Require Import ISL.Environments ISL.Sequents ISL.SequentProps ISL.Cut ISL.DecisionProcedure.
Require Import Program Equality.
Require Import Program Equality.
Optimizations of formulas
Definition Lindenbaum_Tarski_preorder {K : Kind} φ ψ :=
∅ • φ ⊢ ψ.
Declare Scope provability.
Open Scope provability.
Notation "φ ≼ ψ" := (Lindenbaum_Tarski_preorder φ ψ) (at level 150) : provability.
(* Particular case of `additive_cut` easier to use *)
Corollary weak_cut {K : Kind} φ ψ θ:
(φ ≼ ψ) -> (ψ ≼ θ) ->
φ ≼ θ.
intros H1 H2.
eapply additive_cut.
- apply H1.
- exch 0. now apply weakening.
Lemma top_provable {K : Kind} Γ : Γ ⊢ ⊤.
Proof. apply ImpR. apply ExFalso. Qed.
(* TODO *)
Hint Resolve top_provable : proof.
(* Decides whether one formula entails the other or not ; in the latter case return Eq.
It uses the decision procedure for iSL defined at `DecisionProcedure.v`
Definition obviously_smaller {K : Kind} φ ψ :=
if [φ] ⊢? ψ then Lt
else if [ψ] ⊢? φ then Gt
else Eq.
Definition choose_conj {K : Kind} φ ψ :=
match obviously_smaller φ ψ with
| Lt => φ
| Gt => ψ
| Eq => φ ∧ ψ
Lemma occurs_in_choose_conj {K : Kind} v φ ψ :
occurs_in v (choose_conj φ ψ) -> occurs_in v φ \/ occurs_in v ψ.
Proof. unfold choose_conj; destruct obviously_smaller; simpl; intros; tauto. Qed.
Local Definition f_inj {K K': Kind} (Heq : K = K') (φ : @form K) : @form K' :=
eq_rect K (fun K => form) φ K' Heq.
Definition make_conj {K : Kind} (φ ψ : @form K) : @form K :=
match ψ in @form K' return (K' = K -> @form K) with
| ψ1 ∧ ψ2 => fun HK =>
match obviously_smaller φ (f_inj HK ψ1) with
| Lt => φ ∧ f_inj HK ψ2
| Gt => ψ
| Eq => φ ∧ ψ
| ψ1 → ψ2 => fun HK =>
if decide (obviously_smaller φ (f_inj HK ψ1) = Lt)
then choose_conj φ (f_inj HK ψ2)
else choose_conj φ ψ
| _ => fun _ =>
match φ in @form K'' return (K'' = K -> @form K) with
| φ1 → φ2 => fun HK' =>
if decide (obviously_smaller ψ (f_inj HK' φ1) = Lt)
then choose_conj (f_inj HK' φ2) ψ
else choose_conj φ ψ
| _ => fun HK' => choose_conj φ ψ
end eq_refl
end eq_refl.
Infix "⊼" := make_conj (at level 60).
Lemma occurs_in_make_conj {K : Kind} v (φ ψ : form) :
occurs_in v (φ ⊼ ψ) -> occurs_in v φ \/ occurs_in v ψ.
generalize ψ.
induction φ; intro ψ0; dependent destruction ψ0;
intro H; unfold make_conj in H; unfold choose_conj in H;
repeat match goal with
| H: occurs_in _ (if ?cond then _ else _) |- _ => case decide in H
| H: occurs_in _ (match ?x with _ => _ end) |- _ => destruct x
| |- _ => simpl; simpl in H; tauto
Definition choose_disj {K : Kind} φ ψ :=
match obviously_smaller φ ψ with
| Lt => ψ
| Gt => φ
| Eq => φ ∨ ψ
Definition make_disj {K : Kind} φ ψ:=
match ψ in @form K' return (K' = K -> @form K) with
| ψ1 ∨ ψ2 => fun HK =>
match obviously_smaller φ (f_inj HK ψ1) with
| Lt => ψ
| Gt => φ ∨ f_inj HK ψ2
| Eq => φ ∨ ψ
| ψ1 ∧ ψ2 => fun HK =>
if decide (obviously_smaller φ (f_inj HK ψ1) = Gt ) then φ
else if decide (obviously_smaller φ (f_inj HK ψ2) = Gt) then φ
else choose_disj φ ψ
|_ => fun _ => choose_disj φ ψ
end eq_refl.
Infix "⊻" := make_disj (at level 65).
Lemma occurs_in_choose_disj {K : Kind} v φ ψ :
occurs_in v (choose_disj φ ψ) -> occurs_in v φ \/ occurs_in v ψ.
Proof. unfold choose_disj; destruct obviously_smaller; simpl; intros; tauto. Qed.
Lemma occurs_in_make_disj {K : Kind} v φ ψ :
occurs_in v (φ ⊻ ψ) -> occurs_in v φ ∨ occurs_in v ψ.
generalize ψ.
induction φ; intro ψ0; dependent destruction ψ0;
intro H; unfold make_disj in H; unfold choose_disj in H;
repeat match goal with
| H: occurs_in _ (if ?cond then _ else _) |- _ => case decide in H
| H: occurs_in _ (match ?x with _ => _ end) |- _ => destruct x
| |- _ => simpl; simpl in H; tauto
(* "lazy" implication, which produces a potentially simpler, equivalent formula *)
Definition choose_impl {K : Kind} φ ψ:=
if decide (obviously_smaller φ ψ = Lt) then ⊤
else if decide (obviously_smaller φ ⊥ = Lt) then ⊤
else if decide (obviously_smaller ⊤ ψ = Lt) then ⊤
else if decide (obviously_smaller ⊤ φ = Lt) then ψ
else if decide (obviously_smaller ψ ⊥ = Lt) then ¬φ
else if decide (is_negation φ ψ) then ¬φ
else if decide (is_negation ψ φ) then ψ
else φ → ψ.
