Simplifications for formulas and contexts
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
Require Import ISL.Sequents ISL.SequentProps.
Require Import ISL.Order ISL.DecisionProcedure.
Require Import ISL.Cut.
Require Import ISL.Optimizations. (* NB This import must come last. *)
Require Import ISL.Simplifications.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Module S <: SimpT.
Applicability of rules
Definition applicable_AndL {K : Kind} (Γ : list form):
{ψ1 & {ψ2 | (And ψ1 ψ2) ∈ Γ}} + (∀ ψ1 ψ2, (And ψ1 ψ2) ∈ Γ -> False).
pose (fA := (fun θ => match θ with |And _ _ => true | _ => false end)).
destruct (exists_dec fA Γ) as [(θ & Hin & Hθ) | Hf].
- left. subst fA. destruct θ. 3: { eexists. eexists. apply elem_of_list_In. eauto. }
all: auto with *.
- right. intros ψ1 ψ2 Hψ. rewrite elem_of_list_In in Hψ. apply Hf in Hψ. subst fA. simpl in Hψ. tauto.
Definition applicable_ImpLVar {K : Kind} (Γ : list form):
{q & {ψ | Var q ∈ Γ /\ (Implies (Var q) ψ) ∈ Γ}} +
(∀ q ψ, Var q ∈ Γ -> (Implies (Var q) ψ) ∈ Γ -> False).
pose (fIp :=λ p θ, match θ with | Implies (Var q) _ =>
if decide (p = q) then true else false | _ => false end).
pose (fp:= (fun θ => match θ with |Var p =>
if (exists_dec (fIp p) Γ) then true else false | _ => false end)).
destruct (exists_dec fp Γ) as [(θ & Hin & Hθ) | Hf].
- left. subst fp. destruct θ. 2-6: auto with *.
case exists_dec as [(ψ &Hinψ & Hψ)|] in Hθ; [|auto with *].
unfold fIp in Hψ. destruct ψ. 1-4, 6: auto with *.
destruct ψ1. 2-6: auto with *. case decide in Hψ; [|auto with *].
subst. apply elem_of_list_In in Hinψ, Hin.
do 2 eexists. split; eauto.
- right. intros q ψ Hp Hψ. rewrite elem_of_list_In in Hp, Hψ.
apply Hf in Hp. subst fp fIp.
simpl in Hp. case exists_dec as [|Hf'] in Hp. auto with *.
apply (Hf' _ Hψ). rewrite decide_True; trivial. auto with *.
Definition applicable_ImpLAnd {K : Kind} (Γ : list form):
{φ1 & {φ2 & {φ3 | (Implies (And φ1 φ2) φ3) ∈ Γ}}} +
(∀ φ1 φ2 φ3, (Implies (And φ1 φ2) φ3) ∈ Γ -> False).
pose (fII := (fun θ => match θ with |Implies (And _ _) _ => true
| _ => false end)).
destruct (exists_dec fII Γ) as [(θ & Hin & Hθ) | Hf].
- left. subst fII. destruct θ. 1-4, 6: auto with *.
destruct θ1. 1-2,4-6: auto with *.
do 3 eexists; apply elem_of_list_In; eauto.
- right. intros ψ1 ψ2 ψ3 Hψ. rewrite elem_of_list_In in Hψ.
apply Hf in Hψ. subst fII. simpl in Hψ. tauto.
Definition applicable_ImpLOr {K : Kind} (Γ : list form):
{φ1 & {φ2 & {φ3 | (Implies (Or φ1 φ2) φ3) ∈ Γ}}} +
(∀ φ1 φ2 φ3, (Implies (Or φ1 φ2) φ3) ∈ Γ -> False).
pose (fII := (fun θ => match θ with |Implies (Or _ _) _ => true | _ => false end)).
destruct (exists_dec fII Γ) as [(θ & Hin & Hθ) | Hf].
- left. subst fII. destruct θ. 1-4, 6: auto with *.
destruct θ1. 1-3, 5-6: auto with *. do 3 eexists; apply elem_of_list_In; eauto.
- right. intros ψ1 ψ2 ψ3 Hψ. rewrite elem_of_list_In in Hψ.
apply Hf in Hψ. subst fII. simpl in Hψ. tauto.
(* Probably very costly *)
Definition applicable_strong_weakening {K : Kind} (Γ : list form):
{φ : form | φ ∈ Γ /\ exists (_ : list_to_set_disj (rm φ Γ) ⊢ φ), True}
+ (∀ φ, φ ∈ Γ -> forall (_ : list_to_set_disj (rm φ Γ) ⊢ φ), False).
destruct (exists_dec (λ φ, if Provable_dec (rm φ Γ) φ then true else false) Γ) as [[φ [Hin Hφ]]| Hf].
- left. exists φ; split.
