH.
intro Hp. rw Heq 0. clear Γ Heq. induction Hp;
try forward.
- auto with proof.
- auto with proof.
- auto with proof.
- constructor 4. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- auto with proof.
- auto with proof.
- constructor 7; backward; [apply IHHp1 | apply IHHp2]; ms.
- constructor 8. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- forward. exch 0. constructor 9. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- constructor 10. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- constructor 11. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- constructor 12; backward; [apply IHHp1 | apply IHHp2]; ms.
- constructor 13; box_tac.
+ exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp1. ms.
+ backward. apply IHHp2. ms.
- constructor 14. box_tac. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
Local Hint Immediate TopL_rev : proof.
Lemma ImpLVar_rev Γ p φ ψ: (Γ•Var p•(p → φ)) ⊢ ψ → (Γ•Var p•φ) ⊢ ψ.
intro Hp.
remember (Γ•Var p•(p → φ)) as Γ' eqn:HH.
assert (Heq: (Γ•Var p) ≡ Γ' ∖ {[Var p → φ]}) by ms.
assert(Hin : (p → φ) ∈ Γ')by ms.
rw Heq 1. clear Γ HH Heq.
induction Hp; try forward.
- auto with proof.
- auto with proof.
- apply AndR; auto with proof.
- apply AndL. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply OrR1. auto with proof.
- apply OrR2. auto with proof.
- apply OrL; backward; apply IHHp1 || apply IHHp2; ms.
- apply ImpR. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- case (decide ((Var p0 → φ0) = (Var p → φ))); intro Heq0.
+ inversion Heq0; subst. peapply Hp.
+ do 2 forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar. exch 0; do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply ImpLAnd. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply ImpLOr. exch 0; do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply ImpLImp; backward; (apply IHHp1 || apply IHHp2); ms.
- apply ImpBox; repeat box_tac.
+ exch 0; do 2 backward. apply open_box_L. apply IHHp1. ms.
+ backward. apply IHHp2. ms.
- apply BoxR. repeat box_tac. backward. apply open_box_L. apply IHHp. ms.
(* inversion for ImpLImp is only partial *)
Lemma ImpLImp_prev Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ: (Γ•((φ1 → φ2) → φ3)) ⊢ ψ -> (Γ•φ3) ⊢ ψ.
intro Hp.
remember (Γ •((φ1 → φ2) → φ3)) as Γ' eqn:HH.
assert (Heq: Γ ≡ Γ' ∖ {[ ((φ1 → φ2) → φ3) ]}) by ms.
assert(Hin :((φ1 → φ2) → φ3) ∈ Γ')by ms.
rw Heq 1. clear Γ HH Heq.
induction Hp; try forward.
- auto with proof.
- auto with proof.
- apply AndR; auto with proof.
- apply AndL. exch 0; do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply OrR1. auto with proof.
- apply OrR2. auto with proof.
- apply OrL; backward; [apply IHHp1 | apply IHHp2]; ms.
- apply ImpR. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply ImpLAnd. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply ImpLOr. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- case (decide (((φ0 → φ4) → φ5) = ((φ1 → φ2) → φ3))); intro Heq0.
+ inversion Heq0; subst. peapply Hp2.
+ forward. apply ImpLImp; backward; (apply IHHp1 || apply IHHp2); ms.
- apply ImpBox; repeat box_tac.
+ exch 0; do 2 backward. apply open_box_L. apply IHHp1. ms.
+ backward. apply IHHp2. ms.
- apply BoxR. repeat box_tac. backward. apply open_box_L. apply IHHp. ms.
(* inversion for ImpLbox is only partial too *)
Lemma ImpLBox_prev Γ φ1 φ2 ψ: (Γ•((□φ1) → φ2)) ⊢ ψ -> (Γ•φ2) ⊢ ψ.
intro Hp.
remember (Γ •((□φ1) → φ2)) as Γ' eqn:HH.
assert (Heq: Γ ≡ Γ' ∖ {[ ((□φ1) → φ2) ]}) by ms.
assert(Hin :((□φ1) → φ2) ∈ Γ')by ms.
rw Heq 1. clear Γ HH Heq.
induction Hp; try forward.
- auto with proof.
- auto with proof.
- apply AndR; auto with proof.
- apply AndL. exch 0; do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply OrR1. auto with proof.
- apply OrR2. auto with proof.
- apply OrL; backward; [apply IHHp1 | apply IHHp2]; ms.
- apply ImpR. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply ImpLAnd. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply ImpLOr. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply ImpLImp; backward; (apply IHHp1 || apply IHHp2); ms.
- case (decide((□φ0 → φ3) = (□φ1 → φ2))).
+ intro Heq; inversion Heq; subst. peapply Hp2.
+ intro Hneq. forward. apply ImpBox; repeat box_tac.
* exch 0; do 2 backward. apply open_box_L; apply IHHp1. ms.
* backward. apply IHHp2. ms.
- apply BoxR. repeat box_tac. backward. apply open_box_L. apply IHHp. ms.
Lemma ImpLOr_rev Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ: Γ•((φ1 ∨ φ2) → φ3) ⊢ ψ -> Γ•(φ1 → φ3)•(φ2 → φ3) ⊢ ψ.
intro Hp.
remember (Γ •((φ1 ∨ φ2) → φ3)) as Γ' eqn:HH.
assert (Heq: Γ ≡ Γ' ∖ {[ ((φ1 ∨ φ2) → φ3) ]}) by ms.
assert(Hin :((φ1 ∨ φ2) → φ3) ∈ Γ')by ms.
rw Heq 2. clear Γ HH Heq.
induction Hp; try forward.