Fixpoint make_impl {K : Kind} φ ψ :=
match ψ in @form K' return (K' = K -> @form K) with
|(ψ1 → ψ2) => fun HK => make_impl (make_conj φ (f_inj HK ψ1)) (f_inj HK ψ2)
|_ => fun _ => choose_impl φ ψ
end eq_refl.
Infix "⇢" := make_impl (at level 66).
Lemma occurs_in_choose_impl {K : Kind} v x y : occurs_in v (choose_impl x y) -> occurs_in v x ∨ occurs_in v y.
intro H; unfold choose_impl in H; fold make_impl in H;
repeat match goal with
| H: occurs_in _ (if ?cond then _ else _) |- _ => case decide in H
| H: occurs_in _ (match ?x with _ => _ end) |- _ => destruct x
| |- _ => simpl; simpl in H; tauto
Lemma occurs_in_make_impl {K : Kind} v x y :
occurs_in v (x ⇢ y) -> occurs_in v x ∨ occurs_in v y.
revert x.
induction y; intro ψ0;
intro H; unfold make_impl in H; try apply occurs_in_choose_impl in H; try tauto.
apply IHy2 in H.
- destruct H as [H|H]; [ apply occurs_in_make_conj in H|]; simpl; tauto.
Lemma occurs_in_make_impl2 {K : Kind} v x y z:
occurs_in v (x ⇢ (y ⇢ z)) -> occurs_in v x ∨ occurs_in v y ∨ occurs_in v z.
intro H. apply occurs_in_make_impl in H. destruct H as [H|H]; try tauto.
apply occurs_in_make_impl in H. tauto.
To be noted: we remove duplicates first
Definition conjunction {K : Kind} l := foldl make_conj (⊥→ ⊥) (nodup form_eq_dec l).
Notation "⋀" := conjunction.
Definition disjunction {K : Kind} l := foldl make_disj ⊥ (nodup form_eq_dec l).
Notation "⋁" := disjunction.
Lemma variables_conjunction {K : Kind} x l : occurs_in x (⋀ l) -> exists φ, φ ∈ l /\ occurs_in x φ.
unfold conjunction.
assert (Hcut : forall ψ, occurs_in x (foldl make_conj ψ (nodup form_eq_dec l))
-> occurs_in x ψ \/ (∃ φ, (φ ∈ l ∧ occurs_in x φ)%type)).
induction l; simpl.
- tauto.
- intros ψ Hocc.
case in_dec in Hocc; apply IHl in Hocc; simpl in Hocc;
destruct Hocc as [Hx|(φ&Hin&Hx)]; try tauto.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
+ apply occurs_in_make_conj in Hx; destruct Hx as [Hx|Hx]; auto with *.
right. exists a. auto with *.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
intro Hocc. apply Hcut in Hocc. simpl in Hocc. tauto.
Lemma variables_disjunction {K : Kind} x l :
occurs_in x (⋁ l) -> exists φ, φ ∈ l /\ occurs_in x φ.
unfold disjunction.
assert (Hcut : forall ψ, occurs_in x (foldl make_disj ψ (nodup form_eq_dec l))
-> occurs_in x ψ \/ (∃ φ, (φ ∈ l ∧ occurs_in x φ)%type)).
induction l; simpl.
- tauto.
- intros ψ Hocc.
case in_dec in Hocc; apply IHl in Hocc; simpl in Hocc;
destruct Hocc as [Hx|(φ&Hin&Hx)]; try tauto.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
+ apply occurs_in_make_disj in Hx; destruct Hx as [Hx|Hx]; auto with *.
right. exists a. auto with *.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
intro Hocc. apply Hcut in Hocc. simpl in Hocc. tauto.
Notation "⋀" := conjunction.
Definition disjunction {K : Kind} l := foldl make_disj ⊥ (nodup form_eq_dec l).
Notation "⋁" := disjunction.
Lemma variables_conjunction {K : Kind} x l : occurs_in x (⋀ l) -> exists φ, φ ∈ l /\ occurs_in x φ.
unfold conjunction.
assert (Hcut : forall ψ, occurs_in x (foldl make_conj ψ (nodup form_eq_dec l))
-> occurs_in x ψ \/ (∃ φ, (φ ∈ l ∧ occurs_in x φ)%type)).
induction l; simpl.
- tauto.
- intros ψ Hocc.
case in_dec in Hocc; apply IHl in Hocc; simpl in Hocc;
destruct Hocc as [Hx|(φ&Hin&Hx)]; try tauto.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
+ apply occurs_in_make_conj in Hx; destruct Hx as [Hx|Hx]; auto with *.
right. exists a. auto with *.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
intro Hocc. apply Hcut in Hocc. simpl in Hocc. tauto.