+ now apply elem_of_list_In.
+ destruct ((rm φ Γ) ⊢? φ). trivial. contradict Hφ.
- right. intros φ Hin Hφ. apply (Hf φ). now apply elem_of_list_In.
destruct ((rm φ Γ) ⊢? φ). auto with *. tauto.
Ternary if notation
This section defines a set of functions and notations for handling ternary conditional logic. The functions sumor_bind0, sumor_bind1, sumor_bind2, and sumor_bind3 provide a way to handle different levels of nested dependent sums and propositions. Each function takes a sum type and applies a function to the left component if it exists, or returns a default value otherwise. The notations `cond '?' A '⋮₀' B`, `cond '?' A '⋮₁' B`, `cond '?' A '⋮₂' B`, and `cond '?' A '⋮₃' B` are provided to simplify the usage of these functions. This notation is used in the definition of simp_env.
Definition sumor_bind0 {A} {B : Prop} {C}:
A + B -> (A -> C) -> C -> C :=
λ qH f c,
match qH with
| inl a => f a
| inr _ => c
Definition sumor_bind1 {A A'} {B : Prop} {C}:
{q : A | A' q} + B -> (forall x (_ : A' x), C) -> C -> C :=
λ qH f c,
match qH with
| inl (exist _ q Hq) => f q Hq
| inr _ => c
Definition sumor_bind2 {A A' A''} {B : Prop} {C}:
{q : A & {r : A' | A'' q r}} + B -> (forall x y (_ : A'' x y), C) -> C -> C :=
λ qH f c,
match qH with
| inl (existT q (exist _ r Hq)) => f q r Hq
| inr _ => c
Definition sumor_bind3 {A A' A'' A'''} {B : Prop} {C}:
{q : A & {r : A' & { s : A'' | A''' q r s}}} + B ->
(forall x y z (_ : A''' x y z), C) -> C -> C :=
λ qH f c,
match qH with
| inl (existT q (existT r (exist _ s Hq))) => f q r s Hq
| inr _ => c
Notation "cond '?' A '⋮₀' B" := (sumor_bind0 cond A B) (at level 150, right associativity).
Notation "cond '?' A '⋮₁' B" := (sumor_bind1 cond A B) (at level 150, right associativity).
Notation "cond '?' A '⋮₂' B" := (sumor_bind2 cond A B) (at level 150, right associativity).
Notation "cond '?' A '⋮₃' B" := (sumor_bind3 cond A B) (at level 150, right associativity).
Local Notation "Δ '•' φ" := (cons φ Δ) : list_scope.
A + B -> (A -> C) -> C -> C :=
λ qH f c,
match qH with
| inl a => f a
| inr _ => c
Definition sumor_bind1 {A A'} {B : Prop} {C}:
{q : A | A' q} + B -> (forall x (_ : A' x), C) -> C -> C :=
λ qH f c,
match qH with
| inl (exist _ q Hq) => f q Hq
| inr _ => c
Definition sumor_bind2 {A A' A''} {B : Prop} {C}:
{q : A & {r : A' | A'' q r}} + B -> (forall x y (_ : A'' x y), C) -> C -> C :=
λ qH f c,
match qH with
| inl (existT q (exist _ r Hq)) => f q r Hq
| inr _ => c
Definition sumor_bind3 {A A' A'' A'''} {B : Prop} {C}:
{q : A & {r : A' & { s : A'' | A''' q r s}}} + B ->
(forall x y z (_ : A''' x y z), C) -> C -> C :=
λ qH f c,
match qH with
| inl (existT q (existT r (exist _ s Hq))) => f q r s Hq
| inr _ => c
Notation "cond '?' A '⋮₀' B" := (sumor_bind0 cond A B) (at level 150, right associativity).
Notation "cond '?' A '⋮₁' B" := (sumor_bind1 cond A B) (at level 150, right associativity).
Notation "cond '?' A '⋮₂' B" := (sumor_bind2 cond A B) (at level 150, right associativity).
Notation "cond '?' A '⋮₃' B" := (sumor_bind3 cond A B) (at level 150, right associativity).
Local Notation "Δ '•' φ" := (cons φ Δ) : list_scope.