- auto with proof.
- auto with proof.
- apply AndR; auto with proof.
- constructor 4. exch 0; do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply OrR1. auto with proof.
- apply OrR2. auto with proof.
- constructor 7; backward; [apply IHHp1 | apply IHHp2]; ms.
- constructor 8. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- forward. exch 0. constructor 9. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- constructor 10. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- case (decide (((φ0 ∨ φ4) → φ5) = ((φ1 ∨ φ2) → φ3))); intro Heq0.
+ inversion Heq0; subst. peapply Hp.
+ forward. constructor 11; exch 0; do 2 backward; apply IHHp; ms.
- constructor 12; backward; (apply IHHp1 || apply IHHp2); ms.
- apply ImpBox; repeat box_tac.
+ exch 0; do 2 backward. apply IHHp1. ms.
+ backward. apply IHHp2. ms.
- apply BoxR. repeat box_tac. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
Lemma ImpLAnd_rev Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ: (Γ•(φ1 ∧ φ2 → φ3)) ⊢ ψ -> (Γ•(φ1 → φ2 → φ3)) ⊢ ψ .
intro Hp.
remember (Γ •((φ1 ∧ φ2) → φ3)) as Γ' eqn:HH.
assert (Heq: Γ ≡ Γ' ∖ {[ ((φ1 ∧ φ2) → φ3) ]}) by ms.
assert(Hin :((φ1 ∧ φ2) → φ3) ∈ Γ')by ms.
rw Heq 1. clear Γ HH Heq.
induction Hp; try forward.
- auto with proof.
- auto with proof.
- apply AndR; auto with proof.
- constructor 4. exch 0; do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply OrR1. auto with proof.
- apply OrR2. auto with proof.
- constructor 7; backward; [apply IHHp1 | apply IHHp2]; ms.
- constructor 8. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- forward. exch 0. constructor 9. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- case (decide (((φ0 ∧ φ4) → φ5) = ((φ1 ∧ φ2) → φ3))); intro Heq0.
+ inversion Heq0; subst. peapply Hp.
+ forward. constructor 10. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- constructor 11; exch 0; do 2 backward; apply IHHp; ms.
- constructor 12; backward; (apply IHHp1 || apply IHHp2); ms.
- apply ImpBox; repeat box_tac.
+ exch 0; do 2 backward. apply IHHp1. ms.
+ backward. apply IHHp2. ms.
- apply BoxR. repeat box_tac. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
Global Hint Resolve AndL_rev : proof.
Global Hint Resolve OrL_rev : proof.
Global Hint Resolve ImpLVar_rev : proof.
Global Hint Resolve ImpLOr_rev : proof.
Global Hint Resolve ImpLAnd_rev : proof.
Global Hint Resolve ImpLBox_prev : proof.
Lemma exfalso Γ φ: Γ ⊢ ⊥ -> Γ ⊢ φ.
intro Hp. dependent induction Hp; try tauto; auto with proof; tauto.
Global Hint Immediate exfalso : proof.
Lemma AndR_rev {Γ φ1 φ2} : Γ ⊢ φ1 ∧ φ2 -> (Γ ⊢ φ1) * (Γ ⊢ φ2).
Proof. intro Hp. dependent induction Hp generalizing φ1 φ2 Hp; intuition; auto with proof. Qed.
A general inversion rule for disjunction is not admissible. However, inversion holds if one of the formulas is ⊥.
Lemma OrR1Bot_rev Γ φ : Γ ⊢ φ ∨ ⊥ -> Γ ⊢ φ.
Proof. intro Hd. dependent induction Hd; auto with proof. Qed.
Lemma OrR2Bot_rev Γ φ : Γ ⊢ ⊥ ∨ φ -> Γ ⊢ φ.
Proof. intro Hd. dependent induction Hd; auto with proof. Qed.
We prove Lemma 4.1 of (Dyckhoff & Negri 2000). This lemma shows that a
weaker version of the ImpL rule of Gentzen's original calculus LJ is still
admissible in G4ip. The proof is simple, but requires the inversion lemmas
proved above.
Lemma weak_ImpL Γ φ ψ θ :Γ ⊢ φ -> Γ•ψ ⊢ θ -> Γ•(φ → ψ) ⊢ θ.
Proof with (auto with proof).
intro Hp. revert ψ θ. induction Hp; intros ψ0 θ0 Hp'.
- apply ImpLVar, Hp'.
- auto with proof.
- auto with proof.
- exch 0; constructor 4; exch 1; exch 0...
- auto with proof.
- apply ImpLOr. exch 0...
- exch 0; constructor 7; exch 0.
+ apply IHHp1. exch 0. eapply fst, OrL_rev. exch 0. exact Hp'.
+ apply IHHp2. exch 0. eapply snd, OrL_rev. exch 0. exact Hp'.
- auto with proof.
- exch 0; exch 1. constructor 9. exch 1; exch 0...
- exch 0. apply ImpLAnd. exch 0...
- exch 0. apply ImpLOr. exch 1; exch 0...
- exch 0. apply ImpLImp; exch 0. auto with proof. apply IHHp2. exch 0.
eapply ImpLImp_prev. exch 0. eassumption.
- exch 0. apply ImpBox; box_tac.