Lemma variables_disjunction {K : Kind} x l :
occurs_in x (⋁ l) -> exists φ, φ ∈ l /\ occurs_in x φ.
unfold disjunction.
assert (Hcut : forall ψ, occurs_in x (foldl make_disj ψ (nodup form_eq_dec l))
-> occurs_in x ψ \/ (∃ φ, (φ ∈ l ∧ occurs_in x φ)%type)).
induction l; simpl.
- tauto.
- intros ψ Hocc.
case in_dec in Hocc; apply IHl in Hocc; simpl in Hocc;
destruct Hocc as [Hx|(φ&Hin&Hx)]; try tauto.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
+ apply occurs_in_make_disj in Hx; destruct Hx as [Hx|Hx]; auto with *.
right. exists a. auto with *.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
intro Hocc. apply Hcut in Hocc. simpl in Hocc. tauto.
Correctness of optimizations
Lemma double_negation_obviously_smaller {K : Kind} φ ψ:
is_double_negation φ ψ -> ψ ≼ φ.
intro H; rewrite H. apply ImpR; auto with proof.
Lemma is_implication_obviously_smaller {K : Kind} φ ψ:
is_implication φ ψ -> ψ ≼ φ.
unfold is_implication. intro H.
destruct φ; try (contradict H; intros [θ Hθ]; discriminate).
case (decide (φ2 = ψ)).
- intro; subst. apply ImpR, weakening, generalised_axiom.
- intro Hneq. contradict H; intros [θ Hθ]. dependent destruction Hθ. tauto.
Lemma obviously_smaller_compatible_LT {K : Kind} φ ψ :
(obviously_smaller φ ψ = Lt -> φ ≼ ψ) *
((φ ≼ ψ) -> obviously_smaller φ ψ = Lt ).
unfold obviously_smaller, Lindenbaum_Tarski_preorder.
case ([φ] ⊢? ψ); intros Hp.
- apply Provable_dec_of_Prop in Hp. split; intro. peapply Hp. trivial.
- split; intro Hf.
+ contradict Hf. case ([ψ] ⊢? φ); discriminate.
+ tauto.
Lemma obviously_smaller_compatible_GT {K : Kind} φ ψ :
(obviously_smaller φ ψ = Gt -> ψ ≼ φ) *
(((φ ≼ ψ) -> False) -> (ψ ≼ φ) -> obviously_smaller φ ψ = Gt ).
unfold obviously_smaller, Lindenbaum_Tarski_preorder.
case ([ψ] ⊢? φ); intro Hp; case ([φ] ⊢? ψ); intro Hp'; split; try discriminate; trivial.
- intros Hf _. destruct Hp'. contradict Hf. tauto.
- intros. apply Provable_dec_of_Prop in Hp. peapply Hp.
- intros _ Hf. destruct Hp'. contradict Hf. tauto.
- intros _ Hf. destruct Hp'. contradict Hf. tauto.
Equivalence of the conjunction optimizations
Lemma and_congruence {K : Kind} φ ψ φ' ψ':
(φ ≼ φ') -> (ψ ≼ ψ') -> (φ ∧ ψ) ≼ φ' ∧ ψ'.
intros Hφ Hψ.
apply AndL.
apply AndR.
- now apply weakening.
- exch 0. now apply weakening.
Lemma choose_conj_topL {K : Kind} φ : (choose_conj φ ⊤ = φ).
unfold choose_conj.
rewrite (obviously_smaller_compatible_LT _ _).2. trivial.
apply ImpR, ExFalso.
Lemma choose_conj_sound_L {K : Kind} Δ φ ψ:
(Δ ⊢ φ) -> (Δ ⊢ ψ) -> Δ ⊢ choose_conj φ ψ.
intros Hφ Hψ.
unfold choose_conj. case obviously_smaller; auto with proof.
Corollary choose_conj_equiv_L {K : Kind} φ ψ φ' ψ':
(φ ≼ φ') -> (ψ ≼ ψ') -> (φ ∧ ψ) ≼ choose_conj φ' ψ'.
intros H1 H2. apply choose_conj_sound_L; apply AndL; auto with proof.
Lemma choose_conj_equiv_R {K : Kind} φ ψ φ' ψ':
(φ' ≼ φ) -> (ψ' ≼ ψ) -> choose_conj φ' ψ' ≼ φ ∧ ψ.
intros Hφ Hψ.
unfold choose_conj.
case_eq (obviously_smaller φ' ψ'); intro Heq.
- now apply and_congruence.
- apply AndR.
+ assumption.
+ eapply weak_cut.
* apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT, Heq.
* assumption.
- apply AndR.
+ eapply weak_cut.
* apply obviously_smaller_compatible_GT, Heq.
* assumption.
+ assumption.
Hint Unfold Lindenbaum_Tarski_preorder : proof.
Local Ltac inj_tac := unfold f_inj in *; rewrite <- eq_rect_eq in *.
Lemma make_conj_equiv_L {K : Kind} φ ψ φ' ψ' :
(φ ≼ φ') -> (ψ ≼ ψ') -> (φ ∧ ψ) ≼ φ' ⊼ ψ'.
intros Hφ Hψ.
unfold make_conj.
destruct ψ'; try (apply choose_conj_equiv_L; assumption); try inj_tac.
- destruct φ'; try (apply choose_conj_equiv_L; assumption).
case decide; intro; try (apply choose_conj_equiv_L; assumption).
apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT in e. inj_tac.
apply weak_cut with ((φ ∧ φ'1) ∧ ψ).
+ apply AndL; repeat apply AndR. auto with proof.
* exch 0. apply weakening; apply weak_cut with v; assumption.