Definition of contextual simplification
Equations contextual_simp_form {K : Kind} : list form -> form -> form :=
| Δ, φ1 ∧ φ2 := let φ2' := (contextual_simp_form (φ1 :: Δ) φ2) in
choose_conj (contextual_simp_form (φ2' :: Δ) φ1) φ2';
| Δ, φ1 ∨ φ2 := choose_disj (contextual_simp_form Δ φ1) (contextual_simp_form Δ φ2);
| Δ, φ1 → φ2 := choose_impl (contextual_simp_form Δ φ1) (contextual_simp_form (φ1 :: Δ) φ2)
| Δ, φ => if (Δ ⊢? φ) then ⊤ else φ (* TODO: simplify under box *)
Weight lemmas
This section contains several lemmas related to the properties of logical formulas and their weights in the context of the Lindenbaum-Tarski preorder. The lemmas are used to reason about the relationship between the weights of formulas and their simplified forms.Lemma contextual_simp_form_weight {K : Kind} Δ (φ : @form K):
contextual_simp_form Δ φ = ⊤ /\
(φ = Bot
\/ (exists Heq : K = Modal, eq_rect K (fun K => @form K) φ Modal Heq = □ ⊥)
\/ exists (v : variable),
(φ = v \/
exists Heq : K = Modal, eq_rect K (fun K => @form K) φ Modal Heq = □ v)
) \/
(weight (contextual_simp_form Δ φ) ≤ weight φ).
induction φ; simp contextual_simp_form; simpl.
1, 2: (case Provable_dec; simpl; [left; intuition; eauto| right; lia]).
1-3:right; try pose (weight_pos φ1); try pose (weight_pos φ2).
- pose (contextual_simp_form (Δ • φ1) φ2) as φ2'.
destruct (IHφ1 (φ2' :: Δ)) as [[Heq1 _]| Hle1];
destruct (IHφ2 (φ1 :: Δ)) as [[Heq2 _]| Hle2];
repeat rewrite ?Heq1, ?Heq2; subst φ2'.
+ setoid_rewrite choose_conj_topL. rewrite Heq2 in Heq1. rewrite Heq1. simpl. lia.
+ unfold choose_conj. rewrite Heq1.
case_eq (obviously_smaller ⊤ (contextual_simp_form (φ1 :: Δ) φ2)).
* intro Hf. contradict Hf. apply obviously_smaller_top_not_Eq.
* intro. simpl; lia.
* intro. destruct (IHφ2 (φ1 :: Δ)); lia.
+ setoid_rewrite choose_conj_topL. pose (weight_pos φ1); pose (weight_pos φ2).
simpl. destruct (IHφ1 (⊤ :: Δ)) as [[e _]|]. rewrite e. simpl. lia. lia.
+ unfold choose_conj. destruct obviously_smaller; simpl; lia.
- destruct (IHφ1 Δ) as [[Heq1 _] | Hle1]; destruct (IHφ2 Δ) as [[Heq2 _] | Hle2];
repeat rewrite ?Heq1, ?Heq2; unfold choose_disj.
+ rewrite (obviously_smaller_compatible_LT _ _).2. simpl; lia. apply generalised_axiom.
+ case_eq (obviously_smaller ⊤ (contextual_simp_form Δ φ2)).
* intro Hf. contradict Hf. apply obviously_smaller_top_not_Eq.
* intro. right. lia.
* intro. simpl; lia.
+ rewrite (obviously_smaller_compatible_LT _ _).2. simpl; lia.
auto with proof.
+ destruct obviously_smaller; simpl; lia.
- pose (weight_pos φ1). pose (weight_pos φ2).
destruct (IHφ1 Δ) as [[Heq1 _] | Hle1];
destruct (IHφ2 (φ1 :: Δ)) as [[Heq2 _] | Hle2];
repeat rewrite ?Heq1, ?Heq2.
+ etransitivity. apply choose_impl_top_weight. simpl. lia.
+ etransitivity. apply choose_impl_top_weight. simpl. lia.
+ unfold choose_impl.
rewrite (obviously_smaller_compatible_LT _ ⊤).2; simpl. lia.
auto with proof.
+ etransitivity. apply choose_impl_weight. simpl. lia.
- dependent destruction φ.
3-5:right; try pose (weight_pos φ1); try pose (weight_pos φ2);
case Provable_dec; simpl; lia.
+ case Provable_dec; simpl; [| right; now lia].
left; intuition; right; right; eexists; right. exists eq_refl. eauto.
+ case Provable_dec; simpl; [| right; now lia].
left; intuition. right. left. exists eq_refl. eauto.
+ case Provable_dec; simpl; [| right; now lia]. pose (weight_pos φ). lia.
Simplifying environments
Definition applicable_contextual_simp_form {K : Kind} Δ:
{φ & {φ' | φ ∈ Δ /\ φ' = contextual_simp_form (rm φ Δ) φ /\ weight φ' < weight φ}} +
(forall φ, φ ∈ Δ -> weight(contextual_simp_form (rm φ Δ) φ) ≥ weight φ).
(* try not to do the simplification twice. *)
assert(Hs: forall φ, {φ' | φ' = contextual_simp_form (rm φ Δ) φ /\ weight φ' < weight φ} +
(weight(contextual_simp_form (rm φ Δ) φ) ≥ weight φ)).
{ intros φ. remember (contextual_simp_form (rm φ Δ) φ) as φ'.
case (decide (weight φ' < weight φ)).