+ exch 1; exch 0...
+ exch 0. apply IHHp2. exch 0. apply ImpLBox_prev with φ1. exch 0. exact Hp'.
- auto with proof.
Global Hint Resolve weak_ImpL : proof.
Fixpoint height {Γ φ} (Hp : Γ ⊢ φ) := match Hp with
| Atom _ _ => 1
| ExFalso _ _ => 1
| AndR Γ φ ψ H1 H2 => 1 + height H1 + height H2
| AndL Γ φ ψ θ H => 1 + height H
| OrR1 Γ φ ψ H => 1 + height H
| OrR2 Γ φ ψ H => 1 + height H
| OrL Γ φ ψ θ H1 H2 => 1 + height H1 + height H2
| ImpR Γ φ ψ H => 1 + height H
| ImpLVar Γ p φ ψ H => 1 + height H
| ImpLAnd Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ H => 1 + height H
| ImpLOr Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ H => 1 + height H
| ImpLImp Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ H1 H2 => 1 + height H1 + height H2
| ImpBox Γ φ1 φ2 ψ H1 H2 => 1 + height H1 + height H2
| BoxR Γ φ H => 1 + height H
Lemma height_0 {Γ φ} (Hp : Γ ⊢ φ) : height Hp <> 0.
Proof. destruct Hp; simpl; lia. Qed.
| Atom _ _ => 1
| ExFalso _ _ => 1
| AndR Γ φ ψ H1 H2 => 1 + height H1 + height H2
| AndL Γ φ ψ θ H => 1 + height H
| OrR1 Γ φ ψ H => 1 + height H
| OrR2 Γ φ ψ H => 1 + height H
| OrL Γ φ ψ θ H1 H2 => 1 + height H1 + height H2
| ImpR Γ φ ψ H => 1 + height H
| ImpLVar Γ p φ ψ H => 1 + height H
| ImpLAnd Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ H => 1 + height H
| ImpLOr Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ H => 1 + height H
| ImpLImp Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 ψ H1 H2 => 1 + height H1 + height H2
| ImpBox Γ φ1 φ2 ψ H1 H2 => 1 + height H1 + height H2
| BoxR Γ φ H => 1 + height H
Lemma height_0 {Γ φ} (Hp : Γ ⊢ φ) : height Hp <> 0.
Proof. destruct Hp; simpl; lia. Qed.
Lemma 4.2 in (Dyckhoff & Negri 2000), showing that a "duplication" in the context of the implication-case of the implication-left rule is admissible.
Lemma ImpLImp_dup Γ φ1 φ2 φ3 θ:
Γ•((φ1 → φ2) → φ3) ⊢ θ ->
Γ•φ1 •(φ2 → φ3) •(φ2 → φ3) ⊢ θ.
intro Hp.
remember (Γ•((φ1 → φ2) → φ3)) as Γ0 eqn:Heq0.
assert(HeqΓ : Γ ≡ Γ0 ∖ {[((φ1 → φ2) → φ3)]}) by ms.
rw HeqΓ 3.
assert(Hin : ((φ1 → φ2) → φ3) ∈ Γ0) by (subst Γ0; ms).
clear Γ HeqΓ Heq0.
(* by induction on the height of the derivation *)
remember (height Hp) as h.
assert(Hleh : height Hp ≤ h) by lia. clear Heqh.
revert Γ0 θ Hp Hleh Hin. induction h as [|h]; intros Γ θ Hp Hleh Hin;
[pose (height_0 Hp); lia|].
destruct Hp; simpl in Hleh.
- forward. auto with proof.
- forward. auto with proof.
- apply AndR.
+ apply IHh with Hp1. lia. ms.
+ apply IHh with Hp2. lia. ms.
- forward. apply AndL. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- apply OrR1. apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- apply OrR2. apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- forward. apply OrL; backward.
+ apply IHh with Hp1. lia. ms.
+ apply IHh with Hp2. lia. ms.
- apply ImpR. backward. apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- do 2 forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar. exch 0. do 2 backward.
apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- forward. apply ImpLAnd. backward. apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- forward. apply ImpLOr. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- case (decide (((φ0 → φ4) → φ5) = ((φ1 → φ2) → φ3))); intro Heq.
+ inversion Heq; subst.
apply weak_ImpL.
* exch 0. apply ImpR_rev. peapply Hp1.
* do 2 (exch 0; apply weakening). peapply Hp2.
+ forward. apply ImpLImp; backward.
* apply IHh with Hp1. lia. ms.
* apply IHh with Hp2. lia. ms.
- forward. apply ImpBox; repeat box_tac.
+ exch 0. do 2 backward.
exch 1; exch 0. apply open_box_L; exch 0; exch 1.
apply IHh with Hp1. lia. ms.
+ backward. apply IHh with Hp2. lia. ms.
- apply BoxR. repeat box_tac. backward.
exch 1; exch 0; apply open_box_L; exch 0; exch 1.
apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
Lemma ImpBox_dup Γ φ1 φ2 θ:
Γ•(□φ1 → φ2) ⊢ θ ->
Γ • □ φ1 • □ φ1 • φ2 ⊢ θ.
intro Hp.
remember (Γ• (□ φ1 → φ2)) as Γ0 eqn:Heq0.
assert(HeqΓ : Γ ≡ Γ0 ∖ {[(□ φ1 → φ2)]}) by ms.
rw HeqΓ 3.
assert(Hin : (□ φ1 → φ2) ∈ Γ0) by (subst Γ0; ms).
clear Γ HeqΓ Heq0.