* apply generalised_axiom.
+ apply choose_conj_equiv_L; auto with proof.
- apply exfalso, AndL. exch 0. apply weakening, Hψ.
- inj_tac. case_eq (obviously_smaller φ' ψ'1); intro Heq.
+ apply and_congruence; assumption.
+ apply and_congruence.
* assumption.
* apply AndR_rev in Hψ; apply Hψ.
+ apply AndL. exch 0. apply weakening. assumption.
- destruct φ'; try (apply choose_conj_equiv_L; assumption).
case decide; intro; try (apply choose_conj_equiv_L; assumption).
apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT in e.
apply weak_cut with ((φ ∧ φ'1) ∧ ψ).
+ apply AndL; repeat apply AndR. auto with proof.
* exch 0. apply weakening; apply weak_cut with (ψ'1 ∨ ψ'2); assumption.
* apply generalised_axiom.
+ apply choose_conj_equiv_L; auto with proof.
- case (decide (obviously_smaller φ' ψ'1 = Lt)); intro.
+ apply weak_cut with (φ ∧ (φ ∧ ψ)).
* apply AndR; auto with proof.
* apply choose_conj_equiv_L. assumption.
apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT in e.
apply contraction, ImpR_rev. apply weak_cut with ψ'1.
-- apply weak_cut with φ'; auto with proof.
-- apply ImpR. exch 0. apply ImpR_rev, AndL. exch 0. apply weakening, Hψ.
+ apply choose_conj_equiv_L; assumption.
- dependent destruction φ'; try (apply choose_conj_equiv_L; assumption).
case decide; intro; try (apply choose_conj_equiv_L; assumption).
apply weak_cut with (ψ ∧ (φ ∧ φ'1)).
+ apply AndL, AndR. auto with proof. apply AndR. auto with proof.
exch 0. apply weakening. apply weak_cut with (□ ψ'). auto with proof.
now apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT.
+ apply weak_cut with ((φ ∧ φ'1) ∧ ψ).
* apply AndR; auto with proof.
* apply choose_conj_equiv_L; auto with proof.
Lemma make_conj_equiv_R {K : Kind} φ ψ φ' ψ' :
(φ' ≼ φ) -> (ψ' ≼ ψ) -> φ' ⊼ ψ' ≼ φ ∧ ψ.
intros Hφ Hψ.
unfold make_conj.
destruct ψ'; try inj_tac.
- destruct φ'; try case decide; intros; apply choose_conj_equiv_R; try assumption.
eapply imp_cut; eassumption.
- destruct φ'; try case decide; intros; apply choose_conj_equiv_R; try assumption.
eapply imp_cut; eassumption.
- case_eq (obviously_smaller φ' ψ'1); intro Heq.
+ now apply and_congruence.
+ apply AndR.
* apply AndL. now apply weakening.
* apply (weak_cut _ ( ψ'1 ∧ ψ'2) _).
-- apply and_congruence;
[now apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT | apply generalised_axiom].
-- assumption.
+ apply AndR.
* apply AndL. apply weakening. eapply weak_cut.
-- apply obviously_smaller_compatible_GT; apply Heq.
-- assumption.
* assumption.
- destruct φ'; try case decide; intros; apply choose_conj_equiv_R; try assumption.
eapply imp_cut; eassumption.
- case decide; intro Heq.
+ apply choose_conj_equiv_R. assumption. eapply weak_cut; [|exact Hψ]. auto with proof.
+ apply choose_conj_equiv_R; assumption.
- dependent destruction φ'; try case decide; intros; apply choose_conj_equiv_R; try assumption.
eapply imp_cut; eassumption.
Lemma specialised_weakening {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ : (φ ≼ ψ) -> Γ•φ ⊢ ψ.
intro H.
apply generalised_weakeningL.
peapply H.
Lemma make_conj_sound_L {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ θ : Γ•φ ∧ψ ⊢ θ -> Γ• φ ⊼ ψ ⊢ θ.
intro H.
eapply additive_cut.
- apply specialised_weakening.
apply make_conj_equiv_R; apply generalised_axiom.
- exch 0. now apply weakening.
Global Hint Resolve make_conj_sound_L : proof.
Lemma make_conj_complete_L {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ θ : Γ• φ ⊼ ψ ⊢ θ -> Γ•φ ∧ψ ⊢ θ.
intro H.
eapply additive_cut.
- apply specialised_weakening.
apply make_conj_equiv_L; apply generalised_axiom.
- exch 0. now apply weakening.
Lemma make_conj_sound_R {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ : Γ ⊢ φ ∧ψ -> Γ ⊢ φ ⊼ ψ.
intro H.
eapply additive_cut.
- apply H.
- apply make_conj_complete_L, generalised_axiom.
Global Hint Resolve make_conj_sound_R : proof.
Lemma make_conj_complete_R {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ : Γ ⊢ φ ⊼ ψ -> Γ ⊢ φ ∧ψ.
intro H.
eapply additive_cut.
- apply H.
- apply make_conj_sound_L, generalised_axiom.
Equivalence of the disjonction optimizations
Lemma or_congruence {K : Kind} φ ψ φ' ψ':
(φ ≼ φ') -> (ψ ≼ ψ') -> (φ ∨ ψ) ≼ φ' ∨ ψ'.
intros Hφ Hψ.
apply OrL.
- now apply OrR1.
- now apply OrR2.