- intro Hlt. left. exists φ'. tauto.
- right. lia.
destruct (exists_dec (λ φ, if Hs φ then true else false) Δ) as [[φ [Hin HH]]| Hf].
- destruct (Hs φ) as [[φ' [Heq Hw]]| Hf].
+ left. exists φ. exists φ'. repeat split; trivial. now apply elem_of_list_In.
+ contradict HH.
- right. intros φ Hin. apply elem_of_list_In in Hin. apply Hf in Hin.
destruct (Hs φ) as [|Hf']. auto with *. apply Hf'.
Local Obligation Tactic := (simpl; intuition order_tac).
Section SimpEnv.
Context {K : Kind} .
Program Fixpoint simp_env (Δ : list form) {wf env_order Δ} : list form :=
(* invertible left rules *)
if Δ ⊢? ⊥ then [⊥] else
applicable_AndL Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ _, simp_env ((rm (δ₁ ∧ δ₂) Δ•δ₁)•δ₂) ⋮₂
applicable_ImpLVar Δ ? λ q ψ _, simp_env ((rm (Var q → ψ) Δ • ψ)) ⋮₂
applicable_ImpLAnd Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ δ₃ _, simp_env ((rm ((δ₁ ∧ δ₂)→ δ₃) Δ • (δ₁ → (δ₂ → δ₃)))) ⋮₃
applicable_ImpLOr Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ δ₃ _, simp_env (rm ((δ₁ ∨ δ₂)→ δ₃) Δ • (δ₁ → δ₃) • (δ₂ → δ₃)) ⋮₃
(* remove redundant assumptions *)
applicable_strong_weakening Δ ? λ φ _, simp_env (rm φ Δ) ⋮₁
(* simplify individual formulas in their context. should be done earlier ?
this is probably quite costly *)
applicable_contextual_simp_form Δ? λ φ φ' _, simp_env(rm φ Δ • φ') ⋮₂
Next Obligation. apply Wf.measure_wf, wf_env_order. Qed.
Global Lemma simp_env_eq (Δ : list form): simp_env Δ =
(* invertible left rules *)
if Δ ⊢? ⊥ then [⊥] else
applicable_AndL Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ _, simp_env ((rm (δ₁ ∧ δ₂) Δ•δ₁)•δ₂) ⋮₂
applicable_ImpLVar Δ ? λ q ψ _, simp_env ((rm (Var q → ψ) Δ • ψ)) ⋮₂
applicable_ImpLAnd Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ δ₃ _, simp_env ((rm ((δ₁ ∧ δ₂)→ δ₃) Δ • (δ₁ → (δ₂ → δ₃)))) ⋮₃
applicable_ImpLOr Δ ? λ δ₁ δ₂ δ₃ _, simp_env (rm ((δ₁ ∨ δ₂)→ δ₃) Δ • (δ₁ → δ₃) • (δ₂ → δ₃)) ⋮₃
(* remove redundant assumptions *)
(applicable_strong_weakening Δ ? λ φ _, simp_env (rm φ Δ) ⋮₁
applicable_contextual_simp_form Δ? λ φ φ' _, simp_env(rm φ Δ • φ') ⋮₂
simpl. unfold simp_env. simpl.
repeat rewrite Wf.WfExtensionality.fix_sub_eq_ext; simpl. split; trivial.
End SimpEnv.
Definition simp_form {K : Kind} φ:= contextual_simp_form [] φ.
(* Simplification of formulas always decreases the weight.
This is due to the fact that the only formulas with lower weight than ⊤
are ⊥, v, □⊥, □v, which are not tautologies *)
Lemma simp_form_weight {K : Kind} φ : weight(simp_form φ) <= weight φ.
unfold simp_form.
destruct (contextual_simp_form_weight [] φ) as [(_ & [Hbot|[[HK Hbox]|[v [Ht | [HK Hb]]]]] )|Hw];
subst; simp contextual_simp_form; simpl.
- case Provable_dec; [|simpl; lia]. intros (Hf&_).
exfalso; apply bot_not_tautology. auto with proof.
- rewrite <- Eqdep.EqdepTheory.eq_rect_eq in Hbox. subst. simp contextual_simp_form.
destruct Provable_dec as [(Hf&_)|]; [|simpl; lia].
exfalso; apply box_bot_not_tautology. auto with proof.
- destruct Provable_dec as [(Hf&_)|]; [|simpl; lia].
exfalso; apply (var_not_tautology v). auto with proof.
- rewrite <- Eqdep.EqdepTheory.eq_rect_eq in Hb. subst. simp contextual_simp_form.
destruct Provable_dec as [(Hf&_)|]; [|simpl; lia].
exfalso; apply (box_var_not_tautology v). auto with proof.