(* by induction on the height of the derivation *)
remember (height Hp) as h.
assert(Hleh : height Hp ≤ h) by lia. clear Heqh.
revert Γ0 θ Hp Hleh Hin. induction h as [|h]; intros Γ θ Hp Hleh Hin;
[pose (height_0 Hp); lia|].
destruct Hp; simpl in Hleh.
- forward. auto with proof.
- forward. auto with proof.
- apply AndR.
+ apply IHh with Hp1. lia. ms.
+ apply IHh with Hp2. lia. ms.
- forward. apply AndL. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- apply OrR1. apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- apply OrR2. apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- forward. apply OrL; backward.
+ apply IHh with Hp1. lia. ms.
+ apply IHh with Hp2. lia. ms.
- apply ImpR. backward. apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- do 2 forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar. exch 0. do 2 backward.
apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- forward. apply ImpLAnd. backward. apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- forward. apply ImpLOr. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
- forward. apply ImpLImp.
+ backward. apply IHh with Hp1. lia. ms.
+ backward. apply IHh with Hp2. lia. ms.
- case (decide ((□ φ0 → φ3) = □ φ1 → φ2)); intro Heq.
+ inversion Heq; subst.
exch 0. apply weakening. exch 0. apply weakening. peapply Hp2.
+ forward. apply ImpBox; repeat box_tac.
* exch 0. do 2 backward.
replace (φ1) with (⊙ (□ φ1)) by trivial.
apply open_box_L; exch 0. apply open_box_L; exch 1; exch 0. apply open_box_L.
exch 1; exch 0. simpl.
apply IHh with Hp1. lia. ms.
* backward. apply IHh with Hp2. lia. ms.
- apply BoxR. repeat box_tac. backward.
replace (φ1) with (⊙ (□ φ1)) by trivial.
apply open_box_L; exch 0. apply open_box_L; exch 1; exch 0. apply open_box_L.
exch 1; exch 0. simpl.
apply IHh with Hp. lia. ms.
(* technical lemma for contraction *)
Local Lemma p_contr Γ φ θ:
(Γ•φ•φ) ∖ {[φ]} ⊢ θ ->
((Γ•φ) ⊢ θ).
Proof. intros * Hd; peapply Hd. Qed.
Lemma is_box_weight_open_box φ : is_box φ = true -> weight (⊙ φ) = weight φ -1.
Proof. destruct φ; simpl; lia. Qed.
Lemma weight_open_box φ : weight (⊙ φ) ≤ weight φ.
Proof. destruct φ; simpl; lia. Qed.
Admissibility of contraction in G4ip.
Lemma contraction Γ ψ θ : Γ•ψ•ψ ⊢ θ -> Γ•ψ ⊢ θ.
remember (Γ•ψ•ψ) as Γ0 eqn:Heq0.
assert(HeqΓ : (Γ•ψ) ≡ Γ0 ∖ {[ψ]}) by ms.
intro Hp. rw HeqΓ 0.
assert(Hin : ψ ∈ Γ0) by (subst Γ0; ms).
assert(Hin' : ψ ∈ Γ0 ∖ {[ψ]}) by(rewrite <- HeqΓ; ms).
clear Γ HeqΓ Heq0. revert Hp.
(* by induction on the weight of ψ *)
remember (weight ψ) as w.
assert(Hle : weight ψ ≤ w) by lia.
clear Heqw. revert Γ0 ψ θ Hle Hin Hin'.
induction w; intros Γ ψ θ Hle Hin Hin' Hp; [destruct ψ; simpl in Hle; lia|].
(* by induction on the height of the premise *)
remember (height Hp) as h.
assert(Hleh : height Hp ≤ h) by lia. clear Heqh.
revert Γ θ Hp Hleh Hin Hin'. revert ψ Hle; induction h as [|h]; intros ψ Hle Γ θ Hp Hleh Hin Hin';
[pose (height_0 Hp); lia|].
destruct Hp; simpl in Hleh, Hle.
- case(decide (ψ = Var p)).
+ intro; subst. exhibit Hin' 0. apply Atom.
+ intro Hneq. forward. apply Atom.
- case(decide (ψ = ⊥)).
+ intro; subst. exhibit Hin' 0. apply ExFalso.
+ intro. forward. apply ExFalso.
- apply AndR.
+ apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp1. lia. ms. ms.
+ apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp2. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = (φ ∧ ψ0))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0. apply AndL.
apply p_contr. simpl in Hle. apply IHw. lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_R; ms.
exch 1. exch 0. apply p_contr. apply IHw. lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_R; ms.
exch 1. exch 0. apply AndL_rev. exch 0. exch 1. lazy_apply Hp.
rewrite <- (difference_singleton _ _ Hin'). ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
forward. apply AndL. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- apply OrR1. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- apply OrR2. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = (φ ∨ ψ0))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0.
apply OrL.
* apply p_contr. simpl in Hle. apply IHw. lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_R; ms.
refine (fst (OrL_rev _ φ ψ0 _ _)). exch 0. lazy_apply Hp1.
rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
* apply p_contr. simpl in Hle. apply IHw. lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_R; ms.
refine (snd (OrL_rev _ φ ψ0 _ _)). exch 0. lazy_apply Hp2.
rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
forward. apply OrL; backward.
* apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp1. lia. ms. ms.
* apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp2. lia. ms. ms.
- apply ImpR. backward. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = (p → φ))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0. rewrite union_difference_R in Hin' by ms.
assert(Hcut : (((Γ•Var p) ∖ {[Var p → φ]}•(Var p → φ)) ⊢ ψ0)); [|peapply Hcut].
forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar, p_contr.
apply IHw. simpl in Hle; lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_L; ms.
exch 1. apply ImpLVar_rev. exch 0; exch 1. lazy_apply Hp.
rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
forward. case (decide (ψ = Var p)).
* intro; subst. forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar. exch 0.
do 2 backward. apply (IHh (Var p) Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
* intro. forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar; exch 0; do 2 backward.
apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = (φ1 ∧ φ2 → φ3))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0. rewrite union_difference_R in Hin' by ms.
apply ImpLAnd. apply p_contr.
apply IHw. simpl in *; lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_L; ms.
apply ImpLAnd_rev. exch 0. lazy_apply Hp.
rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
forward. apply ImpLAnd. backward. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = (φ1 ∨ φ2 → φ3))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0. rewrite union_difference_R in Hin' by ms.
apply ImpLOr. apply p_contr.
apply IHw. simpl in *; lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_L; ms.
exch 1; exch 0. apply p_contr.
apply IHw. simpl in *. lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_L; ms.
exch 1; exch 0. apply ImpLOr_rev. exch 0. exch 1. lazy_apply Hp.
rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
forward. apply ImpLOr. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = ((φ1 → φ2) → φ3))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0. rewrite union_difference_R in Hin' by ms.
apply ImpLImp.
* apply ImpR.
do 3 (exch 0; apply p_contr; apply IHw; [simpl in *; lia|ms|rewrite union_difference_L; ms|exch 1]).
exch 1; apply ImpLImp_dup. (* key lemma *)
exch 0; exch 1. apply ImpR_rev.
lazy_apply Hp1. rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
* apply p_contr; apply IHw; [simpl in *; lia|ms|rewrite union_difference_L; ms|].
apply (ImpLImp_prev _ φ1 φ2 φ3). exch 0.
peapply Hp2. rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
forward. apply ImpLImp; backward.
* apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp1. lia. ms. ms.
* apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp2. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = (□ φ1 → φ2))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0.
apply ImpBox.
* assert (Hr := open_boxes_remove _ _ Hin'). simpl in Hr. box_tac. symmetry in Hr. rw Hr 2.
clear Hr.
do 3 (exch 0; apply p_contr; apply IHw; [simpl in *; lia|ms|rewrite union_difference_L; ms|exch 1]).
exch 0.
assert(Heq : (⊗ (Γ • (□ φ1 → φ2)) ∖ {[□ φ1 → φ2]} ∖ {[□ φ1 → φ2]}) ≡ (⊗ (Γ∖ {[□ φ1 → φ2]})))
by (autorewrite with proof; simpl; ms).
rw Heq 5. clear Heq.
apply ImpBox_dup. exch 0; exch 1. lazy_apply Hp1. rewrite open_boxes_remove; [|ms]. simpl.
rewrite <- difference_singleton. ms. apply open_boxes_spec'. left. simpl; split; trivial. ms.
* apply p_contr; apply IHw; [simpl in *; lia|ms|rewrite union_difference_L; ms|].
apply (ImpLBox_prev _ φ1 φ2). exch 0.
lazy_apply Hp2. rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
assert(Hinψ : ψ ∈ (Γ ∖ {[ψ]})) by ms. apply In_open_boxes in Hinψ.
forward. apply ImpBox. box_tac. exch 0; do 2 backward.
* rewrite open_boxes_remove in Hinψ by trivial.
case_eq (is_box ψ); intro Hψ.
-- apply is_box_weight_open_box in Hψ.
assert (Hle' : weight(⊙ψ) ≤ S w) by lia.
apply (IHh (⊙ ψ) Hle') with Hp1. lia. ms. ms.
-- apply is_not_box_open_box in Hψ. rewrite Hψ. apply IHh with Hp1.
trivial. lia. rewrite <- Hψ. ms. trivial. rewrite <- Hψ. ms.
* backward. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp2. lia. ms. ms.
- assert(Hinψ : ψ ∈ (Γ ∖ {[ψ]})) by ms. apply In_open_boxes in Hinψ.
rewrite open_boxes_remove in Hinψ by trivial.
apply BoxR. box_tac. backward. apply IHh with Hp.
etransitivity. apply weight_open_box. trivial.
Global Hint Resolve contraction : proof.
Theorem generalised_contraction (Γ Γ' : env) φ: Γ' ⊎ Γ' ⊎ Γ ⊢ φ -> Γ' ⊎ Γ ⊢ φ.
revert Γ.
induction Γ' as [| x Γ' IHΓ'] using gmultiset_rec; intros Γ Hp.
- peapply Hp.
- peapply (contraction (Γ' ⊎ Γ) x). peapply (IHΓ' (Γ•x•x)). peapply Hp.
remember (Γ•ψ•ψ) as Γ0 eqn:Heq0.
assert(HeqΓ : (Γ•ψ) ≡ Γ0 ∖ {[ψ]}) by ms.
intro Hp. rw HeqΓ 0.
assert(Hin : ψ ∈ Γ0) by (subst Γ0; ms).
assert(Hin' : ψ ∈ Γ0 ∖ {[ψ]}) by(rewrite <- HeqΓ; ms).
clear Γ HeqΓ Heq0. revert Hp.