Lemma choose_disj_sound_L1 {K : Kind} Δ φ ψ:
(Δ ⊢ φ) -> Δ ⊢ choose_disj φ ψ.
intros Hφ.
unfold choose_disj. case_eq (obviously_smaller φ ψ); auto with proof.
intro Hs. apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT in Hs.
apply additive_cut with φ. trivial. now apply specialised_weakening.
Lemma choose_disj_sound_L2 {K : Kind} Δ φ ψ:
(Δ ⊢ ψ) -> Δ ⊢ choose_disj φ ψ.
intros Hφ.
unfold choose_disj. case_eq (obviously_smaller φ ψ); auto with proof.
intro Hs. apply obviously_smaller_compatible_GT in Hs.
apply additive_cut with ψ. trivial. now apply specialised_weakening.
Lemma choose_disj_equiv_L {K : Kind} φ ψ φ' ψ':
(φ ≼ φ') -> (ψ ≼ ψ') -> (φ ∨ ψ) ≼ choose_disj φ' ψ'.
intros Hφ Hψ.
unfold choose_disj.
case_eq (obviously_smaller φ' ψ'); intro Heq.
- case_eq (obviously_smaller ψ' φ'); intro Heq'.
+ apply or_congruence; assumption.
+ auto with proof.
+ auto with proof.
- apply OrL.
+ eapply weak_cut.
* apply Hφ.
* apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT; assumption.
+ assumption.
- apply OrL.
+ assumption.
+ eapply weak_cut.
* eapply weak_cut.
-- apply Hψ.
-- apply obviously_smaller_compatible_GT. apply Heq.
* apply generalised_axiom.
Lemma choose_disj_equiv_R {K : Kind} φ ψ φ' ψ' :
(φ' ≼ φ) -> (ψ' ≼ ψ) -> choose_disj φ' ψ' ≼ φ ∨ ψ.
intros Hφ Hψ.
unfold choose_disj.
case_eq (obviously_smaller φ' ψ'); intro Heq;
[| apply OrR2| apply OrR1]; try assumption.
auto with proof.
Lemma make_disj_equiv_L {K : Kind} φ ψ φ' ψ' :
(φ ≼ φ') -> (ψ ≼ ψ') -> (φ ∨ ψ) ≼ φ' ⊻ ψ'.
intros Hφ Hψ.
unfold make_disj.
destruct ψ'; try (apply choose_disj_equiv_L; assumption); try inj_tac.
- repeat case decide; intros.
+ apply OrL.
* assumption.
* eapply weak_cut.
-- apply Hψ.
-- apply AndL; apply weakening; now apply obviously_smaller_compatible_GT.
+ apply OrL.
* assumption.
* eapply weak_cut.
-- apply Hψ.
-- apply AndL; exch 0. apply weakening; now apply obviously_smaller_compatible_GT.
+ now apply choose_disj_equiv_L.
- case_eq (obviously_smaller φ' ψ'1); intro Heq.
+ now apply or_congruence.
+ apply OrL.
* eapply weak_cut.
-- apply Hφ.
-- apply OrR1. now apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT.
* assumption.
+ apply OrL.
* now apply OrR1.
* eapply weak_cut.
-- apply Hψ.
-- apply or_congruence; [apply obviously_smaller_compatible_GT; assumption| apply generalised_axiom].
Lemma make_disj_equiv_R {K : Kind} φ ψ φ' ψ' :
(φ' ≼ φ) -> (ψ' ≼ ψ) -> φ' ⊻ ψ' ≼ φ ∨ ψ.
intros Hφ Hψ.
unfold make_disj.
destruct ψ'; try inj_tac.
- now apply choose_disj_equiv_R.
- now apply choose_disj_equiv_R.
- repeat case decide; intros.
+ now apply OrR1.
+ now apply OrR1.
+ now apply choose_disj_equiv_R.
- case_eq (obviously_smaller φ' ψ'1); intro Heq.
+ now apply or_congruence.
+ now apply OrR2.
+ apply OrL.
* now apply OrR1.
* apply OrL_rev in Hψ.
apply OrR2, Hψ.
- now apply choose_disj_equiv_R.
- now apply choose_disj_equiv_R.
Lemma make_disj_sound_L {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ θ :
Γ•φ ∨ψ ⊢ θ -> Γ•make_disj φ ψ ⊢ θ.
intro H.
eapply additive_cut.
- apply specialised_weakening.
apply make_disj_equiv_R; apply generalised_axiom.
- exch 0. now apply weakening.
Global Hint Resolve make_disj_sound_L : proof.
Lemma make_disj_complete_L {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ θ :
Γ • make_disj φ ψ ⊢ θ -> Γ • φ ∨ψ ⊢ θ.
intro H.
eapply additive_cut.
- apply specialised_weakening.
apply make_disj_equiv_L; apply generalised_axiom.
- exch 0. now apply weakening.
Lemma make_disj_sound_R {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ : Γ ⊢ φ ∨ψ -> Γ ⊢ make_disj φ ψ.
intro H.
eapply additive_cut.
- apply H.
- apply make_disj_complete_L, generalised_axiom.
Global Hint Resolve make_disj_sound_R : proof.
Lemma make_disj_complete_R {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ : Γ ⊢ make_disj φ ψ -> Γ ⊢ φ ∨ψ.
intro H.
eapply additive_cut.
- apply H.
- apply make_disj_sound_L, generalised_axiom.