Simplification and the weight ordering
Ltac simp_env_tac :=
let Hf := fresh "Hf" in
match goal with
| |- context[sumor_bind2 ?cond ?A ?B] =>
let φ1 := fresh "φ1" in let φ2 := fresh "φ2" in let Hc := fresh "Hc" in
destruct cond as [(φ1 & φ2 & Hc) | Hf]
| |- context[sumor_bind3 ?cond ?A ?B] =>
let φ1 := fresh "φ1" in let φ2 := fresh "φ2" in let φ3 := fresh "φ3" in let Hc := fresh "Hc" in
destruct cond as [(φ1 & φ2 & φ3 & Hc) | Hf]
| |- context[sumor_bind1 ?cond ?A ?B] =>
let φ1 := fresh "φ1" in let Hc := fresh "Hc" in
destruct cond as [(φ1 & Hc) | Hf]
end; simpl.
Lemma simp_env_order {K : Kind} Δ : env_order_refl (simp_env Δ) Δ.
revert Δ. apply (well_founded_induction_type wf_env_order). intros Δ Hind.
rewrite simp_env_eq.
case (Δ ⊢? ⊥).
{ intros [Hf _]. destruct Δ as [|φ Δ].
+ now apply bot_not_tautology in Hf.
+ unfold env_order_refl. do 2 rewrite env_weight_add. simpl. pose (weight_pos φ).
replace 5 with (0 + 5^1) at 1 by trivial. apply Nat.add_le_mono. lia.
apply Nat.pow_le_mono_r; lia.
intro Hbot.
repeat simp_env_tac.
all: try (apply env_order_env_order_refl; eapply env_order_le_lt_trans; [apply Hind|]; intuition; order_tac).
apply env_order_self.
Lemma simp_env_nil {K : Kind} : simp_env [] = [].
assert(Ho := simp_env_order []). destruct (simp_env []) as [|φ Δ].
contradict Ho. unfold env_order_refl. rewrite env_weight_add.
apply Nat.lt_nge.
unfold env_weight. simpl. pose(Order.pow5_gt_0 (weight φ)). lia.
End S.
Simplification is provably equivalent
Module SoundS.
Import S.
Section Equivalence.
Local Ltac peapply' th := (erewrite proper_Provable; [| |reflexivity]); [eapply th|equiv_tac].
Ltac l_tac' := repeat rewrite list_to_set_disj_open_boxes;
rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (symmetry (list_to_set_disj_env_add _ _)) _ _ eq_refl)
|| rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (symmetry (list_to_set_disj_env_add _ _))) _ _ eq_refl)
|| rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (symmetry (list_to_set_disj_env_add _ _)))) _ _ eq_refl)
|| rewrite (proper_Provable _ _ (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(equiv_disj_union_compat_r (equiv_disj_union_compat_r (symmetry (list_to_set_disj_env_add _ _))))) _ _ eq_refl).
Lemma contextual_simp_form_spec {K : Kind} Δ φ: φ ∈ Δ ->
equiv_env (rm φ Δ • contextual_simp_form (rm φ Δ) φ) Δ.
revert Δ. induction φ; intros Δ Hin; simp contextual_simp_form; simpl;
apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj in Hin.
- case Provable_dec; intro Hdec.
+ apply Provable_dec_of_Prop in Hdec.
* intros φ Hp. exhibit Hin 0. apply weakening. apply additive_cut with ⊤.
-- apply top_provable.
-- peapply' Hp.
* intros φ Hφ. simpl. peapply (weakening ⊤). apply additive_cut with v. exact Hdec.
-- peapply' Hφ.
-- equiv_tac.
+ split; intros φ Hp; peapply' Hp; equiv_tac.
- case Provable_dec; intro Hdec.
+ apply Provable_dec_of_Prop in Hdec.
* intros φ Hp. exhibit Hin 0. apply weakening. apply additive_cut with ⊤.
-- apply top_provable.
-- peapply' Hp.
* intros φ Hφ. peapply (weakening ⊤). apply additive_cut with ⊥. exact Hdec.
-- peapply' Hφ.
-- equiv_tac.
+ split; intros φ Hp; peapply' Hp; equiv_tac.
- simpl.
pose (φ2' := contextual_simp_form (rm (φ1 ∧ φ2) Δ • φ1) φ2).
assert(Hin2 : φ2 ∈ (φ2 :: φ1 :: rm (φ1 ∧ φ2) Δ)) by (left; trivial).
assert(Hin1 : φ1 ∈ (φ1 :: φ2' :: rm (φ1 ∧ φ2) Δ)) by (left; trivial).
split; intros φ Hp.