(* by induction on the weight of ψ *)
remember (weight ψ) as w.
assert(Hle : weight ψ ≤ w) by lia.
clear Heqw. revert Γ0 ψ θ Hle Hin Hin'.
induction w; intros Γ ψ θ Hle Hin Hin' Hp; [destruct ψ; simpl in Hle; lia|].
(* by induction on the height of the premise *)
remember (height Hp) as h.
assert(Hleh : height Hp ≤ h) by lia. clear Heqh.
revert Γ θ Hp Hleh Hin Hin'. revert ψ Hle; induction h as [|h]; intros ψ Hle Γ θ Hp Hleh Hin Hin';
[pose (height_0 Hp); lia|].
destruct Hp; simpl in Hleh, Hle.
- case(decide (ψ = Var p)).
+ intro; subst. exhibit Hin' 0. apply Atom.
+ intro Hneq. forward. apply Atom.
- case(decide (ψ = ⊥)).
+ intro; subst. exhibit Hin' 0. apply ExFalso.
+ intro. forward. apply ExFalso.
- apply AndR.
+ apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp1. lia. ms. ms.
+ apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp2. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = (φ ∧ ψ0))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0. apply AndL.
apply p_contr. simpl in Hle. apply IHw. lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_R; ms.
exch 1. exch 0. apply p_contr. apply IHw. lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_R; ms.
exch 1. exch 0. apply AndL_rev. exch 0. exch 1. lazy_apply Hp.
rewrite <- (difference_singleton _ _ Hin'). ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
forward. apply AndL. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- apply OrR1. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- apply OrR2. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = (φ ∨ ψ0))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0.
apply OrL.
* apply p_contr. simpl in Hle. apply IHw. lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_R; ms.
refine (fst (OrL_rev _ φ ψ0 _ _)). exch 0. lazy_apply Hp1.
rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
* apply p_contr. simpl in Hle. apply IHw. lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_R; ms.
refine (snd (OrL_rev _ φ ψ0 _ _)). exch 0. lazy_apply Hp2.
rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
forward. apply OrL; backward.
* apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp1. lia. ms. ms.
* apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp2. lia. ms. ms.
- apply ImpR. backward. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = (p → φ))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0. rewrite union_difference_R in Hin' by ms.
assert(Hcut : (((Γ•Var p) ∖ {[Var p → φ]}•(Var p → φ)) ⊢ ψ0)); [|peapply Hcut].
forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar, p_contr.
apply IHw. simpl in Hle; lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_L; ms.
exch 1. apply ImpLVar_rev. exch 0; exch 1. lazy_apply Hp.
rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
forward. case (decide (ψ = Var p)).
* intro; subst. forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar. exch 0.
do 2 backward. apply (IHh (Var p) Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
* intro. forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar; exch 0; do 2 backward.
apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = (φ1 ∧ φ2 → φ3))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0. rewrite union_difference_R in Hin' by ms.
apply ImpLAnd. apply p_contr.
apply IHw. simpl in *; lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_L; ms.
apply ImpLAnd_rev. exch 0. lazy_apply Hp.
rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
forward. apply ImpLAnd. backward. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = (φ1 ∨ φ2 → φ3))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0. rewrite union_difference_R in Hin' by ms.
apply ImpLOr. apply p_contr.
apply IHw. simpl in *; lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_L; ms.
exch 1; exch 0. apply p_contr.
apply IHw. simpl in *. lia. ms. rewrite union_difference_L; ms.
exch 1; exch 0. apply ImpLOr_rev. exch 0. exch 1. lazy_apply Hp.
rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
forward. apply ImpLOr. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = ((φ1 → φ2) → φ3))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0. rewrite union_difference_R in Hin' by ms.
apply ImpLImp.
* apply ImpR.
do 3 (exch 0; apply p_contr; apply IHw; [simpl in *; lia|ms|rewrite union_difference_L; ms|exch 1]).
exch 1; apply ImpLImp_dup. (* key lemma *)
exch 0; exch 1. apply ImpR_rev.
lazy_apply Hp1. rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
* apply p_contr; apply IHw; [simpl in *; lia|ms|rewrite union_difference_L; ms|].
apply (ImpLImp_prev _ φ1 φ2 φ3). exch 0.
peapply Hp2. rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
forward. apply ImpLImp; backward.
* apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp1. lia. ms. ms.
* apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp2. lia. ms. ms.
- case (decide (ψ = (□ φ1 → φ2))); intro Heq.
+ subst. exhibit Hin' 0.
apply ImpBox.
* assert (Hr := open_boxes_remove _ _ Hin'). simpl in Hr. box_tac. symmetry in Hr. rw Hr 2.
clear Hr.
do 3 (exch 0; apply p_contr; apply IHw; [simpl in *; lia|ms|rewrite union_difference_L; ms|exch 1]).
exch 0.
assert(Heq : (⊗ (Γ • (□ φ1 → φ2)) ∖ {[□ φ1 → φ2]} ∖ {[□ φ1 → φ2]}) ≡ (⊗ (Γ∖ {[□ φ1 → φ2]})))
by (autorewrite with proof; simpl; ms).
rw Heq 5. clear Heq.
apply ImpBox_dup. exch 0; exch 1. lazy_apply Hp1. rewrite open_boxes_remove; [|ms]. simpl.
rewrite <- difference_singleton. ms. apply open_boxes_spec'. left. simpl; split; trivial. ms.