Equivalence of the implication optimizations
(* TODO: suitable name *)
Lemma tautology_cut {K : Kind} {Γ} {φ ψ θ} :
Γ • (φ → ψ) ⊢ θ -> (φ ≼ ψ) -> Γ ⊢ θ.
intros Hp H.
apply additive_cut with (φ → ψ).
+ apply ImpR, generalised_weakeningL. peapply H.
+ apply Hp.
Lemma Lindenbaum_Tarski_preorder_Bot {K : Kind} φ : ⊥ ≼ φ.
Proof. apply ExFalso. Qed.
Local Hint Resolve Lindenbaum_Tarski_preorder_Bot : proof.
Lemma choose_impl_sound_L {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ θ: Γ•(φ → ψ) ⊢ θ -> Γ•(choose_impl φ ψ) ⊢ θ.
intro HP.
unfold choose_impl; repeat case decide; intros;
repeat match goal with
| H : obviously_smaller _ _ = Lt |- _ => apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT in H
| H : obviously_smaller _ _ = Gt |- _ => apply obviously_smaller_compatible_GT in H
| H : is_negation _ _ |- _ => eapply additive_cut; [| exch 0; apply weakening, HP]; apply ImpR, exfalso; exch 0; auto with proof
end; trivial; try (solve [eapply imp_cut; eauto]);
try solve[apply weakening, (tautology_cut HP); trivial; try apply weak_cut with ⊥; auto with proof].
- apply weakening, (tautology_cut HP); trivial. apply additive_cut with (φ := ⊤); auto with proof.
- eapply additive_cut with (φ := (φ → ψ)).
+ apply ImpR. exch 0. apply ImpL; auto with proof.
+ auto with proof.
- unfold is_negation in *. subst. auto with proof.
Lemma make_impl_sound_L {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ θ: Γ•(φ → ψ) ⊢ θ -> Γ•(φ ⇢ ψ) ⊢ θ.
revert φ. induction ψ; intros φ HP; simpl; repeat case decide; intros.
1-4, 6: now apply choose_impl_sound_L.
apply IHψ2.
apply ImpLAnd in HP.
apply additive_cut with ((φ ∧ ψ1 → ψ2) → θ).
- apply weakening, ImpR, HP.
- apply ImpL; [|auto with proof].
apply weakening, ImpR. exch 0. apply ImpL; [|auto with proof].
apply weakening, make_conj_complete_L, generalised_axiom.
Global Hint Resolve make_impl_sound_L : proof.
Lemma choose_impl_sound_R {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ: Γ ⊢ (φ → ψ) -> Γ ⊢ choose_impl φ ψ.
unfold choose_impl.
repeat case decide; intros;
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ⊢ ⊤ => apply ImpR, ExFalso
| H : obviously_smaller _ _ = Lt |- _ => apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT in H
| H : obviously_smaller _ _ = Gt |- _ => apply obviously_smaller_compatible_GT in H
| H : is_negation _ _ |- _ => rewrite H in *; apply ImpR; eapply additive_cut; [apply ImpR_rev, HP| exch 0; auto with *]
end; trivial; auto with proof;
try (solve[peapply (cut ∅ Γ φ); auto with proof; eapply TopL_rev; eauto]).
- apply ImpR, additive_cut with (φ:= ψ).
+ now apply ImpR_rev.
+ apply generalised_weakeningL. peapply e.
- unfold is_negation in *. subst. auto with proof.
- unfold is_negation in *. subst. auto with proof.
Lemma make_impl_sound_R {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ: Γ ⊢ (φ → ψ) -> Γ ⊢ φ ⇢ ψ.
revert φ. induction ψ; intros φ HP; simpl.
1-4, 6: now apply choose_impl_sound_R.
apply IHψ2, ImpR, make_conj_sound_L, AndL, ImpR_rev, ImpR_rev, HP.
Global Hint Resolve make_impl_sound_R : proof.
Lemma make_impl_sound_L2 {K : Kind} Γ φ1 φ2 ψ θ:
Γ•(φ1 → (φ2 → ψ)) ⊢ θ -> Γ•(φ1 ⇢ (φ2 ⇢ ψ)) ⊢ θ.
intro HP. apply make_impl_sound_L in HP.
apply additive_cut with (φ1 ⇢ (φ2 → ψ)).
- apply make_impl_sound_L, make_impl_sound_R.
apply ImpR. exch 0. apply ImpL.
+ apply weakening, generalised_axiom.
+ exch 0. apply weakening, make_impl_sound_L, generalised_axiom.
- exch 0. apply weakening, HP.
Global Hint Resolve make_impl_sound_L2: proof.
Lemma make_impl_sound_L2' {K : Kind} Γ φ1 φ2 ψ θ:
Γ•((φ1 → φ2) → ψ) ⊢ θ -> Γ•((φ1 ⇢ φ2) ⇢ ψ) ⊢ θ.
intro HP. apply make_impl_sound_L.
apply additive_cut with ((φ1 → φ2) → ψ); [|exch 0; apply weakening, HP].
apply ImpR. exch 0. apply ImpL.
- apply weakening, make_impl_sound_R, generalised_axiom.
- apply generalised_axiom.
Lemma make_impl_complete_L {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ θ:
Γ•(φ ⇢ ψ) ⊢ θ -> Γ•(φ → ψ) ⊢ θ.
intro HP.
apply additive_cut with (φ ⇢ ψ); [|exch 0; apply weakening, HP].
apply make_impl_sound_R, generalised_axiom.