+ exhibit Hin 0. apply AndL.
assert(HH := (IHφ2 _ Hin2).1). simpl rm in HH; destruct form_eq_dec; [|tauto ].
peapply' HH. clear HH. do 2 l_tac'. exch 0.
assert(HH := (IHφ1 _ Hin1).1). simpl rm in HH; destruct form_eq_dec; [|tauto ].
peapply' HH. clear HH. do 2 l_tac'.
eapply additive_cut. apply choose_conj_sound_L; [|apply weakening]; apply generalised_axiom.
exch 0. apply weakening. exch 0. apply weakening. subst φ2'. peapply' Hp.
+ l_tac'.
apply additive_cut with ((contextual_simp_form (φ2' :: rm (φ1 ∧ φ2) Δ) φ1) ∧ (contextual_simp_form (φ1 :: rm (φ1 ∧ φ2) Δ) φ2)).
* apply generalised_weakeningL. peapply choose_conj_equiv_R.
-- apply generalised_axiom.
-- apply generalised_axiom.
-- ms.
* exch 0. apply weakening, AndL. exch 0.
assert(Hin2' : φ2' ∈ (φ2' :: contextual_simp_form (rm (φ1 ∧ φ2) Δ • φ2') φ1 :: rm (φ1 ∧ φ2) Δ)) by (left; trivial).
assert (HH := (IHφ1 _ Hin1).2).
simpl rm in HH; case form_eq_dec in HH; [|tauto ].
peapply' HH. clear HH. do 2 l_tac'. exch 0.
assert (HH := (IHφ2 _ Hin2).2).
simpl rm in HH; case form_eq_dec in HH; [|tauto ].
peapply' HH. clear HH. do 2 l_tac'. apply AndL_rev. peapply' Hp.
- assert(Hin1 : φ1 ∈ (φ1 :: rm (φ1 ∨ φ2) Δ)) by (left; trivial).
assert(Hin2 : φ2 ∈ (φ2 :: rm (φ1 ∨ φ2) Δ)) by (left; trivial).
split; intros φ Hp.
+ exhibit Hin 0. apply OrL.
* peapply' (IHφ1 _ Hin1).1.
simpl rm. destruct form_eq_dec; [|tauto ]. l_tac'.
eapply additive_cut.
-- apply choose_disj_sound_L1, generalised_axiom.
-- exch 0. apply weakening. peapply' Hp.
* peapply' (IHφ2 _ Hin2).1.
simpl rm. destruct form_eq_dec; [|tauto ]. l_tac'.
eapply additive_cut.
-- apply choose_disj_sound_L2, generalised_axiom.
-- exch 0. apply weakening. peapply' Hp.
+ l_tac'.
apply additive_cut with ((contextual_simp_form (rm (φ1 ∨ φ2) Δ) φ1) ∨ (contextual_simp_form (rm (φ1 ∨ φ2) Δ) φ2)).
* apply generalised_weakeningL. peapply choose_disj_equiv_R.
-- apply generalised_axiom.
-- apply generalised_axiom.
-- ms.
* exch 0. apply weakening.
destruct (OrL_rev (list_to_set_disj (rm (φ1 ∨ φ2) Δ)) φ1 φ2 φ) as [Hp1 Hp2].
-- peapply' Hp.
-- apply OrL.
++ peapply (IHφ1 _ Hin1);
[| simpl rm; destruct form_eq_dec; [|tauto ]; ms]. peapply Hp1.
++ peapply (IHφ2 _ Hin2);
[| simpl rm; destruct form_eq_dec; [|tauto ]; ms]. peapply Hp2.
- assert(Hin1 : φ1 ∈ (φ1 :: rm (φ1 → φ2) Δ)) by (left; trivial).
assert(Hin2 : φ2 ∈ (φ2 :: φ1 :: rm (φ1 → φ2) Δ)) by (left; trivial).
split; intros φ Hp.
+ exhibit Hin 0.
apply additive_cut with ( choose_impl (contextual_simp_form (rm (φ1 → φ2) Δ) φ1)
(contextual_simp_form (rm (φ1 → φ2) Δ • φ1) φ2)).
* apply choose_impl_sound_R, ImpR. exch 0.
assert (Hp1:=(IHφ1 _ Hin1).2).
simpl rm in Hp1. destruct form_eq_dec in Hp1; [|tauto ].
apply ImpR_rev. peapply' Hp1. l_tac'.
apply ImpR, ImpL. exch 0. apply generalised_axiom.
peapply' (IHφ2 _ Hin2).1.
simpl rm. destruct form_eq_dec; [|tauto ]. l_tac'. apply generalised_axiom.
* exch 0. apply weakening. peapply' Hp.
+ l_tac'. apply choose_impl_sound_L. apply additive_cut with (φ1 → φ2).
* apply ImpR. exch 0. apply ImpL.
-- apply weakening. peapply (IHφ1 _ Hin1).1.
l_tac'. simpl rm. destruct form_eq_dec; [|tauto ]. apply generalised_axiom.
-- l_tac. peapply' (IHφ2 _ Hin2).2.