* apply p_contr; apply IHw; [simpl in *; lia|ms|rewrite union_difference_L; ms|].
apply (ImpLBox_prev _ φ1 φ2). exch 0.
lazy_apply Hp2. rewrite <- env_replace; ms.
+ rewrite union_difference_L in Hin' by ms.
assert(Hinψ : ψ ∈ (Γ ∖ {[ψ]})) by ms. apply In_open_boxes in Hinψ.
forward. apply ImpBox. box_tac. exch 0; do 2 backward.
* rewrite open_boxes_remove in Hinψ by trivial.
case_eq (is_box ψ); intro Hψ.
-- apply is_box_weight_open_box in Hψ.
assert (Hle' : weight(⊙ψ) ≤ S w) by lia.
apply (IHh (⊙ ψ) Hle') with Hp1. lia. ms. ms.
-- apply is_not_box_open_box in Hψ. rewrite Hψ. apply IHh with Hp1.
trivial. lia. rewrite <- Hψ. ms. trivial. rewrite <- Hψ. ms.
* backward. apply (IHh ψ Hle) with Hp2. lia. ms. ms.
- assert(Hinψ : ψ ∈ (Γ ∖ {[ψ]})) by ms. apply In_open_boxes in Hinψ.
rewrite open_boxes_remove in Hinψ by trivial.
apply BoxR. box_tac. backward. apply IHh with Hp.
etransitivity. apply weight_open_box. trivial.
Global Hint Resolve contraction : proof.
Theorem generalised_contraction (Γ Γ' : env) φ: Γ' ⊎ Γ' ⊎ Γ ⊢ φ -> Γ' ⊎ Γ ⊢ φ.
revert Γ.
induction Γ' as [| x Γ' IHΓ'] using gmultiset_rec; intros Γ Hp.
- peapply Hp.
- peapply (contraction (Γ' ⊎ Γ) x). peapply (IHΓ' (Γ•x•x)). peapply Hp.
Admissibility of LJ's implication left rule
Lemma ImpL Γ φ ψ θ: Γ•(φ → ψ) ⊢ φ -> Γ•ψ ⊢ θ -> Γ•(φ → ψ) ⊢ θ.
Proof. intros H1 H2. apply contraction, weak_ImpL; auto with proof. Qed.
(* Lemma 5.3 (Dyckhoff Negri 2000) shows that an implication on the left may be
weakened. *)
Lemma imp_cut φ Γ ψ θ: Γ•(φ → ψ) ⊢ θ -> Γ•ψ ⊢ θ.
intro Hp.
remember (Γ•(φ → ψ)) as Γ0 eqn:HH.
assert (Heq: Γ ≡ Γ0 ∖ {[(φ → ψ)]}) by ms.
assert(Hin : (φ → ψ) ∈ Γ0) by ms. clear HH.
rw Heq 1. clear Heq Γ.
remember (weight φ) as w.
assert(Hle : weight φ ≤ w) by lia.
clear Heqw. revert Γ0 φ ψ θ Hle Hin Hp.
induction w; intros Γ φ ψ θ Hle Hin Hp;
[destruct φ; simpl in Hle; lia|].
induction Hp.
- forward. auto with proof.
- forward. auto with proof.
-apply AndR; intuition.
- forward; apply AndL. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- apply OrR1; intuition.
- apply OrR2; intuition.
- forward. apply OrL; backward; [apply IHHp1 | apply IHHp2]; ms.
- apply ImpR. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- case (decide ((p → φ0) = (φ → ψ))); intro Heq0.
+ inversion Heq0; subst. peapply Hp.
+ do 2 forward. exch 0. apply ImpLVar. exch 0. do 2 backward. apply IHHp; ms.
- case (decide ((φ1 ∧ φ2 → φ3) = (φ → ψ))); intro Heq0.
+ inversion Heq0; subst.
assert(Heq1 : ((Γ•(φ1 ∧ φ2 → ψ)) ∖ {[φ1 ∧ φ2 → ψ]}) ≡ Γ) by ms;
rw Heq1 1; clear Heq1. simpl in Hle.
peapply (IHw (Γ•(φ2 → ψ)) φ2 ψ ψ0); [lia|ms|].
peapply (IHw (Γ•(φ1 → φ2 → ψ)) φ1 (φ2 → ψ) ψ0); [lia|ms|trivial].
+ forward. apply ImpLAnd. backward. apply IHHp. ms.
- case (decide ((φ1 ∨ φ2 → φ3) = (φ → ψ))); intro Heq0.
+ inversion Heq0. subst. clear Heq0.
apply contraction. simpl in Hle.
peapply (IHw (Γ•ψ•(φ1 → ψ)) φ1 ψ); [lia|ms|].
exch 0.
peapply (IHw (Γ•(φ1 → ψ)•(φ2 → ψ)) φ2 ψ); trivial; [lia|ms].
+ forward. apply ImpLOr; exch 0; do 2 backward; apply IHHp; ms.
- case (decide (((φ1 → φ2) → φ3) = (φ → ψ))); intro Heq0.
+ inversion Heq0. subst. clear Heq0. peapply Hp2.
+ forward. apply ImpLImp; backward; (apply IHHp1 || apply IHHp2); ms.
- case (decide((□φ1 → φ2) = (φ → ψ))).