Lemma make_impl_complete_L2 {K : Kind} Γ φ1 φ2 ψ θ:
Γ•(φ1 ⇢ (φ2 ⇢ ψ)) ⊢ θ -> Γ•(φ1 → (φ2 → ψ)) ⊢ θ.
intro HP. apply make_impl_complete_L in HP.
apply additive_cut with (φ1 → φ2 ⇢ ψ); [|exch 0; apply weakening, HP].
apply ImpR. exch 0. apply ImpL.
- apply weakening, generalised_axiom.
- exch 0. apply weakening, make_impl_sound_R, generalised_axiom.
Lemma make_impl_complete_R {K : Kind} Γ φ ψ:
Γ ⊢ φ ⇢ ψ -> Γ ⊢ (φ → ψ).
intro HP.
apply additive_cut with (φ ⇢ ψ); [apply HP| apply make_impl_sound_L, generalised_axiom ].
Generalized rules
Generalized OrL and its invertibility
Lemma disjunction_L {K : Kind} Γ Δ θ :
((forall φ, φ ∈ Δ -> (Γ•φ ⊢ θ)) -> (Γ•⋁ Δ ⊢ θ)) *
((Γ•⋁ Δ ⊢ θ) -> (forall φ, φ ∈ Δ -> (Γ•φ ⊢ θ))).
unfold disjunction.
assert(Hcut :
(forall ψ, (Γ•ψ ⊢ θ) -> (forall φ, φ ∈ Δ -> (Γ•φ ⊢ θ)) ->
(Γ•foldl make_disj ψ (nodup form_eq_dec Δ) ⊢ θ)) *
(forall ψ,((Γ•foldl make_disj ψ (nodup form_eq_dec Δ)) ⊢ θ ->
(Γ•ψ ⊢ θ) * (∀ φ : form, φ ∈ Δ → (Γ•φ) ⊢ θ)))).
induction Δ; simpl; split; intros ψ Hψ.
- intro. apply Hψ.
- split; trivial. intros φ Hin. contradict Hin. auto with *.
- intro Hall. case in_dec; intro; apply (fst IHΔ).
+ exact Hψ.
+ auto with *.
+ simpl. apply make_disj_sound_L, OrL; auto with *.
+ auto with *.
- case in_dec in Hψ; apply IHΔ in Hψ;
destruct Hψ as [Hψ Hind].
+ split; trivial; intros φ Hin; destruct (decide (φ = a)); auto 2 with *.
subst. apply Hind. now apply elem_of_list_In.
+ apply make_disj_complete_L in Hψ.
apply OrL_rev in Hψ as [Hψ Ha].
split; trivial; intros φ Hin; destruct (decide (φ = a)); auto with *.
split; apply Hcut. constructor 2.
Lemma disjunction_R {K : Kind} Γ Δ φ : (φ ∈ Δ) -> (Γ ⊢ φ) -> (Γ ⊢ ⋁ Δ).
intros Hin Hprov. unfold disjunction. revert Hin.
assert(Hcut : forall θ, ((Γ ⊢ θ) + (φ ∈ Δ)) -> Γ ⊢ foldl make_disj θ (nodup form_eq_dec Δ)).
induction Δ; simpl; intros θ [Hθ | Hin].
- assumption.
- contradict Hin; auto with *.
- case in_dec; intro; apply IHΔ; left; trivial. apply make_disj_sound_R. now apply OrR1.
- apply elem_of_cons in Hin.
destruct (decide (φ = a)).
+ subst. case in_dec; intro; apply IHΔ.
* right. now apply elem_of_list_In.
* left. apply make_disj_sound_R. now apply OrR2.
+ case in_dec; intro; apply IHΔ; right; tauto.
intro Hin. apply Hcut; now right.
Lemma conjunction_R1 {K : Kind} Γ Δ : (forall φ, φ ∈ Δ -> Γ ⊢ φ) -> (Γ ⊢ ⋀ Δ).
intro Hprov. unfold conjunction.
assert(Hcut : forall θ, Γ ⊢ θ -> Γ ⊢ foldl make_conj θ (nodup form_eq_dec Δ)).
induction Δ; intros θ Hθ; simpl; trivial.
case in_dec; intro; auto with *.
apply IHΔ.
- intros; apply Hprov. now right.
- apply make_conj_sound_R, AndR; trivial. apply Hprov. now left.
apply Hcut. apply ImpR, ExFalso.
Lemma conjunction_R2 {K : Kind} Γ Δ : (Γ ⊢ ⋀ Δ) -> (forall φ, φ ∈ Δ -> Γ ⊢ φ).
unfold conjunction.
assert(Hcut : forall θ, Γ ⊢ foldl make_conj θ (nodup form_eq_dec Δ) -> (Γ ⊢ θ) * (forall φ, φ ∈ Δ -> Γ ⊢ φ)).
induction Δ; simpl; intros θ Hθ.
- split; trivial. intros φ Hin; contradict Hin. auto with *.
- case in_dec in Hθ; destruct (IHΔ _ Hθ) as (Hθ' & Hi);
try (apply make_conj_complete_R in Hθ'; destruct (AndR_rev Hθ')); split; trivial;
intros φ Hin; apply elem_of_cons in Hin;
destruct (decide (φ = a)); subst; trivial.
+ apply Hi. rewrite elem_of_list_In; tauto.
+ apply (IHΔ _ Hθ). tauto.