++ l_tac'. apply generalised_axiom.
++ simpl rm. destruct form_eq_dec; [|tauto ]. equiv_tac.
* exch 0. apply weakening. peapply' Hp.
- destruct Provable_dec as [Hdec|Hdec].
+ apply Provable_dec_of_Prop in Hdec.
* intros φ0 Hp. exhibit Hin 0. apply weakening. apply additive_cut with ⊤.
-- apply top_provable.
-- peapply' Hp.
* intros φ0 Hφ. l_tac'. apply weakening. apply additive_cut with (□ φ). exact Hdec.
peapply' Hφ.
+ split; intros φ0 Hp; peapply' Hp; equiv_tac.
Hint Resolve elem_of_list_to_set_disj : proof.
Lemma equiv_env_simp_env {K : Kind} Δ: equiv_env (simp_env Δ) Δ.
revert Δ. apply (well_founded_induction_type wf_env_order). intros Δ Hind.
rewrite simp_env_eq.
case (Δ ⊢? ⊥).
{ intro Hf. apply Provable_dec_of_Prop in Hf.
split; intros φ Hp.
+ apply exfalso. assumption.
+ simpl. peapply (ExFalso ∅).
intro Hbot.
repeat simp_env_tac; (try (eapply equiv_env_trans; [apply Hind; intuition; order_tac|])).
- apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj in Hc.
split; intros φ Hp.
+ exhibit Hc 0. apply AndL. peapply' Hp.
+ do 2 l_tac'. apply AndL_rev. peapply' Hp.
- destruct Hc as [Hc1 Hc2]. apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj in Hc1, Hc2.
assert(Hc3: Var φ1 ∈ (list_to_set_disj Δ ∖ {[φ1 → φ2]} : env)).
{ apply in_difference. intro HF. discriminate HF. assumption. }
split; intros φ Hp.
+ exhibit Hc2 0. exhibit Hc3 1. peapply ImpLVar. peapply' Hp.
+ l_tac'. peapply' (ImpLVar_rev (list_to_set_disj (rm φ1 (rm (φ1 → φ2) Δ))) φ1 φ2).
peapply' Hp.
- apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj in Hc0.
split; intros φ Hp.
+ exhibit Hc0 0. apply ImpLAnd. peapply' Hp.
+ l_tac'. apply ImpLAnd_rev. peapply' Hp.
- apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj in Hc0.
split; intros φ Hp.
+ exhibit Hc0 0. apply ImpLOr. peapply' Hp.
+ do 2 l_tac'. apply ImpLOr_rev. peapply' Hp.
- destruct Hc0 as [Hc0 Hφ1]. apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj in Hc0.
split; intros φ Hp.
+ exhibit Hc0 0. apply weakening. peapply' Hp.
+ apply Provable_dec_of_Prop in Hφ1.
apply additive_cut with φ0. trivial. peapply' Hp.
- destruct Hc as [Hc [Heq Hw]]. apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj in Hc.
subst. apply contextual_simp_form_spec. now apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj.
- apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj in Hc.
split; intros φ Hp.
+ exhibit Hc 0. apply ImpLAnd. peapply' Hp.
+ l_tac'. apply ImpLAnd_rev. peapply' Hp.
- apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj in Hc.
split; intros φ Hp.
+ exhibit Hc 0. apply ImpLOr. peapply' Hp.
+ do 2 l_tac'. apply ImpLOr_rev. peapply' Hp.
- destruct Hc as [Hc Hφ1]. apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj in Hc.
split; intros φ Hp.
+ exhibit Hc 0. apply weakening. peapply' Hp.
+ apply Provable_dec_of_Prop in Hφ1.
apply additive_cut with φ1. trivial. peapply' Hp.
- apply equiv_env_refl.
Lemma equiv_form_simp_form {K : Kind} φ : equiv_form (simp_form φ) φ.
assert (Hφ := contextual_simp_form_spec [φ] φ).
simpl in Hφ. destruct form_eq_dec in Hφ; [|tauto].
apply equiv_env_equiv_form. apply Hφ. auto with *.
End Equivalence.
Section Variables.
Simplification does not introduce new variables
Local Ltac occ p := simpl; tauto ||
match goal with
| Hnin : ∀ φ0 : form, φ0 ∈ ?Γ → ¬ occurs_in p φ0 |- _ =>
let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
try (match goal with |Hocc : ?a ∈ ?Γ |- _ => let Hocc' := fresh "Hocc" in assert (Hocc' := Hnin _ Hocc); simpl in Hocc';
let Hin' := fresh "Hinx" in assert(Hin' := In_open_boxes _ _ Hocc); simpl in *;
try rewrite open_boxes_remove in * by trivial end);
intro; repeat rewrite env_in_add; repeat rewrite difference_include; simpl;
intro Hin; try tauto;
try (destruct Hin as [Hin|[Hin|Hin]] ||destruct Hin as [Hin|Hin]);
subst; simpl; try tauto;
repeat (apply difference_include in Hin; [|assumption]);
try (now apply Hnin)
Lemma occurs_in_contextual_simp_form {K : Kind} x Δ φ:
occurs_in x (contextual_simp_form Δ φ) -> occurs_in x φ.
revert Δ. induction φ; intro Δ; simp contextual_simp_form; try destruct Provable_dec;
intros; simpl in *; try tauto.