+ intro Heq. inversion Heq. subst. clear Heq. peapply Hp2.
+ intro Hneq. forward. apply ImpBox; repeat box_tac.
* exch 0. do 2 backward. apply open_box_L. apply IHHp1. ms.
* backward. apply IHHp2. ms.
- apply BoxR. repeat box_tac. backward. apply open_box_L, IHHp.
apply env_in_add. right. auto with proof.
Global Hint Resolve imp_cut : proof.
Lemma open_boxes_case Δ : {φ | (□ φ) ∈ Δ} + {Δ ≡ ⊗Δ}.
unfold open_boxes.
induction Δ as [|ψ Δ IH] using gmultiset_rec.
- right. ms.
- case_eq(is_box ψ); intro Hbox.
+ left. exists (⊙ψ).
destruct ψ; try discriminate Hbox. ms.
+ destruct IH as [[φ Hφ]| Heq].
* left. exists φ. ms.
* right. symmetry. etransitivity.
-- apply env_equiv_eq, list_to_set_disj_perm, Permutation_map.
apply gmultiset_elements_disj_union.
-- rewrite map_app, list_to_set_disj_app. rewrite <- Heq. apply env_equiv_eq.
unfold elements. apply is_not_box_open_box in Hbox. rewrite <- Hbox at 2.
transitivity (list_to_set_disj (map open_box (id [ψ])) : env).
++ apply list_to_set_disj_perm, Permutation_map.
apply Permutation_refl', gmultiset_elements_singleton.
++ simpl. ms.
Lemma OrR_idemp Γ ψ : Γ ⊢ ψ ∨ ψ -> Γ ⊢ ψ.
Proof. intro Hp. dependent induction Hp; auto with proof. Qed.
Lemma strongness φ : ∅ • φ ⊢ □ φ.
apply BoxR. box_tac. apply weakening, open_box_L, generalised_axiom.
- var_not_tautology: A variable cannot be a tautology.
- bot_not_tautology: ⊥ is not a tautology.
- box_var_not_tautology: A boxed variable cannot be a tautology.
- box_bot_not_tautology: A boxed ⊥ cannot be a tautology.
Lemma bot_not_tautology : (∅ ⊢ ⊥) -> False.
intro Hf. dependent destruction Hf; simpl in *;
match goal with x : _ ⊎ {[+?φ+]} = _ |- _ =>
exfalso; eapply (gmultiset_elem_of_empty φ); setoid_rewrite <- x; ms end.
Lemma var_not_tautology v: (∅ ⊢ Var v) -> False.
intro Hp.
remember ∅ as Γ.
dependent induction Hp;
match goal with | Heq : (_ • ?f%stdpp) = _ |- _ => symmetry in Heq;
pose(Heq' := env_equiv_eq _ _ Heq);
apply (gmultiset_not_elem_of_empty f); rewrite Heq'; ms
Lemma box_var_not_tautology v: (∅ ⊢ □ (Var v)) -> False.
intro Hp.
remember ∅ as Γ.
dependent induction Hp;
try match goal with | Heq : (_ • ?f%stdpp) = _ |- _ => symmetry in Heq;
pose(Heq' := env_equiv_eq _ _ Heq);
apply (gmultiset_not_elem_of_empty f); rewrite Heq'; ms
rewrite open_boxes_empty in Hp.
clear IHHp.
dependent induction Hp;
try match goal with | Heq : (_ • ?f%stdpp) = _ |- _ => symmetry in Heq;
pose(Heq' := env_equiv_eq _ _ Heq); apply env_add_inv' in Heq';
apply (gmultiset_not_elem_of_empty f); rewrite Heq'; apply in_difference;
Lemma box_bot_not_tautology: (∅ ⊢ □⊥) -> False.
intro Hp.
dependent induction Hp;
try match goal with | Heq : (_ • ?f%stdpp) = _ |- _ => symmetry in Heq;
pose(Heq' := env_equiv_eq _ _ Heq);
apply (gmultiset_not_elem_of_empty f); rewrite Heq'; ms
rewrite open_boxes_empty in Hp.
clear IHHp.
dependent induction Hp;
try match goal with | Heq : (_ • ?f%stdpp) = _ |- _ => symmetry in Heq;
pose(Heq' := env_equiv_eq _ _ Heq); apply env_add_inv' in Heq';
apply (gmultiset_not_elem_of_empty f); rewrite Heq'; apply in_difference;
(* A tautology is either equal to ⊤ or has a weight of at least 3. *)
Lemma weight_tautology φ: (∅ ⊢ φ) -> {φ = ⊤} + {3 ≤ weight φ}.
intro Hp.
destruct φ.
- contradict Hp. apply var_not_tautology.
- contradict Hp. apply bot_not_tautology.
- right. simpl. pose(weight_pos φ1). pose(weight_pos φ2). lia.
- right. simpl. pose(weight_pos φ1). pose(weight_pos φ2). lia.
- right. simpl. pose(weight_pos φ1). pose(weight_pos φ2). lia.
- destruct φ.
+ contradict Hp. apply box_var_not_tautology.
+ contradict Hp. apply box_bot_not_tautology.
+ right. simpl. pose(weight_pos φ1). pose(weight_pos φ2). lia.
+ right. simpl. pose(weight_pos φ1). pose(weight_pos φ2). lia.
+ right. simpl. pose(weight_pos φ1). pose(weight_pos φ2). lia.
+ right. simpl. pose(weight_pos φ). lia.