+ apply (IHΔ _ Hθ). tauto.
apply Hcut.
Lemma conjunction_L {K : Kind} Γ Δ φ θ: (φ ∈ Δ) -> (Γ•φ ⊢ θ) -> (Γ•⋀ Δ ⊢ θ).
intros Hin Hprov. unfold conjunction. revert Hin.
assert(Hcut : forall ψ, ((φ ∈ Δ) + (Γ•ψ ⊢ θ)) -> (Γ•foldl make_conj ψ (nodup form_eq_dec Δ) ⊢ θ)).
induction Δ; simpl; intros ψ [Hin | Hψ].
- contradict Hin; auto with *.
- trivial.
- case in_dec; intro; apply IHΔ; destruct (decide (φ = a)).
+ subst. left. now apply elem_of_list_In.
+ left. auto with *.
+ subst. right. apply make_conj_sound_L. auto with proof.
+ left. auto with *.
- case in_dec; intro; apply IHΔ; right; trivial.
apply make_conj_sound_L. auto with proof.
intro Hin. apply Hcut. now left.
Lemma conjunction_L' {K : Kind} Γ Δ ϕ: (Γ ⊎ {[⋀ Δ]} ⊢ ϕ) -> Γ ⊎ list_to_set_disj Δ ⊢ ϕ.
revert ϕ. unfold conjunction.
assert( Hstrong: ∀ θ ϕ : form, Γ ⊎ {[foldl make_conj θ (nodup form_eq_dec Δ)]} ⊢ ϕ
→ (Γ ⊎ list_to_set_disj Δ) ⊎ {[θ]} ⊢ ϕ).
induction Δ as [|δ Δ]; intros θ ϕ; simpl.
- intro Hp. peapply Hp.
- case in_dec; intros Hin Hp.
+ peapply (weakening δ). apply IHΔ, Hp. ms.
+ simpl in Hp. apply IHΔ in Hp.
peapply (AndL_rev (Γ ⊎ list_to_set_disj Δ) θ δ). apply make_conj_complete_L, Hp.
intros; apply additive_cut with (φ := ⊤); eauto with proof.
Lemma conjunction_R {K : Kind} Δ: list_to_set_disj Δ ⊢ ⋀ Δ.
apply conjunction_R1. intros φ Hφ. apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj in Hφ.
exhibit Hφ 0. apply generalised_axiom.
Lemma conjunction_L'' {K : Kind} Γ Δ ϕ:
Γ ⊎ list_to_set_disj Δ ⊢ ϕ -> (Γ ⊎ {[⋀ Δ]} ⊢ ϕ).
revert ϕ. unfold conjunction.
assert( Hstrong: ∀ θ ϕ : form,(Γ ⊎ list_to_set_disj Δ) ⊎ {[θ]} ⊢ ϕ -> Γ ⊎ {[foldl make_conj θ (nodup form_eq_dec Δ)]} ⊢ ϕ).
induction Δ as [|δ Δ]; intros θ ϕ; simpl.
- intro Hp. peapply Hp.
- case in_dec; intros Hin Hp.
+ apply IHΔ.
assert(Hin' : δ ∈ (Γ ⊎ list_to_set_disj Δ)).
{ apply gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union; right; apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj, elem_of_list_In, Hin. }
exhibit Hin' 1.
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (env_add_comm _ _ _) _ _ eq_refl).
apply contraction. exch 1. exch 0.
rw (symmetry (difference_singleton _ _ Hin')) 2. peapply Hp.
+ simpl. apply IHΔ. apply make_conj_sound_L, AndL. peapply Hp.
intros. apply Hstrong, weakening. assumption.
- choose_impl_weight: The weight of the chosen implication is less than or equal to the weight of the implication.
- choose_impl_top_weight: The weight of the chosen implication with ⊤ is less than or equal to the weight of the formula.
- obviously_smaller_top_not_Eq: ⊤ is not obviously smaller than any formula.
- contextual_simp_form_weight: The simplified form of a formula in a given context is either ⊤, or has a weight less than or equal to the original formula.
Lemma choose_impl_weight {K : Kind} φ ψ: weight (choose_impl φ ψ) ≤ weight (φ → ψ).
pose (weight_pos φ). pose (weight_pos ψ).
unfold choose_impl; repeat case decide; intros; simpl; lia.
Lemma choose_impl_top_weight {K : Kind} ψ: weight (choose_impl ⊤ ψ) ≤ weight ψ.
pose (weight_pos ψ).
unfold choose_impl; repeat case decide; intros; try lia.
- destruct (weight_tautology ψ).
+ apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT in e.
apply additive_cut with ⊤; auto with proof.
+ subst; simpl in *; tauto || lia.
+ subst; simpl in *; tauto || lia.
- destruct (weight_tautology ψ).
+ apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT in e.
apply additive_cut with ⊤; auto with proof.
+ subst; simpl in *; tauto || lia.
+ subst; simpl in *; tauto || lia.
- contradict n. apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT. auto with proof.
- contradict n0. apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT. auto with proof.
- contradict n2. apply obviously_smaller_compatible_LT. auto with proof.
Lemma obviously_smaller_top_not_Eq {K : Kind} φ: obviously_smaller ⊤ φ ≠ Eq.
unfold obviously_smaller.
case Provable_dec. discriminate. intro. case Provable_dec. discriminate.
intro Hf. contradict Hf. auto with proof.