- apply occurs_in_choose_conj in H. pose (φ2' := contextual_simp_form (Δ • φ1) φ2).
specialize (IHφ1 (φ2' :: Δ)); specialize (IHφ2 (φ1 :: Δ)). tauto.
- apply occurs_in_choose_disj in H. specialize (IHφ1 Δ); specialize (IHφ2 Δ). tauto.
- apply occurs_in_choose_impl in H. specialize (IHφ1 Δ); specialize (IHφ2 (φ1 :: Δ)). tauto.
Lemma equiv_env_vars {K : Kind} Δ x:
(∃ θ : form, ((θ ∈ simp_env Δ) /\ occurs_in x θ)) ->
∃ θ : form, ((θ ∈ Δ) /\ occurs_in x θ).
revert Δ. refine (well_founded_induction_type wf_env_order _ _). intros Δ Hind.
rewrite (simp_env_eq Δ).
case (Δ ⊢? ⊥).
{ intros _ [θ [Hin Hocc]]. apply elem_of_list_singleton in Hin. subst. contradict Hocc. }
intro Hbot.
repeat simp_env_tac; trivial.
all:(decompose record Hc; try decompose record Hc0;
intro Hocc; apply Hind in Hocc; [|order_tac]; destruct Hocc as [θ [Hin Hocc]];
apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj in Hin;
repeat rewrite <- ?list_to_set_disj_env_add, gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union in Hin;
repeat ((try apply elem_of_list_to_set_disj, elem_of_list_In, in_rm, elem_of_list_In in Hin;
try apply gmultiset_elem_of_singleton in Hin;
try apply occurs_in_contextual_simp_form in Hocc;
subst; try solve[eexists; split; simpl in *; eauto; simpl in *; eauto || tauto]) ||
destruct Hin as [Hin | Hin] ||
match goal with | Hin : ?a ∈ _ |- _ => exists a; split; trivial; simpl in *; tauto end)).
Lemma occurs_in_simp_form {K : Kind} x φ: occurs_in x (simp_form φ) → occurs_in x φ.
Proof. apply occurs_in_contextual_simp_form. Qed.
End Variables.
The simp_env function is idempotent.
Lemma simp_env_idempotent {K : Kind} Δ: simp_env (simp_env Δ) = simp_env Δ.
revert Δ. apply (well_founded_induction_type wf_env_order). intros Δ Hind.
rewrite (simp_env_eq Δ).
case (Δ ⊢? ⊥).
{ intro e. rewrite simp_env_eq. case ([⊥] ⊢? ⊥). trivial. intro Hf. contradict Hf.
simpl. peapply (ExFalso ∅). }
intro Hbot.
repeat simp_env_tac; (try (intuition; apply Hind; order_tac)).
rewrite simp_env_eq.
case (Δ ⊢? ⊥); [intros [He _]; tauto| intros _].
repeat simp_env_tac; try (try (apply Provable_dec_of_Prop in Hc); contradict Hc; intuition; eauto); trivial.
- eapply Nat.le_ngt. eapply Hf1. eauto. subst; trivial.
- eapply Nat.le_ngt. eapply Hf1. eauto. subst; trivial.
- eapply Hf4. eauto. now apply Provable_dec_of_Prop.
End SoundS.
revert Δ. apply (well_founded_induction_type wf_env_order). intros Δ Hind.
rewrite (simp_env_eq Δ).
case (Δ ⊢? ⊥).
{ intro e. rewrite simp_env_eq. case ([⊥] ⊢? ⊥). trivial. intro Hf. contradict Hf.
simpl. peapply (ExFalso ∅). }
intro Hbot.
repeat simp_env_tac; (try (intuition; apply Hind; order_tac)).
rewrite simp_env_eq.
case (Δ ⊢? ⊥); [intros [He _]; tauto| intros _].
repeat simp_env_tac; try (try (apply Provable_dec_of_Prop in Hc); contradict Hc; intuition; eauto); trivial.
- eapply Nat.le_ngt. eapply Hf1. eauto. subst; trivial.
- eapply Nat.le_ngt. eapply Hf1. eauto. subst; trivial.
- eapply Hf4. eauto. now apply Provable_dec_of_Prop.
End SoundS.